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    Default Philosophy of Types (Gulenko)


    6. Philosophy types

    The problem of incentives is closely related to the existential motifs - a deeper and more abstract category, which I as a representative of intuitive thinking would like to address in the conclusion of the article. Each has its own existence sociotype - are philosophically generalized idea of ​​what motivates people and the world. This view stems from how the type addressed the issue of primacy of the material and ideal.
    Those sotsiotipy, whose motivation is primarily material nature, I will provisionally be called materialists. This category will include all types of touch. Opposite his group types, deep motivation which is predominantly an ideal character, will call idealists. It is, accordingly, all types of intuition.

    As we know from philosophy, in idealism are two trends - an objective idealism, recognizing in one form or another the idea of ​​God - the external material in excess of authority, control the world and the subjective idealism, believing that the world generates the beginning - this is our idea of ​​it.

    According to Jung, an objective-oriented types - this is extroverted and subjectively oriented - introverts. Therefore the objective idealism - the philosophy of intuitive extroverts, and subjective idealism - the intuitive introverts.

    Attention! We should not forget that we are talking about tipalnyh motivations, not about specific people - representatives of various sociotypes that can follow any philosophy.
    Similarly we proceed with the "materialists" - sensory types: select, in accordance with the sign of extroversion, the objective of the materialists, which will touch extroverts, and in accordance with the sign of introversion, subjective materialists, which will touch introverts. Let us not confuse this with a few free treatment schools of thought: I'm doing this for the sole purpose - to bring the system into our existing observing behavior at the level of motivation 16.

    And now the philosophy of each type.
    1. Objective idealists.

    - Nastivnik (ET, EIE): the world is ruled god, destiny, providence. This is the most mystical or religious minded sociotype, often being in the form of-date, sincerely believes in his messianism, in that he is a preacher of the divine, cosmic or other supernatural forces.

    - Inventor (IL, ILE): universe ruled by the world's mind. This sociotype more than any other faith in the knowability of the most complex phenomena in a reasonable unit of the objective world, it is explainable in terms of precise laws of logic ("God does not play dice" - Einstein).

    - Psychologist (IR, IEA) world is ruled by a sense which is stronger than man, is the altruistic type of person who can help people, not even asking for thanks. This explains its strong tendency to empathy.

    - Entrepreneur (PT, LIE): Creator of all - wildlife. This sociotype animates nature, thus becoming a dualist, that is, it is equally recognized the ideal and the real beginning, which are connected to a natural disaster.
    2. Subjective idealists.

    - Analyst (LI, LII): the world is ruled idea («Cogito ergo sum» - Descartes). If people understand what the system is controlled by the laws of society, it is possible to arrange true. The most constructive sociotype who believes that any phenomenon is defined universal primary elements (archetypes eidoses, a priori categories) and relationships between them.

    - Critic (TP, OR): the world is governed case. Objective laws there is little, everything is relative and is determined by probability. Most inclined to agnosticism type of intelligence ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only with the full clarity and inner peace that is achieved through meditation.

    - Lyric (TE, IEI): the world is ruled mood state. The most volatile type of mentality, severely dependent on their internal attitude. Because of this, it is relatively easy to convince on any issue, to be quite persistent. But he just as easily and refuses to imposed beliefs.

    - Mediator (RI, EII): the world is ruled kindness. The most compassionate type of person, even if his feelings and not translated into deeds. Ideal notions of right and justice if they are all guided in their daily lives, will lead to the humane society. However, they should go from the soul of man himself, rather than be imposed from outside.
    3. Objective materialists.

    - Marshall (FL, SLE): the world is ruled strength, power. The most resolute of all sociotypes. In the fight comes only when the preponderance of forces will provide yourself, or find an unsecure location of the enemy. The objective reality given us in sensation - that's why you can trust, and the rest - an illusion.

    - Politics (FR, SEE): the world is ruled glory, fame, and communications. The most cautious of all sociotypes, since all studies on mistakes. Progressing to the touch, trusting only his own feelings. Words, concepts, and ideas - is just a tool to influence people.

    - Enthusiast (ES, ESE): the world is ruled rush burning desire. The most emotional type of person who can influence the mood of others. It can be credited to the idealists, because he is well capable of doing only what he likes. However, his usual dependence on the energy status of others - quite material.

    - Administrator (PS, FEL): the world is governed labor deal. The most materialistic thinking type of mentality, based in their arguments only on facts and proven patterns. Depends entirely on the labor process, subjecting him your plans. Rejects any far-fetched theories and schemes, if they are not presented as a mature technology.
    4. Subjective materialists.

