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Thread: Best Description of You and Your Type

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    Arrow Best Description of You and Your Type

    This thread is dedicated to talking about a Socionics type description that describes you or your type the best, one that you like the most, or even multiple descriptions you think suite you and your type well. Think about it for a while, or maybe you have something in mind already, and go ahead and post the link first, that's the important part. Then if you want you can even post the whole description or parts, highlight and review things you like about it or want to talk about: the specific parts and examples, or the overall feel. You can even improve on it or write your own short description. You don't have to. Whatever it is, anything from just a quick link to a long explanation, we'd like to hear from you.

    If you haven't thought much about it before or aren't yet sure, here are some links to start you off. They're in Russian, but you can translate:

    ILE 1 2
    SEI 1 2
    ESE 1 2
    LII 1 2
    SLE 1 2
    IEI 1 2
    EIE 1 2
    LSI 1 2
    SEE 1 2
    ILI 1 2
    LIE 1 2
    ESI 1 2
    IEE 1 2
    SLI 1 2
    LSE 1 2
    EII 1 2

  2. #2
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  3. #3
    High Priestess glam's Avatar
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    A somewhat idealistic romanticist. He is a person prone more to reflection than action. An individualist. He is little concerned with the present; he is more excited by brilliant perspectives of "bright cities, which may be built one day". His emotionality is of a high enough level, he understands very well the feelings of another and does not hide his own. But his emotionality is always somewhat restrained in order to observe the effect it produces. He expresses emotions not when another’s patience would get exhausted, but when he himself (she herself) considers it necessary. His way of handling emotions is very creative: for example, he may consider rage to be ethical, and restraint non-ethical.

    Easily infatuated. What makes another stand out for him is forcefulness, drive, insightfulness, naturally if this force lends itself to the influence of his emotions. He is very tolerant to people, understands them and tries to forgive their weaknesses.

    Tutankhamon’s smile. His line of defense in extreme conditions is his skill to demonstrate his attitude toward the situation, to reveal its comical aspects. So he has a fine sense of humor and possesses a very characteristic transparent smile, which appears at critical moments. His smile is warm, warming and exciting. However, his smile is in most cases caused by inner anxiety; the natural purpose of this smile is to raise his partner’s fighting spirit, to stir him up.

    Elegant. He comes off as steady and upright. He practically never squints his wide-open eyes. Typically, he is not prone to lower his arch-shaped eyebrows. Elegance is an every day thing with him, not something reserved for outings and special occasions. One can seldom see him in a non-aesthetic pose, his voice intonations are also refined, and movements are plastic and even rhythmic. In the light of the aforementioned two things are amazing: he does not care much for the elegance of others (his dual, The Commander, is emphatically non-demonstrative); chaos reins in his living quarters; both things and people which enter his home should find their places by themselves, or with the help of someone other then the Lyricist.

    A struggler for the emotional naturalness of people. He feels responsibility for mood of his friends and relatives, for their vital tonus. He uses his fine sense of humor to make them laugh, shake them up. In a company he scans the attendees not in order to find out what they are wearing, but in order to remark how each is feeling: this is exactly what he needs to relate to others. In general, he dreams of bringing harmony into society. History means to him history of the arts. He strives for beauty, which may be – poetry, arts, even nice trinkets. He himself strives to be refined. He adores communication with artists, poets, bohemians, and in general with exotic people.

    INFps mainly have slim figures, however well-built INFps are not that uncommon. Their gait is usually graceful and full of poise as they like to project an image of self-worthiness. Their eyes vary from large to small, however if they are isolated a characteristic pattern emerges. Narrow eyes give the impression that the person is smiling whereas wider eyes convey a feeling of curiosity.

    During conversation INFps have a tendency to maintain eye contact and to touch their interlocutors hand. They often have a very noticeable shy grin that appears when they worried or excited, or when someone focuses other's attention on them.

    INFps have a very good understanding of harmony and know well how to successfully combine clothes and accessories, resulting in their characteristic, elegant appearance. Sometimes they may give the impression that they are somewhat foppish. This applies to both male and female. INFps show interest in a varied range of the unusual and original. They are also inclined to small talk. It can sometimes prove difficult for others to hold INFps attention during interaction. They may unexpectedly disrupt a conversation by commenting in such a way as to give the impression that they are not following the subject. This can confuse or puzzle others.

    INFps enjoy interesting or humorous anecdotes and stories. They often recall and share notable episodes from their own life experiences. In situations where they are required to give a answer they often delay the inevitable until the last moment even if they have reached a decision by evading and camouflaging their intent. INFps are inclined to make empty promises, always finding excuses to justify their lack of responsibility. They like to make others aware of their lack or practicality. However, INFps have a good instinct for commercial and business matters showing great flexibility. This quality coupled with their ability to choose reliable deputies helps them to maintain a firm grip on positions of power.

