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Thread: Boys over Flowers - Korean show

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Default Boys over Flowers - Korean show

    Just finished all 25 episodes of this series. A very Delta/Fi-centric show, I thought. Here are my impressions of the characters/actors:

    Geum Jan Di (Ku Hye Sun) - Delta NF - EII? I'm thinking her behavior demonstrated a lot of Se-POLR. No doubt she was Fi-dom. And very infantile. VERY.

    Goo Joon Pyo (Lee Min Ho) - LSE; I think he was functioning in his Id before he met Jan Di, because of his anger and social isolation, which made him seem SLE at first. However, he responded extremely well to "lessons" in Fi from Jan Di and fell in love with her in the process, which makes him LSE. (I think he's an ST, not LIE, but I could be convinced otherwise, seemed to be a caregiver too). Previous to meeting Jan Di, he did get Fi to some extent from his F4 friends and sister, but not dominant Fi.

    Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong) - Si-dom or EII or Ni-dom. He was one of the harder ones for me to type. At first he seemed Ni-dom in a way, because of his apparent dreaminess and almost seeming psychic in terms of being where Jan Di needed him, in just the nick of time. However, it became apparent later that often Ji Hoo would appear places because Joon Pyo would send him a text to go rescue her whenever he was in trouble. Ji Hoo's dreaminess also later seemed retrospectively to be possibly Fi-motivated wistfulness about his love (for Seo Hyun initially; for Jan Di later) and guilt about his family's accident. Instead he seemed more stoic than dreamy, and demonstrated himself to be very focused on caregiving. An alternative typing besides SLI might be Jan Di's identical EII. They even have similar demeanors (except Jan Di is much more clumsy) and smiles. I could also see Ji Hoo possibly being Joon Pyo's dual, though wouldn't explain why Joon Pyo was so undualized initially. His demeanor just seems much more refined compared to what i think of with SLIs (contrast, his grandpa who i think is Te-SLI). Maybe he was ILI? I guess Ji Hoo is just all types rolled into one... I felt like he was portrayed as the epitome of perfection on the show.

    So Yi Jung (Kim Bum) - IEE. OK this is in part because I've seen him typed IEE in Eunice's Asian typelist thread, but i stuck with it because it didn't see a reason he couldn't be. He does have that typical IEE smile, and he'd been a big Don Juan type before he got over his unrequited love for Eun Jae and fell in love with Gaeul (his identical)

    Song Woo Bin (Kim Joon) - Ne-IEE. Looks it (he reminded me of Ssmall actually ), and was reputed to be a "Casanova" with women (i guess stereotypical for for male IEEs).

    Chu Gaeul (Kim So Eun) - Fi-IEE? delta NF for sure. Her demeanor just reminded me a LOT of myself.

    Joon Pyo's mother (Lee Hye Yeong) - SLE. Obsessively power-focused, absolutely ruthless. The benchmark SLE if there ever was one.

    Joon Pyo's sister (Kim Hyun Joo) - SEE maybe? she has an easier time standing up to and influencing the mother than the others. Proficient in Fi and highly valuing of it.

    Ha Jae Kyung (Joon Pyo's "fiancee") (Lee Min Jeong) - SEE or LSE. SEE I think, just based on the way she approached trying to make Joon Pyo like her (a little aggressive). Alternatively, she may have been Joon Pyo's identical (LSE)... they seemed to have eerily similar thought processes and ideas (the J J tokens, the watching the horror movie, etc). She approached wooing Joon Pyo by trying to be his caregiver, which he really didn't care for.

    Sunny, Ginger, Miranda (mean girls clique) - betas (the leader is SLE i'm pretty sure)

    Ji Hoo's grandfather (the former president of Korea) - Te-SLI?

    Jan Di's parents & little bro - alphas? WAYYY too hyper.
    Last edited by Suz; 04-30-2012 at 03:37 AM.
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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Oh and i am officially a Korean TV show addict.

    I absolutely LOVED this show.
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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    Haven't really seen the show, but I'd prob'ly tag Kim Hyun Joong, like, ...LIE or something.

    Why he played a girl in this, I'm not sure, though.
    Oh really? LIE? u think? I guess ILI wasn't too far off then... I saw Eunice had thought EII vs LII for him in the past. Can't really see LII though, as I did think as his whole being emanates Fi-valuing.

    OMG u have to watch it. It's on Netflix and Hulu.