    - The Inspector (LF, LSI): the world is governed order and discipline. The most depends on the organization of a specific space sociotype entirely subordinate institutions of the. Any major alternative is rejected as a departure from the waste structure for it is tantamount to losing a foothold, uncontrollable chaos.

    - The Guardian (RF, ESI): the world is governed morality, moral duty. This type of mentality, more than any other, depends on its internal moral attitudes. A person may behave toward others as they deserve. The existing system of relations and moral values ​​protected against any attacks from outside. Even objectively broke passion can be brought under control at will.

    - Broker (SE, SEI): the world is ruled fun. This only makes good sociotype pleasant and interesting for a job. Pretty conformal behavior, it easily adapts to the other, believing that people are willing to go forward, if only to create an atmosphere of comfort and offer something that they do not have to live in his pleasure.

    - Master (SP, SLI): the world is ruled good. In accordance with the philosophy he had nothing to do for themselves will not be useless and others will never offer. The principle of least action, in which lives the physical world - it is his principle. As the most technologically-minded type, he believes that the main argument - that appeal to common sense man.

  2. #2
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    lol the EIE one fits me perfectly. /shame
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  3. #3
    Cat King Cole's Avatar
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    Yet another vote for "Sensors are closed-minded and have IQs of 100 or less".

    Amazing work, really.
    Know I'm mistyped?

    Why I am now.
    Why I was , once.

    The statements expressed in this signature may not necessarily reflect reality.

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Yet another vote for "Sensors are closed-minded and have IQs of 100 or less".

    Amazing work, really.
    See, the problem is only when people extend these definitions further than they are intended to go. Sensors are most privy to, and therefore most influenced by, "sensory" information and priorities. Think of it just like the rest of Socionics, not as a definitive statement about all of the minutia of the manifestation of personality, but rather as the driving force "behind the veil" of psychological operation. Obviously people are much more complex than types, but types count for something, IME; the key is moderation in interpretation, which for some reason most people are totally incapable of. I do think Gulenko is right, from my life experience, in saying that sensors are generally more driven by and naturally focused on material prospects and gains, more inclined to pursue the immediate, the direct, the visceral and tangible, rather than sit around dreaming up lofty ideals or . I think we've all seen movies regarding Sensor-Intuitive archetypes where the intuitive is some young whipper snapper who thinks he has it all figured out because he "understands the world," and proceeds to get his world rocked by the sensor with real-world exposure and vital, exclusively experiential knowledge; this is, in essence, a materialistic perspective on life, in the strictest sense of the word, but is obviously much more advanced, practical, and requiring of true intelligence and personal potency to gain proficiency in, than sitting around at a desk and daydreaming, or writing scientific treatises, or being "intellectually driven."

    People's misconceptions about Socionics, IME, all stem from either personal biases/baggage, or refusal to consider the full range of implications inherent in the categorical statements that may sometimes seem one-sided or favoritist. Don't just read the words; think about what is actually being said, the real contrasts that are being drawn and how they manifest in the real world of people's personalities, rather than taking everything said at face value, for in doing so you fall prey to the trap of human perception that Socionics can shed light on and actually mediate. Fucking irony at its finest.

    Also you just have to remember that, just like attractiveness, some people's personalities are ugly. Not everyone gets dealt a fair hand; God is not some neo-liberal middle aged mother who insists that everything be fair and good and well-balanced. So yeah, some sensors really are just immediate, sensation-oriented dipshits who live for the thrill and die young, or grow old, trapped in a job that they landed in because they never had ambition or thought about what they might actually do with themselves, content to glaze over in front of a big screen while shoveling doritos into their mouths and dying slowly. But a lot of them are smarter than intuitives, more intellectual, higher IQs, etc. I think the key thing to consider in the sense that Gulenko is operating is people's visceral priorities, the things that are somewhat unconscious and innate in us; Lacan's Symbolic Order, for example, would be something layered "above" the type in consciousness, more in line with direct control of the psyche, rather than innate and (relatively) internally consistent.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Yet another vote for "Sensors are closed-minded and have IQs of 100 or less".

    Amazing work, really.
    See, the problem is only when people extend these definitions further than they are intended to go. Sensors are most privy to, and therefore most influenced by, "sensory" information and priorities.
    I am close-minded.

    But to the point. I don't know what the fuck you're smoking Gilly, for everyone is influenced by sensory information as you put it, otherwise you would be pretty dumb, you wouldn't be able to learn a simple language deprived of any sensory input whatsoever, that is.

    Really great wall of text though.

