Well I don't think I am. In HS there's all this social pressure to be straight, and that's compounded by the place I grew up that sort of had not just a negative view of homosexuality but an evil one.
Trust me I know exactly what that feels like! I dropped out of school because of it. I didn't think it was right that I was emotionally tortured for something so silly as liking guys - but that's high school for you. They'll find any identity (not just gay)/sense of being in somebody and Gaslight you for all of eternity until you self-destruct. The funny thing is I know people thought I was weak for not sticking it out. But the truth is that it's actually the opposite... I needed to clear the homophobic demons in my head especially since I knew that my true self was a gay guy...

sometimes the most powerful thing a person can do is run away.

Now I know that I'm probably not gay, and even if I was that doesn't really change who I am. Now I'm slightly more comfortable admitting that I like things like sappy love stories and Matthew Mcconaughey films.
aww that's so cute. i would love to watch a romantic soap opera with you. have you seen the gay love story between Christian and Oliver? They're two normal dudes and they're not over the top gay. But even if you are I don't see the big deal anyway... anyway they're really cute and subtlety gay and their relationship is one of real love and passion.
