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Thread: Type Descriptions by Tatyana Prokofieva / Marina Kuzmina

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    Default Type Descriptions by Tatyana Prokofieva / Marina Kuzmina

    No idea is these've'been posted b4

    Intuitive-logical extraverts (ILE) – are born researchers and inventors. They study not only the things that are useful, but also “everything that is interesting”, from the machines and mechanisms theory to butterflies and caterpillars. There is nothing they like better than to read about something mysterious and enigmatic. ILE are aimed at using the received knowledge in practice, but are rarely interested in getting real profit from their discoveries. Due to the intuition (channel 1) and logics (channel 2) this type representatives are capable of studying a great volume of literature on the preferred topic in the shortest possible time, so to speak, to grasp the world and to pave the way for the followers. Their theories and methods are often uncommon which can result in a turn-over in the traditional views.

    The main ILE’s drawback is their constant strive for defending their ideals (weak will sensorics). Decency is the feature most of all idealized by ILE. However with their steep demands it is difficult for them to take life and people’s actions as they are. Their irreconcilability in one’s honour, dignity and freedom infringement often drives them to numerous “duels”. Sometimes they fight not their real enemies but wind mills acting only in their imagination. At every insight ILE try to share their thoughts with those around them not thinking whether it is the right time and place for that (weak ethics of relations function). Unfortunately, they are not always ready to listen to the person they are talking with or their opponent and often interrupt them. For that reason they are sometimes called excessive upstarts .

    Logical-intuitiveintrovert(LII) aims at seeing and creating a system and regularity in everything. As a rule, they are erudites who do not like to make a show of their wide knowledge. They are extremely accurate and pedantic not only in the way of thinking but also in their environment. You will scarcely meet a person believing in miracles and trusting to luck among LII. Having set a goal they rely on their own diligence and good organization of affairs. Consistency, reliability, being stick to once given word – these are good epithets which can characterize this personality type representatives.

    LII’s drawback is the weakness of the ethics of relations which sometimes results in uncertainty, melancholy in emotional estimation of people. It is clearly seen in unfamiliar circumstances. Watching others, LII try to understand what fits this company, what is accepted there and what is rejected. However, they often fail to fit the situation. Their cheerfulness or gloominess can be out of place. Due to their weakness in differentiation of emotional nuances this type representatives see the people in black and white tones: bad – good, kind – evil, friend – enemy. LII are often characterized as thick-headed and stubborn (the function of will sensorics is hypertrophied). The fact is that they can not stand even slight falsity and lies. They can be very firm, solid like a rock, in the matters of high importance for them.

    Intuitive-logical introvert ( ILI) can be called the main strategist of all strategists. The strongest intuition combined with logics gives this type representatives wisdom and knowledge of life laws. ILI’s attribute is caution. M.I. Kutuzov is the bright representative of this type of information metabolism. He fought for all his life but did not win any remarkable battle, all his victories are ambiguous – with even score. Despite that we call him the greatest commander. And Napoleon and Suvorov called Mikhail Illarionovich a cunning fox. Why? Kutuzov’s intellect shows itself in a simple acceptance of an evident fact – there was no way to defeat Napoleon in an open battle. Napoleon was a master of attack, he thoroughly thought over the plans of the battle and Kutuzov could retreat. That is the most complicated military task – to contain the enemy forces, acting only with a part of the army, constantly changing manner, from shaking them out into a fighting formation to turning to march formation. Kutuzov forethought that Napoleon would not manage to provide enough forage for horses of the cavalry, and was absolutely right. At the end of the war there were only 5000 people survived of the great “Grand Army”. That is of five hundred or six hundred thousand! Kutuzov kept half of his army for the general battle.

    The morbid inability to show their emotions actively can be called the main ILI’s drawback. We could remember the historical fact of Kutuzov’s eating chicken during the Borodinskaya battle. This type representatives often produce the impression of sullen and sad people. However, the mask of perpetual skepticism and pessimism hides a real idealist and dreamer. ILI are capable of prodigality or reckless actions not to be taken as an “avaricious knight”. For example, to make an expensive gift to a slightly known person. But even here they will rarely shift all the money, they would calculate beforehand how much they should spend and when they should stop. Weak sensorics of sensing shows itself in their indifference to the appearance, often close to looseness and untidiness. On the whole they are inclined to the simple style in clothes.