    As for anyone, reading and fucking Gulenko, you have to know this guy is wrong, maybe not in his cognitive styles, for they fit damn well members on here. That means you too, Gilly, and it is not the one you think you identify with.

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post

    See, the problem is only when people extend these definitions further than they are intended to go. Sensors are most privy to, and therefore most influenced by, "sensory" information and priorities.
    I am close-minded.

    But to the point. I don't know what the fuck you're smoking Gilly, for everyone is influenced by sensory information as you put it, otherwise you would be pretty dumb, you wouldn't be able to learn a simple language deprived of any sensory input whatsoever, that is.
    Hey, ******, learn the socionics definition of "sensory."

    Really great wall of text though.

    As for anyone, reading and fucking Gulenko, you have to know this guy is wrong, maybe not in his cognitive styles, for they fit damn well members on here. That means you too, Gilly, and it is not the one you think you identify with.
    Awesome, you should specify substantiate your claims instead of letting your metaphorical dick flap limp in the wind. Or you could be content to look like an idiot. Either way is fine with me.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  7. #7
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    The fuck does that mean?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  8. #8
    Korpsy Knievel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    The fuck does that mean?
    As a guess, "Hire an editor." Personally I aim to present my thoughts briefly with each main point separated by paragraph for greater digestibility.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    lol the EIE one fits me perfectly. /shame
    I actually agree with the EIE one for me better than the ILI one. Not saying the EIE one is perfect because its not even close to a perfect fit for me but I think Gulenko had this stuff figured out better with the Cognitive styles and I think the EIE one is a bit closer to DA than mine is. The people I know who believe in relative truth have all been Alpha NTs and some Betas.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    - Lyric (TE, IEI): the world is ruled mood state. The most volatile type of mentality,

    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  11. #11
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    - Lyric (TE, IEI): the world is ruled mood state. The most volatile type of mentality,


    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  12. #12
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    Aw, the fighting stopped. I was getting excited.
    Within prudence.

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    I'm kind of interested in the implication that Process Theology was made by and for ILEs.

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    Critic (TP, OR): the world is governed case. Objective laws there is little, everything is relative and is determined by probability. Most inclined to agnosticism type of intelligence ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only with the full clarity and inner peace that is achieved through meditation
    Not sure about the others, but this one seems to be right on target.

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    Where is the source of this article?

  16. #16
    A man chooses, a slave obeys MensSuperMateriam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Destroypuppy View Post
    Where is the source of this article?
    It's linked at the beginning of the OP. Just click on the "source" word.
    Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 06-29-2014 at 12:19 AM.

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    Thank you kind sir.

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    And again the SLE is just a Enneagram 8, cognitive configuration goes deeper than that.

  19. #19
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    1. Objective idealists.

    - Nastivnik (ET, EIE): the world is ruled god, destiny, providence. This is the most mystical or religious minded sociotype, often being in the form of-date, sincerely believes in his messianism, in that he is a preacher of the divine, cosmic or other supernatural forces.

    - Inventor (IL, ILE): universe ruled by the world's mind. This sociotype more than any other faith in the knowability of the most complex phenomena in a reasonable unit of the objective world, it is explainable in terms of precise laws of logic ("God does not play dice" - Einstein).

    - Psychologist (IR, IEA) world is ruled by a sense which is stronger than man, is the altruistic type of person who can help people, not even asking for thanks. This explains its strong tendency to empathy.

    - Entrepreneur (PT, LIE): Creator of all - wildlife. This sociotype animates nature, thus becoming a dualist, that is, it is equally recognized the ideal and the real beginning, which are connected to a natural disaster.
    2. Subjective idealists.

    - Analyst (LI, LII): the world is ruled idea («Cogito ergo sum» - Descartes). If people understand what the system is controlled by the laws of society, it is possible to arrange true. The most constructive sociotype who believes that any phenomenon is defined universal primary elements (archetypes eidoses, a priori categories) and relationships between them.

    - Critic (TP, OR): the world is governed case. Objective laws there is little, everything is relative and is determined by probability. Most inclined to agnosticism type of intelligence ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only with the full clarity and inner peace that is achieved through meditation.

    - Lyric (TE, IEI): the world is ruled mood state. The most volatile type of mentality, severely dependent on their internal attitude. Because of this, it is relatively easy to convince on any issue, to be quite persistent. But he just as easily and refuses to imposed beliefs.

    - Mediator (RI, EII): the world is ruled kindness. The most compassionate type of person, even if his feelings and not translated into deeds. Ideal notions of right and justice if they are all guided in their daily lives, will lead to the humane society. However, they should go from the soul of man himself, rather than be imposed from outside.
    3. Objective materialists.