    Let me know your thoughts when u do!
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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    Haven't really seen the show, but I'd prob'ly tag Kim Hyun Joong, like, ...LIE or something.

    Why he played a girl in this, I'm not sure, though.
    OK so this is making me think...

    Maybe Jan Di was ESI.

    So thus, Joon Pyo (LSE) + Jan Di (ESI) = semi duals (thus they were always fighting, but highly attracted to each other)

    In contrast Ji Hoo (LIE) + Jan Di (ESI) = duals (a quiet, comfortable relationship; she even called him her "soulmate" at the end)

    Jan Di just seemed soooooooooo infantile to me (her walk, the way she chewed, the way she dressed, the way she talked). I'm not too good at typing ESIs though, so maybe it's still consistent.

    Also I think if Joon Pyo and Jan Di were semi-duals, the relationship wouldn't really last as strongly as it did or run as deeply. Though for some reason I am thinking that semi duals having Fi in common (or Fe in common) would probably be stronger than semi duals with an Fi-Fe mismatch. Really unsure about that though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Oh and i am officially a Korean TV show addict.

    I absolutely LOVED this show.
    A lot of Korean TV shows do seem Delta-centric imo. I guess that's probably why I like them too. You can consider watching "Prosecuter Princess". The leading female character is Fi-ENFp (Actress is Ne-INFj).

    Here are my opinions on the characters / actors:

    Character: Geum Jan Di - Ne-INFj
    Actor: Ku Hye Sun - Ne-INFj

    Character: Goo Joon Pyo - Si-ESTj
    Actor: Lee Min Ho - ?-ENTp

    Character: Yoon Ji Hoo - Fi-INFj
    Actor: Kim Hyun Joong - Delta Rational

    Character: So Yi Jung - Fi-ENFp
    Actor: Kim Bum - Fi-ENFp

    Character: Song Woo Bin - Ne-ENFp
    Actor: Kim Joon - Ne-ENFp

    Chu Gaeul - ?-ENFp
    Kim So Eun - ?-ENFp

    Ha Jae Kyung (Joon Pyo's "fiancee"): Te-ISTp
    Lee Min Jeong: Ni-INTp

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
    A lot of Korean TV shows do seem Delta-centric imo. I guess that's probably why I like them too. You can consider watching "Prosecuter Princess". The leading female character is Fi-ENFp (Actress is Ne-INFj).

    Here are my opinions on the characters / actors:

    Character: Geum Jan Di - Ne-INFj
    Actor: Ku Hye Sun - Ne-INFj

    Character: Goo Joon Pyo - Si-ESTj
    Actor: Lee Min Ho - ?-ENTp

    Character: Yoon Ji Hoo - Fi-INFj
    Actor: Kim Hyun Joong - Delta Rational

    Character: So Yi Jung - Fi-ENFp
    Actor: Kim Bum - Fi-ENFp

    Character: Song Woo Bin - Ne-ENFp
    Actor: Kim Joon - Ne-ENFp

    Chu Gaeul - ?-ENFp
    Kim So Eun - ?-ENFp

    Ha Jae Kyung (Joon Pyo's "fiancee"): Te-ISTp
    Lee Min Jeong: Ni-INTp
    Yay, Eunice post!!! I see u got my telepathic summons..,, I figured you'd probably seen the show and I was curious to confirm some of these typings with you. I'm glad we had a lot of consensus!

    I agree, i think EII makes a lot more sense for Ji Hoo (and Jan Di for that matter). And i kept thinking throughout the movie that he and Jan Di seem like identicals (and even look similar... similar smiles). I like how you thought Fi-EII for him and Ne-EII for Jan Di, which explains why his demeanor seemed quite a bit less infantile than Jan Di's. That was the big one i needed to reconcile.

    What I also found interesting is that this show really demonstrates the difference in outgoingness of EII vs IEE very well, when you look at Jan Di juxtaposed with her friend Gaeul. Jan Di seems louder and more outgoing than Gaeul, but Gaeul is the extravert IEE. I do lean Fi-IEE for her, as a subtype.

    Thanks, i really really like the Te-SLI typing for Ha Jae Kyung. you're right, i'm not sure what i was thinking with her being Fi-creative, as she obviously wasn't too successful with making Joon Pyo like her. Why do you lean SLI over LSE for her though? I just think that if she were SLI, she would have been less proactive in trying to seduce Joon Pyo. Her being delta ST does explain Jan Di and Gaeul liking her so much despite her being Jan Di's rival for Joon Pyo.