    Logical-intuitive extraverts (LIE) are born businessmen, rationalizers. They can be characterized with the word hard worker. However they do not like senseless activities, there should be a final goal everywhere. LIE’s head reminds of a computer (the strong channel of logics). They are capable of grasp the gist of the matter, calculate all the details and find out the optimal ways of solving the problem (manifestation of intuition). At the same time this type representatives are incorrigible romantics, disposed to traveling, adventures and risk. They work easily and merrily. Feeling of comradeship and friendship are very important for them.

    The main problem of LIE is their appearance (weak sensorics of sensing). That’s why they often look as if have just returned from a trip: men are unshaved, women lack hairstyle. They have so many important things to do that they have absolutely no time for themselves. The same is true about the situation with cooking. This type representatives do not like improvisation at the kitchen. They would rather take a book on cooking and cook a dish according to the written recipe. Answering a formal question about their health they can start describing their recent doubtful symptoms. Peculiar spontaneity in demonstrating emotions (weak ethics of emotions) can be compared to a sudden waterfall. In such moments it seems that there is “too much of them” for the people around.

    Sensoric-logical extraverts (SLE) are not airy-fairy and do not dream lying on a sofa about the things that could have happened if … These are materially-minded, practical people. They can be characterized as ambitious, willed and purposeful people. These are born leaders, administrators capable of taking responsibility for making decisions on important matters. They appreciate logics and arguments. SLE’s irrationality manifests itself in the fact that their activity often depends on their mood. If they did not “get out of bed from the wrong side” they can sign any paper or will bring to life a dream of a confirmed truant putting him the satisfactory mark But if it happened to be the wrong side – be careful! You can hear about such people that harsh treatment is usual for them. Despite that if you turn to this type representatives for help in a critical situation, they will not talk on and on or give free advice but will prefer doing what they can to help. That is their main virtue.

    Inability to see the future and consequences of harsh words and actions (weak intuition of opportunities) can be named their drawback. Because of that it seems to them that problems fall on them from nowhere and grow like a snowball. They see their main task in holding out, being firm. SLE are also not capable of understanding the nuances of people’s relations. Their strong will sensorics in this case overrides their weak functions and it looks like “a tank effect”. Like a ram they push their way through people’s opinions and weaknesses.

    Logical-sensoric introverts (LSI) prefer to act quietly, systematically and rationally. To their mind, the world is organized by the law of logics (according function is basic). These people respect discipline and order. They are advocates of strong power. The brightest representative of this personality type is I.V. Stalin. He preferred secret methods in his policies, often intriguing, craftily eliminated his rivals. LSI’s persistence and patience are often envied by many personality types lacking these features. They step back seeing the quiet but determined LSI’s position. Logical-sensoric introverts - the leaders of a small team – will cope with the business or studying task in due time.

    LSI are often blamed for their emotional deafness. Their drawback is in a weak manifestation of ethics of emotions. For example, they are rarely capable of feeling the mood in the managed team. They prefer to build their relationships with people on the effect of admiration. This type representatives can hardly listen and, more over, accept even constructive criticism for them. The weakness of intuition of opportunities can be seen in their tendency to fight “extra” information, they try to cling to one earlier formed opinion. They consider discussions and debates to be unnecessary disputes interfering with their work. LSI rarely listen to advice considering their own point of view the only right one. If they are told about their drawbacks very tactfully they can nurse a grievance against these people and take revenge on occasion. In the course of Stalin’s repressions, for example, representatives of dissident intellectuals were physically eliminated.

    Sensoric-logical introverts (SLI) are people preferring a bird in hand to two in the bush. Sensorics of sensing, being the strong function, gives SLI talent in everything that is connected with handwork. The particular feature of this type is creating comfort in their everyday life. They are good at design, furniture and have good taste. They like expensive clothes pointing out their high status. And it is really very high. Women, as well as men are able to organize a profitable business in commerce or production. And more, SLI are born cooks. The process of cooking for them is a kind of sacred ritual. The strong function of sensorics of sensing helps them here. Even if they do not have a villa in Canary Islands, but only a small house near Moscow, please, believe, they will manage to enjoy a morning jogging on dew, the smell of blossoming lilac and a mug of fresh milk.