    - Marshall (FL, SLE): the world is ruled strength, power. The most resolute of all sociotypes. In the fight comes only when the preponderance of forces will provide yourself, or find an unsecure location of the enemy. The objective reality given us in sensation - that's why you can trust, and the rest - an illusion.

    - Politics (FR, SEE): the world is ruled glory, fame, and communications. The most cautious of all sociotypes, since all studies on mistakes. Progressing to the touch, trusting only his own feelings. Words, concepts, and ideas - is just a tool to influence people.

    - Enthusiast (ES, ESE): the world is ruled rush burning desire. The most emotional type of person who can influence the mood of others. It can be credited to the idealists, because he is well capable of doing only what he likes. However, his usual dependence on the energy status of others - quite material.

    - Administrator (PS, FEL): the world is governed labor deal. The most materialistic thinking type of mentality, based in their arguments only on facts and proven patterns. Depends entirely on the labor process, subjecting him your plans. Rejects any far-fetched theories and schemes, if they are not presented as a mature technology.
    4. Subjective materialists.

    - The Inspector (LF, LSI): the world is governed order and discipline. The most depends on the organization of a specific space sociotype entirely subordinate institutions of the. Any major alternative is rejected as a departure from the waste structure for it is tantamount to losing a foothold, uncontrollable chaos.

    - The Guardian (RF, ESI): the world is governed morality, moral duty. This type of mentality, more than any other, depends on its internal moral attitudes. A person may behave toward others as they deserve. The existing system of relations and moral values ​​protected against any attacks from outside. Even objectively broke passion can be brought under control at will.

    - Broker (SE, SEI): the world is ruled fun. This only makes good sociotype pleasant and interesting for a job. Pretty conformal behavior, it easily adapts to the other, believing that people are willing to go forward, if only to create an atmosphere of comfort and offer something that they do not have to live in his pleasure.

    - Master (SP, SLI): the world is ruled good. In accordance with the philosophy he had nothing to do for themselves will not be useless and others will never offer. The principle of least action, in which lives the physical world - it is his principle. As the most technologically-minded type, he believes that the main argument - that appeal to common sense man.
    This seemed very consistent in relation to what I know about the types. It makes real sense for me because I'm in doubt between SLI and LSI and sometimes I have thought "the world is ruled by some benevolent nature, this is how it is, it is benevolent by nature, good" and other times "the world must have order, otherwise everything and everyone falls into an abyss of chaos". It resonates pretty well with my own views on how the world is governed. Governed in an almost metaphysical sense, I mean. How it actually works when you look at it from a higher perspective.

    Now it just came to me that this is a description of the leading IE of each type in terms of how this IE interprets the life experience. There is another dichotomy. The creative IE influences the main IE and changes how the individual interprets life, as in the difference ISTP-ISFP, for instance. So from this it can be concluded that we interpret life basically with our Ego block IEs.

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    I find this article to be actually quite insightful.

    Personally, this applies to me pretty well:
    - The Lyrisist (IEI): the world is governed by state, mood. This type possesses the most malleable type of psyche. It is strongly influenced by its own internal disposition. Because of this it is very easy to persuade this type in any issue if one is persistent enough. However, it will just as easily discard beliefs that were imposed on it.
    One has to keep in mind that "Life Philosophy" does not automatically have to equate a specific religious belief. I have known people with different types of religious beliefs who still exhibited the same life philosophy Gulenko has stated for their type.

    In my particular case, I grew up with a family that believes in God, so I just happened to do the same, naturally. I lost all belief in God when I was at the lowest point in my life, crippled by depression. In that manner, my belief was influenced by my mood. In my heart, I just "knew" there was no God; at least none as it is described in the major religions. Based on that feeling/mood, I began researching the topic and my lack of belief solidified.

    Now, there are many IEIs who are spiritual, or who have lost faith like I did. Whatever is the case, their beliefs largely stem from their feeling about the issue; just what Gulenko described for their life philosophy.

    In the same vein, there are SLE who believe in a God (to some extent), but still see the world as being governed by power structures and the like.
    I also know of an EIE-Ni who is actually an atheist. I do not know exactly why and how that happened; he likely had a similar experience as I did. Him being Ni subtype, he might be able to relate to an IEI's philosophy in that way. Regardless, I do believe he is deep down seeing himself as some kind of prophet or preacher, but just does not have the energy nor willpower to follow through with that entirely.