    Oh and i will check out Prosecutor Princess!! thanks Eunice!!
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    Updated typelist (I'm just gonna type the characters):

    Geum Jan Di - Ne-EII

    Goo Joon Pyo - Si-LSE

    Yoon Ji Hoo - Fi-EII

    So Yi Jung - Fi-IEE

    Song Woo Bin - Ne-IEE

    Chu Gaeul - Fi-IEE

    Joon Pyo's mother - Ti-SLE.

    Joon Pyo's sister - SEE maybe? she has an easier time standing up to and influencing the mother than the others. Proficient in Fi and highly valuing of it.

    Ha Jae Kyung (Joon Pyo's "fiancee") - delta ST

    Sunny, Ginger, Miranda (mean girls clique) - betas (the leader is SLE i'm pretty sure)

    Ji Hoo's grandfather (the former president of Korea) - Te-SLI?

    Jan Di's parents & little bro - alphas? WAYYY too hyper.
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    Kinda of a perverse curiousity now but the girl that played Sunny committed suicide and allegedly beaten forced to have sex with a bunch of VIP/etc.

    I guess I'm gona have to watch the show a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    You gotta watch Full House then. Best Korean Drama ever
    Another friend of mine highly recommended it to me too!! I'm having trouble finding a mobile app that i can use to watch that particular show (and a bunch of others that I want to see) at the gym though... I may end up switching from Netflix to Hulu Plus though soon for that reason...

    What did u think of my BOF typings btw?
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Kinda of a perverse curiousity now but the girl that played Sunny committed suicide and allegedly beaten forced to have sex with a bunch of VIP/etc.

    I guess I'm gona have to watch the show a bit.
    OMG, that's HORRIBLE. wow... poor girl... Sounds like it happened while she was filming BOF!
    She's so gorgeous...
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    Just rewatched BOF.

    3 years later, my (tentative) typings differ quite a bit (or maybe just slightly):

    Goo Joon Pyo (Lee Min Ho) - Ne-ILE

    Geum Jan Di - gonna stick with Ne-EII, and this therefore makes her relationship with Joon Pyo supervision (her supervising him), which makes sense. But IEI isn't out of the question. She did seem Se-valuing in some ways. It's just that she seems so infantile...

    Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong) - LII (and it makes sense why i thought he's the epitome of perfection still do, except he's a little too effeminate)

    Gaeul - Not sure, maybe SEI?

    So Yi Jung - IEE (stereotypical, referred to as a Don Juan)

    Song Woo Bin - IEE (stereotypical, referred to as a Casanova)

    Ha Jae Kyung - SLE

    Joon Pyo's mother - LIE

    Sunny, Ginger, Miranda - gammas

    Ji Hoo's grandpa - still think SLI fits well. And makes sense bc he really took a liking to Jan Di and wanted her as his daughter in law. Quadra-mates.
    Last edited by Suz; 10-14-2015 at 03:24 AM.
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  12. #12
    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    Geum Jan Di - ESI.. Just realized this bitch cannot be EII
    Gu Jun Pyo - Narcissistic xLE
    Yoon Ji Hoo - Idk.. I'm thinking ILI
    The Ladie's Man (Idk his Korean name) - xEI
    The other F4 member - ???

    Jun Pyo's Momma - LIE
    Min Seo Hyun - EIE

    Too lazy to type the other characters
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    Just rewatched BOF.

    3 years later, my (tentative) typings differ quite a bit (or maybe just slightly):

    Goo Joon Pyo (Lee Min Ho) - Ne-ILE

    Geum Jan Di - gonna stick with Ne-EII, and this therefore makes her relationship with Joon Pyo supervision (her supervising him), which makes sense. But IEI isn't out of the question. She did seem Se-valuing in some ways. It's just that she seems so infantile...

    Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong) - LII (and it makes sense why i thought he's the epitome of perfection still do, except he's a little too effeminate)

    Gaeul - Not sure, maybe SEI?

    So Yi Jung - IEE (stereotypical, referred to as a Don Juan)

    Song Woo Bin - IEE (stereotypical, referred to as a Casanova)

    Ha Jae Kyung - SLE

    Joon Pyo's mother - LIE

    Sunny, Ginger, Miranda - gammas

    Ji Hoo's grandpa - still think SLI fits well. And makes sense bc he really took a liking to Jan Di and wanted her as his daughter in law. Quadra-mates.
    Shiet girl our typings are prettyyy similar. : )

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