    SLI’s drawback is in their weak functions of ethics of emotions and intuition of time. Being afraid secretly of being misunderstood (SLI are very vulnerable), he will prefer hiding his real attitude to people at all. However if humiliated or made fun in public, they can burst into tears and lose their temper shouting at the offender. This type representatives remember even the smallest offences and after serious quarrels they are capable of break the relations forever. SLI’s weak intuition of time is manifested in their desire to plan all their affairs in advance. That is also their excessive conservatism and caution. They will never make a final decision without thorough and detailed analysis of the situation.

    Logical-sensoricextravert (LSE) is known for his skill to differentiate between the main things and secondary matters. As all other logics, this type hate rush, fuss and accompanying them nervousness. LSE are businesslike, concentrated, consistent. On the whole, this type representatives are reasonable in estimation of their strength and that’s why they try to find the according place in work. Sensorics of sensations in the creative channel gives LSE a refined taste and ability to create beauty with their own hands. Women-LSE prefer spectacular, fit clothes and accessories. Beauty, combined with functionality and utility is the guarantee of their success.

    LSE’s drawback can be their tendency for predictability and stability (weak intuition of time). For fear of living in a present day they are reproached with conservatism and lack of foresight. Weak ethics of emotions is the reason for their diffidence in new situations. Despite LSE’s extraversion, they are not inclined to start new relationships guided with the principle that “old friends and old wines are the best”. Even if their family life does not satisfy them by some reason, LSE scarcely should take a solitary way.

    Ethical-sensoric extraverts (ESE) are incorrigible optimists trying always and everywhere keep the stiff upper lip and good disposition in any weather. These are true swingers who can see something good in bad situations. This type representatives love to eat well and have a drink with friends in the open air. They are often fascinated by some ideas. Unlike other personality types ESE can have long telephone talks discussing weather, business and TV-programmes or problems of other people. ESE is an optimist and hates sadness and inactivity. They can provoke even the most sullen and unsociable person to go to a forest for mushrooms. To enjoy life is their main credo. ESE find self-fulfilling in advertisement, can sell the most slow-moving articles to the most fastidious client. Doing this they often sell not for the sake of money but on principle.

    ESE’s drawback is their lack of punctuality. They can be late and fail to do the promised things in time not because they did not want it but because it is hard for them to make their plans adequately. Their weak function of logics does not allow them to differentiate between the main and the secondary things. All matters are of the same importance for them. This results in incoherence and important things be left without necessary attention. Their weak intuition of time manifests itself in their inability to foresee the future. To bring into life the next plan ESE makes numerous inquiries and involves a great number of contacts. Sometimes their irrepressible energy is wasted on trifles and when he reaches the main thing there is no strength and patience to bring the matter to a close.

    Sensoric-ethical extraverts(SEE) are born leaders. Their spheres of interest are practical, realistic matters where they can feel their unlimited influence on others. This type representatives respect power and strive for it and at once to all privileges acquired with it. Their slogan is: “came, saw, won!”. These are willed people (will sensorics is the basic function) and at the same time diplomatic ones (ethics of relations in the creative channel). If for other types of information metabolism the process of getting ready for important event and thinking it over is their nature, SEE become thoroughly engrossed in activities. “The main thing is to engage in battle and then we’ll see”, - Napoleon Bonapart, the bright representative of this type used to say. “I jump into love like into deep”, - echoes him Alla Pugachyova, also a bright representative of SEE. These are people of uncontrollable passions; if they are friends – then to the end; if they love – then hold nothing back. They live by present, future is always wonderful for them, but it is future and there is no reason to regret about the past, it will never come back.

    SEE’s drawback is their desire to shine for everyone and everywhere like the Sun. The fourth channel (painful function) is busy with the logics of relations, they are not good at computers, do not like different formalities: plans, schedules, hate putting everything in order. From this their maximalism starts. The feelings “love – hatred” for one and the same person can change a few times a day. SEE often puts on a mask of a skillful manipulator and schemer but due to the fact that their intuition is not their strength, quick victories sometimes turn to problems and defeats. SEE hide their failures from other people for nothing should shatter the image of the winner. SEE are often blamed for their egocentrism, being too ambitious and self-conceit. This type representatives live by one day, “now and here” and sometimes get up against people with their fits of anger.