    I could see Gulenko's suggestions here being in need of some more editing; but all in all, I would find them more accurate than not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    In the same vein, there are SLE who believe in a God (to some extent), but still see the world as being governed by power structures and the like. I also know of an EIE-Ni who is actually an atheist. I do not know exactly why and how that happened; he likely had a similar experience as I did. Him being Ni subtype, he might be able to relate to an IEI's philosophy in that way. Regardless, I do believe he is deep down seeing himself as some kind of prophet or preacher, but just does not have the energy nor willpower to follow through with that entirely.
    i think that an EIE with that kind of potential could still adopt the role of a leader that strongly promotes some kind of "belief system" and gets other to follow them. this is even if the EIE is an atheist - their beliefs do not necessarily have to be spiritual or religious. this desire could manifest as being an ideological leader, a political figure, a life coach, etc. i think this is why EIE is also called the "Mentor".

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    Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
    i think that an EIE with that kind of potential could still adopt the role of a leader that strongly promotes some kind of "belief system" and gets other to follow them. this is even if the EIE is an atheist - their beliefs do not necessarily have to be spiritual or religious. this desire could manifest as being an ideological leader, a political figure, a life coach, etc. i think this is why EIE is also called the "Mentor".
    Someone finally gets it.

    There are some people out there who believe someone cannot be NF when they are atheist... which is just false. Or vice versa, some people type others as NF (who are actually NT), just because they believe in a God. -_-

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    Think of these less as concrete descriptions and more as impassable divides. They are in-built ideologies which operate seamlessly with the mind and do not imply any one extraneous belief or another.

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    Thanks @Crispy for this article, and for the better translation, @silke (which is where i got the quotes).

    Here are some thoughts on it and thoughts on how these fit with people I know:

    1. Objective idealists (ENxx)
    2. Subjective idealists (INxx)
    3. Objective materialists (ESxx)
    4. Subjective materialists (ISxx)
    Its very interesting how these are divided up!

    - The Mentor (EIE): god, fate, destiny rule the world. This type is one of the most oriented at mysticism and religion, honestly believing in its own messiahhood, seeing itself as a missionary for forces cosmic or divine.
    Its interesting as EIEs I know have a faith in God and yet I find that communicating with them about it is not so easy. I suppose because we are coming at the same thing from different angles.

    - The Inventor (ILE): the universe is ruled by a universal intelligence. This sociotype more than others believes in ability of human mind to comprehend the most complex phenomena, in intelligent design of the objective world, in that it can be explained from the point of view of precise laws of logic. ("God does not play dice" - Einstein)
    I think believing in the human mind to comprehend the most complex things is a great gateway for anyone to understand things they think that maybe they cannot. Obviously ILEs have a leg up in this department since they approach life with this. I also have embraced such an idea when faced with comprehending some body of knowledge that seems intimidating, telling myself that my mind can do this; just be open to it. It helps.

    An example of an ILE friend who seems to have been born with this attitude. He can do or learn about anything, I am sure. He worked for and reached corporate hierarchical heights, and this philosophy as described certainly is part of what brought him there. It always amazes me what he can figure out. When he was a kid, he would take things apart just to learn how they work. His parents tolerated that but warned him to never take that interesting cuckoo clock apart. Of course when they were gone he did just that; he took it apart and put it back together and then hung it back on the wall. (However he put something back backward on the face and was found out later by this tell ).

    - The Psychologist (IEE): world is governed by a feeling that is more powerful than the individual; this is one of the most altruistic types that is capable of helping people not asking for anything in return. This type has a strong predisposition for empathy.
    I accept this for me. Though I am often too preoccupied with my own agendas and miss many, many opportunities God presents me so that I can serve Him by being altruistic, but, in general, I think helping people and understanding people is what you just are supposed to do, and that asking for credit or expecting accolades for it is basically wrong.

    - The Entrepreneur (LIE): the creator of everything is living nature. This sociotype animates nature, itself becoming a dualist i.e. recognizing in equal measures the material and the idealistic beginnings that unite in the natural realm.
    Interesting. I cannot think of any LIEs IRL ... what do you think of this, @Adam Strange?

    - The Analyzer (LII): the world is governed by a thought («Cogito ergo sum» - Descartes). If people come to understand the systematized laws that govern the society, then society can be structured with fairness. The most constructive of all sociotypes, supposing that any phenomenon can be defined by universal prime elements (archetypes, Forms, a priori categories) and the connections between them.
    My LII friend, also a successful corporate executive, I befriended when i took an interest in her Catholic writings. She writes very cogently and logically and has a heart for the truth. She explains things very well. I particularly appreciate it when I just know something is wrong, or right, and she instead of just knowing it can explain it.

