Quote Originally Posted by fairylights View Post
Thank you. This is very helpful. I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can.
You're welcome.

Quote Originally Posted by fairylights View Post
1. What kind of lifestyle do you have?
I need plenty of privacy and space to be comfortable but I also need some constant element of human contact at low levels, otherwise I get isolated and sad. I don't place much of an emphasis on having stuff. If anything, having too much stuff around makes me uncomfortable because I hate clutter but don't feel capable of dealing with it myself. I like to hang out with friends occasionally but in small, low-key settings. I'm very timid around large numbers of unfamiliar people and end up wall-flowering or clinging frantically to the one person I do know at bigger parties.

I moved away from home when I was fairly young because while I love my family, I value my independence very highly and it is difficult to preserve around people who are that talkative, curious, and meddlesome. I have a hard time asserting boundaries so I prefer not to put myself in situations where they will likely be disrespected on a regular basis.
Well to me this indicates introversion and an / preference, but not necessarily as I can relate to what you wrote as well to an extent and I'm an extravert.

Quote Originally Posted by fairylights View Post
2. Do you enjoy debating and what kind of topics do you prefer to discuss?
I don't ENJOY debating per se, but I'm okay with it so long as the tone of the conversation isn't overtly confrontational. Some kind of cut and thrust does often result in the generation of interesting ideas and novel perspectives and I like that but I can't stand arguments over insignificant details that really don't matter in the greater scheme of things, or debates that are laced with personal hostility.

Usually, I enjoy debates that focus on philosophy, particularly anything that has to do with epistemology. It's not just interesting; it's also a great way to build mental muscle. I usually dislike debates that have to do with religion and politics. I'm prepared to listen to other people's views if they want to share them and will vigorously support their right to hold the views they do but I have my opinions on these matters and I'm happy with them and I don't feel the need to defend them constantly. It is irritating when people expect me to do this or keep trying to convince me of perspectives that I've already visibly evaluated and decided I don't believe in.

In general, I like talking about people and psychology and relationships and literature and history and art as well. I prefer conversations that are focused on an exchange of ideas rather than on beating any particular point of view into the ground.
I think you're most likely an ethical type from what you've stated.

Quote Originally Posted by fairylights View Post
3. How would you describe your overall behavior around others?
Mild and placid with occasional sparks of animation and a slightly caustic edge every now and then. Warm, concerned, and supportive when my sympathies are engaged, distant and passive when they're not.
Interesting, I'd guess that you're most likely ethical and possibly introverted or intuitive.

From what you've told me I've narrowed down your type to SEI, IEE and EII.