    Ethical-intuitive extravert (EIE) can be characterized as a person of wasteful emotions. Not without reason there are many actors, producers and musicians among them (ethics of emotions in the first channel).”All the world is a theatre and people are actors in it”, that’s EIE’s slogan. He is capable of introducing dull material to the audience in an amazingly vivid and interesting matter. It is impossible to have tedious time with them. This type representatives live from one emotional storm, suddenly started, like a May thunderstorm, to another. He is a master of putting quotes, jokes, puns and anecdotes in a talk. EIE is often a true expert and connoisseur for beauty. Intuition of time allows him to appreciate art and to know at first glance what will become popular. There are many adepts of vanguard tendencies in literature, music and art among them. EIE is a Bohemian person, sensitive to the spirits of the epoch. These are the most aristocratic people, real princes and princesses.

    EIE’s drawback is their “public performance”. Indifference and lack of attention to their peacockery and external effect can be disastrous. Without appropriate public EIE’s enthusiasm fades, their behaviour becomes constrained and they feel hurt. They are known for their extreme squeamishness (weak sensorics of sensing). But despite that this type representatives’ home is usually kept in “artistic mess”. Contradictions can also be noticed in their appearance. EIE can put on clothes of red and green colours together explaining it by fashion and their own style. Painful inability to follow logics (this function is their painful point) sometimes hypertrophies to an accented desire to be reputed a business man. EIE has many notebooks, calling cards and cheques in his pockets. He presents them on any possible occasion. This type representative can not stand physical pain. Dentists are their arch-enemies. The smallest abrasion can unsettle them for a long time and their luxuriant imagination attributes terrible consequences to it. Remember “The Princess and the Pea” – that’s the case.

    Intuitive-ethical extraverts (IEE) are born psychologists, consultants and dealers. This type representatives are the most vivid, very natural persons. Intuition in the first channel gives them a chance to grasp the gist of people’s problems and desires at first glance. Their way of thinking is non-trivial, unusual and from time to time they discover in their interlocutors merits and talents previously unknown to themselves. There are many inventors and discoverers among IEE in the sphere of computer programmes and technics. Intiotion combined with ethics manifests itself in precious tact. We’d like to speak separately about the IEE talent in working with people. All representatives of this type are naturally charming, warm and considerate. They have many friends of different kind and all of them like these people for their shrewd understanding of people’s problems and peculiarities. If you have come across a person capable of keeping good relations with their former wives, husbands and colleagues, it is mostly likely IEE.

    IEE’s drawback is their inability to perform laborious, systematic functions that is sedentary, routine work. This type representatives delay upholding graduation papers, quarterly accounting reports and other important documentation for a long time (lack of will sensorics manifestation). Their pacifism and friendliness often play bad tricks on IEE. Really, from time to time (more often irrelevantly) they can show indomitable will and determination to hit the target. But later they regret about harsh words and actions and seek reconciliation.

    Senoric-ethical introvert(SEI) can be called a master of compromise. Their credo is in full enjoying their life without interfering with other people’s ways. As a rule, this personality type representatives have extremely cozy home where they like to have relax with soul and body (sensorics of sensing is the basic function). There are many comfortable things at their home. Everything is toned and planned beforehand. SEI spends his spare time cooking – that is his favourite occupation. This type representative is a born designer and image maker. He feels colour, form and size very well. Gathering his friends at a dinner table SEI often becomes the master of ceremonies, joker, life and soul of the party (ethics of emotions is in the creative channel). His funny story or anecdote can make even a gloomy person feel sympathy to him.

    SEI’s drawback is their inability to make important strategic decisions. He lacks persistence, perseverance and foresight in important matters. SEI lives by one day, any conclusions for the future poignant for him (intuition of time and logics of actions are weak functions). One more negative feature has been noticed with this type – they waste a lot of precious time on trifles.

    Intuitive-ethicalintrovert (IEI) can be characterized as a dreamer and romantic. Reminiscences of future and thinking of the past take IEI’s thoughts. This type representatives like to lay on a sofa with a book or go to the country to reunite with nature. But actually, nature is an insidious thing, it can give cataclysms like snow, rain and wind. That’s why such undertakings IEI usually holds in his own imagination. Strong intuition of time (the first channel) gives this type the inclination for mysticism and superstition. IEI believe in prophetic dreams and omens. Ethics of emotions (creative function) helps them to tune into the interlocutor’s feelings and grasp the deep strives of the other person’s soul.