    - The Critic (ILI): the world is governed by chance. Objective measures do not exist. Everything is relative and determined by probability. This type is most predisposed towards agnosticism of the intellect ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only when one attains complete inner clarity and tranquillity that can be achieved via meditation.
    I do not know the thoughts of the ILIs I know very well, only that they have interesting thoughts. And they do seem to have this humility about them.

    - The Lyrisist (IEI): the world is governed by state, mood. This type possesses the most malleable type of psyche. It is strongly influenced by its own internal disposition. Because of this it is very easy to persuade this type in any issue if one is persistent enough. However, it will just as easily discard beliefs that were imposed on it.
    I can see @Aylen here!

    - The Mediator (EII): the world is ruled by kindness. The type that is most predisposed to compassion, even if its words and feelings are not realized as actions. This type has idealistic notions about kindness and fairness and that if everybody abides by these notions in everyday life this will lead towards a more humanitarian society. However, these have to come from the depths of individual's soul rather than imposed from the outside.
    The world is ruled by kindness - this helps me understand why @Maritsa can be so grateful to me here when I am just normally kind... this is after there has been a lack of it here, though. And since general lack of kindness is just wrong to an EII, it can really sting her. Yes, EIIs are a very compassionate type. But you often have to know them well to see it in action. To act with consistent kindness to those in your closest inner circle is a true blessing indeed, and that is what EIIs do.

    - The Marshall (SLE): the world is ruled by power and strength. Most resolute of all sociotypes. Will enter an engagement only when he is sure that he has advantage in force or has found a weakness in the enemy forces. Objective reality, given to this type via his senses - this is what he trusts. Everything else is an illusion.
    I can see this sitting back and not entering an argument - and then doing with with confidence and force - in my son. Also this same confidence and force in any endeavour he enters. Also in wrestling he woudl watch his opponents wrestle to find their weakness and plan his attack. (a spot that just looked like fighting to me at first I learned had a lot of thought and strategy in it). And yes, he is resolute!

    - The Politician (SEE): world is governed by connections, fame and prestige. The most cautious one of all sociotypes, as it learns everything by making mistakes. It moves forward exploring its way by touch and trusting only its senses. Words, concepts, ideas - all of these are only instruments for exerting influence on people.
    My son's daughter often says, in answer to a problem "I know somebody who__ [fixes this, is in charge of that, runs a _, etc.]". She does move forward cautiously (and thoughtfully) and is fine with learning from her mistakes.

    - The Enthusiast (ESE): the world is ruled by impulse, fervor, attraction. The most emotive of all types capable of influencing the moods of others. This type can be considered to be part of idealist group, as it is able to do only that which it finds likable. However, its dependence on the emotional state of others is quite material.
    Definitely they purposely influence the moods of others, for a good purpose, like working up others into good feelings about a big job they are all working on.

    - The Administrator (LSE): the world is governed by labor, by work. This type has the most materialistically directed type of psyche. It will base its argument only on existing knowledge and laws. Completely dependent on the process of work, subjugating its own plans to it. Will reject any theories or schemes if they are not presented in a form of already established methods.
    My LSE brother's world is governed by work, and he thinks others' worlds should be too. Yes, he readily objects to theories and ideas of mine sometimes without considering, and i give up quick, because its not worth it to get him to see it my way, generally.

    - The Inspector (LSI): the world is governed by order and discipline. This type is most dependent on organization of its concrete environment, completely subjugating itself to its adopted system. Every major alternative is rejected since deviation from accepted and polished system is equivalent to losing foothold and descending into uncontrollable chaos.
    I am thinking of the couple of ISTjs I know who are wonderful family men. I would say that if a LSI adopts a "functional family system", such as he one my brother adopted with the Catholic view of a husband who loves his wife like Christ loved the Church - he lays down his life for her - yes, he completely subjugates himself and the whole family thrives under this.

    The Guardian (ESI): the world is governed morality and moral duty. This type of mentality more than any other depends on its internal moral attitudes. The individual is in the right to treat others as they deserve. The existing system of relations and moral values is protected from any impositions from outside. Even objectively provoked passion can be brought under control at will.
    My ESI Mom and I never understood each other. Its probably partly due to the fact that I was her Supervisor, but, there were other factors there in her psyche that are not Socionics related, too. However, I always esteemed in her her sense of moral duty. I always appreciated her example that you just do the right thing because you just do! You don't question it, you don't expect recognition for it, you just do it - quietly, and without complaining. I'd say it was the ONE thing that always stood out the most to me as far of my list of what I truly appreciate about her.

