I know it's a lot to ask especially since you don't know anything about me ... but we can work on that.

Here is some information that may or may not be pertinent.

  • I am shyer than my internet mannerisms would suggest.
  • I find it very hard to assert myself.
  • I try to be organized a lot but keep failing.
  • I have refined procrastination to an art form. I am not proud of it.
  • I don't like to worry about things but I can't really help it.
  • I'm kinda spaced out.
  • Loud people scare me. So do fights.
  • I think the internet is discriminating against dogs. What's so special about cats? Dogs are every bit as great as cats.

I have some ideas as to what my type could be but I'll withhold them for the moment because I want to hear what you've got before it gets adulterated by my babble.