    Unfortunately , people are not always able to use their creative function for the good. Sometimes one can meet IEI with exaggerated ethics of emotions, simply speaking, emotionally dissipated. Instead of comforting people with the warmth of their soul they start manipulating others and become whimsical. In exalted upsurge IEI can go into hysterics because “everything goes wrong’ and “nothing turns out to be as expected” (sensorics of sensations and logics of actions are weak functions). In a word, this type representative is not for hardships. Intuition of time can make him wallow in the world of illusions, dreams and imaginings. He would hardly muddle through a long-term matter. IEI can renovate the house for years or, having started moving the furniture in the morning, drop this occupation by lunch time.

    Ethical-sensoricintrovert (ESI) is a real stoic and a guardian of moral principles of the society. There are many lawyers, investigators, doctors and teachers among them (ethics of relations in the first channel). ESI women are known for their deep attachment for the family. Having taken the burden beyond her strength, that is, work, household and children, they do no complain about their fate but heroically bare the severities. No other psychological type can be compared to ESI in their selflessness and reliability (will sensorics is the creative function). ESI type can be a doctor not only for a soul but also for a body. Fighting evil is this type’s distinguishing feature.

    ESI’s drawback is in the super rationality of this type. Certain orthodoxy and maximalism negatively distinguish them from others. Let’s remember numerous stories of the ancient Greece. What should the main character choose: love or duty? ESI would choose the last. Doing that, they often become hostages of inner loneliness. Interesting people and relationships falling beyond their values drop out of their sight. This type representatives are at odds with intuition of opportunities and that’s why are capable of untimely or inappropriate initiative. Later it can turn into numerous troubles – “the initiative is punishable”.

    Ethical-intuitive introvert (EII) puts in the first place of his priorities hierarchy matters of human ethics and morals (ethics of relations is the basic function). All his creativity is filled with the search of new, more perfect forms of human relationships. EII tries to be attentive to every personality as he sees it as the whole world, a vessel where beauty gets on with coarseness, anger and hatred. EII type is a spiritual and moral pastor, mentor irrespective of age. He is turned to when grief occurs, when one needs to cry on somebody’s shoulder or there is a gnawing in one’s heart. On his way from understanding to forgiving EII representative fulfill his destiny.

    EII’s drawback is inadequate manifestation of will sensorics seen in irreconcilability with personal violence. Their favourite words are the epithets of “must”. As a result there appears unnecessary fuss over nothing. Spending days in philosophic reflection which often do no have practical exact use, EII is unable to arrange his own everyday life. Steamroller approach is destructive for a vulnerable EII, who is unable to resist the pressure. This type representatives stand up for noble, spiritual ideals, throwing away and criticizing “bourgeois” manifestations: urge towards good clothes and tasty food. EII’s self sacrificing can sometimes be turned to the people who do not need that.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Me, successfully manipulate people?

    Oh please. XP

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    None of these sound like me. The Si/Ne introvert ones might allude to certain behavioral characteristics I have exhibited in the past (particularly the LII one), but they all seem unreal and/or overgeneralized.

    Interesting descriptions, nevertheless. Thanks for posting.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  4. #4


    godamnit it's Si bases and cooking again.russians are boring.

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    fuck me

    i dont have a type
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  6. #6
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Bend over.

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Bend over.

    Last edited by bg; 02-13-2012 at 03:55 AM.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by jennifer View Post
    godamnit it's Si bases and cooking again.russians are boring.
    Incidentally, that part is true for me.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  9. #9
    inconnu's Avatar
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    Those are probably the worst socionics description I have ever read.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inconnu View Post
    Those are probably the worst socionics description I have ever read.
    Which are probably the best you have ever read?

    How many have you read?

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Which are probably the best you have ever read?

    How many have you read?
    I have read a lot. Both in English and Russian. Cant clearly say which are the best. Although, I think you will agree with me that those of Stratievskaya and Filatova are better.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inconnu View Post
    I have read a lot. Both in English and Russian. Cant clearly say which are the best. Although, I think you will agree with me that those of Stratievskaya and Filatova are better.
    They're alright, they're more elaborate and comprehensive. Full, manual translations that improve the context for English readers would be nice though.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    lol i got a warning for my butthole
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    I'm glad I'm beyond this.

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    Not bad, although might be a bit 2D.

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