    - The Broker (SEI): the world is ruled by pleasure. This sociotype will only do work that is pleasant and not tiresome. Quite conforming in behavior, this type easily adapts to the others believing that people will positively reciprocate if only an atmosphere of comfort is created and something is offered that will improve the pleasantness of their lives.
    Interesting description of SEI. I can see how some SEIs could go very, very wrong in life with a "the world is ruled by pleasure" philosophy!

    However ths SEI I know well is a model person admired by many. She was a farm girl raised to work very hard helping her Mom and Grandma help maintain a farm home with lots of hearty meals for the hard-working farm hand menof the house - her father, grandfather and 4 brothers. Her family were devout and humble Christians, and she was raised to be humble, serving and giving, with their example. She married her ILE husband and they had 4 very active kids. And I never would have guessed that her philosophy might be "the world is ruled by pleasure", as she was a very hard-working person, but I know that she truly took pleasure in her work, caring for her family, growing a huge garden and then canning and freezing, constantly cooking for her family and many guests, maintaining a large pantry with much effort in saving every cent at the stores, caring for 2 active family dogs all the while, and endless laundry and clothes shopping and housecleaning, but also the joy of making her home beautiful, sewing her own curtains, and maintaining a giant flower garden. And also there was a lot of hard work of many family vacations - all that packing and unpacking and planning... and keeping up their pool and extensive deck -- she truly takes pleasure in all of that. She also helped a lot at the kids school. She is known for her calm peaceful ways, and I think always taking pleasure in her work is one of her secrets.

    - The Master (SLI): the world is ruled by usefulness. In accordance with its philosophy this type will not do anything that it perceives as useless for itself and will never offer this to others. The principle of minimal action by which the physical world lives is its principle as well. As the most technologically-minded type, this type believes that the best argument is the one that appeals to the common sense of man.
    I read this to my SLI dh, and he agrees. Of course, it is a simplification, but he has no argument with these statements. I agree, too.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I have rosetta stone russian but I got too much school to talk to myself in a language I do not yes understand :*(. But eventualllllly......

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    I have rosetta stone russian but I got too much school to talk to myself in a language I do not yes understand :*(. But eventualllllly......
    Send it to me. I'm a fucking word genius.

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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    I have rosetta stone russian but I got too much school to talk to myself in a language I do not yes understand :*(. But eventualllllly......
    Send it to me. I'm a fucking word genius.

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    @ Yagyū Munenori

    Send it to me. I'm a fucking word genius.


    sorry we all stoopid people
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    I would disagree with this. I don't think personality type defines a worldview per-say however I do think certain functions will incline people to a particular worldview. As a ILI myself, I believe that consciousness is nothing more than a reflection of the reality that exists outside of us; there ARE objective laws in the universe beyond our control, despite what Gluenko says for my type.

    Either way, I think people are able to overcome these inclinations and it's not set in stone.

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    Is that you in your avatars?

    I think Gulenko agrees with you; he states clearly that type does not determine worldview, but rather our natural inner framing of things and tendencies towards one belief or another.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    hmm interesting ... I'll get a better translation done over weekend .. ty for digging this up


    6. Philosophy of the types

    The problem of incentives is closely related to the problem of existential motifs. This is a deeper and more abstract category, which I, as a representative of intuitive thinker class, would like to address in conclusion of this article. Each sociotype has its own existential outlook - a philosophically-oriented generalized concept of the driving force that directs other people and the world at large. From this particular interpretation it will follow how a type chooses to solve the question of the primacy of the material and the ideal. Those sociotypes whose motivation is primarily of material nature, I will conditionally call "materialists". All sensing types fall under this category. The opposing group of types, whose inner motivations are predominantly idealistic in nature, I will call "idealists". This group is comprised of all of the intuitive types.

    As is known in philosophy, idealism can be divided into two branches - objective idealism, which recognizes in one shape or form the idea of god - external supra-material instance that governs the world, and subjective idealism, which supposes that our notions of the world are that which gives rise to it.

    According to Jung, objective-oriented types are extraverts, subjective-oriented types are introverts. Consequently objective idealism is the philosophy of intuitive extraverts while subjective idealism - of intuitive introverts. In analogous manner this can be applied to the "materialist" sensing group: sensing introverts are thus subjective materialists while sensing extraverts are objective materialists. Different philosophical schools of thoughts will be treated rather loosely here, however, I am doing this for one purpose - to systematize existing observations about motivation of behavior on 16 levels.

    Note: One should not forget that what is discussed here concerns motivations of types rather than concrete individuals - representatives of different types can embrace any philosophy.

    Lets proceed to examine each type:

    1. Objective idealists (ENxx)

    - The Mentor (EIE): god, fate, destiny rule the world. This type is one of the most oriented at mysticism and religion, honestly believing in its own messiahood, seeing itself as a missionary for forces cosmic or divine.

    - The Inventor (ILE): the universe is ruled by a universal intelligence. This sociotype more than others believes in ability of human mind to comprehend the most complex phenomena, in intelligent design of the objective world, in that it can be explained from the point of view of precise laws of logic. ("God does not play dice" - Einstein)

    - The Psychologist (IEE): world is governed by a feeling that is more powerful than the individual; this is one of the most altruistic types that is capable of helping people not asking for anything in return. This type has a strong predisposition for empathy.

    - The Entrepreneur (LIE): the creator of everything is living nature. This sociotype animates nature, itself becoming a dualist i.e. recognizing in equal measures the material and the idealistic beginnings that unite in the natural realm.

    2. Subjective idealists (INxx)

    - The Analyzer (LII): the world is governed by a thought («Cogito ergo sum» - Descartes). If people come to understand the systematized laws that govern the society, then society can be structured with fairness. The most constructive of all sociotypes, supposing that any phenomenon can be defined by universal prime elements (archetypes, Forms, a priori categories) and the connections between them.

    - The Critic (ILI): the world is governed by chance. Objective measures do not exist. Everything is relative and determined by probability. This type is most predisposed towards agnosticism of the intellect ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only when one attains complete inner clality and tranquility that can be achieved via meditation.

    - The Lyrisist (IEI): the world is governed by state, mood. This type possesses the most malleable type of psyche. It is strongly influenced by its own internal disposition. Because of this it is very easy to persuade this type in any issue if one is persistent enough. However, it will just as easily discard beliefs that were imposed on it.

    - The Mediator (EII): the world is ruled by kindness. The type that is most predisposed to compassion, even if its words and feelings are not realized as actions. This type has idealistic notions about kindness and fairness and that if everybody abides by these notions in everyday life this will lead towards a more humanitarian society. However, these have to come from the depths of individual's soul rather than imposed from the outside.

    3. Objective materialists (ESxx)

    - The Marshall (SLE): the world is ruled by power and strength. Most resolute of all sociotypes. Will enter an engagement only when he is sure that he has advantage in force or has found a weakness in the enemy forces. Objective reality, given to this type via his senses - this is what he trusts. Everything else is an illusion.

    - The Politician (SEE): world is governed by connections, fame and prestige. The most cautious one of all sociotypes, as it learns everything by making mistakes. It moves forward exploring its way by touch and trusting only its senses. Words, concepts, ideas - all of these are only instruments for exerting influence on people.

    - The Enthusiast (ESE): the world is ruled by impulse, fervor, attraction. The most emotive of all types capable of influencing the moods of others. This type can be considered to be part of idealist group, as it is able to do only that which it finds likable. However, its dependence on the emotional state of others is quite material.

    - The Administrator (LSE): the world is governed by labor, by work. This type has the most materialistically directed type of psyche. It will base its argument only on existing knowledge and laws. Completely dependent on the process of work, subjugating its own plans to it. Will reject any theories or schemes if they are not presented in a form of already established methods.

    4. Subjective materialists (ISxx)

    - The Inspector (LSI): the world is governed by order and discipline. This type is most dependent on organization of its concrete environment, completely subjugating itself to its adopted system. Every major alternative is rejected since deviation from accepted and polished system is equivalent to losing foothold and descending into uncontrollable chaos.

    - The Guardian (ESI): the world is governed morality and moral duty. This type of mentality more than any other depends on its internal moral attitudes. The individual is in the right to treat others as they deserve. The existing system of relations and moral values is protected from any impositions from outside. Even objectively provoked passion can be brought under control at will.

    - The Broker (SEI): the world is ruled by pleasure. This sociotype will only do work that is pleasant and not tiresome. Quite conforming in behavior, this type easily adapts to the others believing that people will positively reciprocate if only an atmosphere of comfort is created and something is offered that will improve the pleasantness of their lives.

    - The Master (SLI): the world is ruled by usefulness. In accordance with its philosophy this type will not do anything that it perceives as useless for itself and will never offer this to others. The principle of minimal action by which the physical world lives is its principle as well. As the most technologically-minded type, this type believes that the best argument is the one that appeals to the common sense of man.
    Last edited by silke; 09-12-2011 at 12:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    There have been a couple of them I believe.


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    Meh. Wtf is up with some of these, they make them out to be boring and dumb types. Even opposite types.

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