    INFps have the ability to positively console people who are upset or worried by helping them to look to the future with optimism. With strangers INFps behave gallantly and tactfully, showing good manners and education. However among friends and family they can be very up front sometimes behaving frivolously. They enjoy baiting others in a playful manner in order to create an easy and tension-free atmosphere. At home INFps can be very frivolous and capricious, showing great stubbornness in getting what they want, sometimes creating dramas and scenes. These emotional outbursts are usually short and disappear without consequences. Generally they have very flexible emotions which they control consciously.

    INFps are usually uneconomical in financial matters. They find it difficult to refuse their whimsical desires. This can often lead them into financial difficulties and can result in them having to borrow money if they do not have sufficient money reserves. They like an extravagant style of life which is why their demands often outweigh their resources. INFps more than any other type are inclined to marry because of wealth instead of love. INFps will often accumulate their complaints in order release them all in one go in an appropriate situation. In fact, people who show concern about INFps health and well being and who listen to their problems are very much appreciated.

  4. #4
    Jarno's Avatar
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    Best description of me:

    Totally awesome.

  5. #5
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default's description is pretty good.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  6. #6
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    i wouldn't say this describes all representatives of my type the best, but it describes me pretty well as far as descriptions go.

    from the subtype descriptions on the wiki:

    Intuitive subtype (The Teacher)
    Victor Gulenko
    A good eye for people; immediately sees who does or doesn’t feel drawn to them by the looks in people’s eyes / have similar views to them. They love to be in a close circle of friends and adherents, and to discuss with them the novelties of literature, skill, humanities. Frequently behave unsure of themselves; They are scattered. The aim is humanitarian activity, but they can work in the service industry. Works well both in medicine and in pedagogy. Knows how to reconcile those disputing, to smooth out sharp situations. Knows how to create a pleasant situation, how to create a comfortable home. Dresses with the taste, frequently follows fashion.

    The intuitive subtype is emotional and strict, yet shows kindliness, goodwill and affability toward those with whom they sympathize and hold in good esteem. Sometimes like to joke, they try not to speak with people about unpleasant things but will at times feel forced to state their disagreement/indignation or risk feelings of regret at a later time. Serious and scrupulous, approach others when they feel needed/useful. Internally nervous, sensitive and vulnerable despite their attempts to hide it. Have good figurative and creative abilities and are able to interpret various symbols, dreams and mystical images. Like to use their knowledge to advise and edify, but only in a narrow social circle; prefer to maintain an air of modesty and subtlety. Dresses simply, adhering to classical style, often conservatively; not prone to notable gesticulating while conversing. Speech is emotional yet restrained, their voice is often instructive. Often has a disproportionate figure, especially if prone to corpulence; meanwhile gait may be plain, clumsy and/or classy (though restrained).

    edit: this is better - excerpts from (thanks siuntal)

    Their longing for harmony first and foremost leads them to make intense emotional attachments to ideas that they are compelled by from a person-centered perspective. And since they are unable to remove themselves from the situations that their minds place them in, they very much envision themselves as having the basic emotional human needs. Due to their inability to detach, they always envision themselves as protagonists in their reveries. Fi gives them a direct view of their personality, from a person-centered perspective. Whatever they do, they always engage in vicariously. Introverted Feeling, much like Introverted Thinking possesses the ability to focus intensely. The INFP, unlike the INTP focuses intensely on the human element. Hence, the INFP will devote their whole might to whatever catches their sympathies.

    As aforementioned, Introverted Feeling is a direct representation of their personality in action. Thus, due to the intense focus and an intensely personal approach to life the INFPs, much like INTPs often get lost in their thoughts. The salient difference between an INTP and an INFP is that the latter takes a person-centered approach, and may feel charged from contemplation, as an introvert, though likely will be emotionally drained afterwards, had the experience had a negative emotional tone. An INTP, on the other hand is always sheltered from this due to detachment. In this respect, INFPs are absent-minded professors to nearly the same extent as the INTPs. Though their intense ability to focus comes in at a time when their feeling-sensibilities, as opposed to analytical faculties are engaged.

    Hence, the essence of pure feeling for the INFP is analogous to pure logic for the INTP. For this reason, the INFP will likely be very stubborn to comply with a stipulation, much like the INTP, before having had a chance to think it through for themselves. Unlike the INTP from whom we are likely to receive stubborn resistance, the INFP will silently reject the stipulation tainting their attitude towards the person, yet will conceal their rejection until their values are violated to a great extent. In such a scenarion, they likely would have no choice but to treat the person in an effusive fashion.

    For this reason, the INFP, as beforementioned is highly likely to retreat to the inner world for intense emotional experiences. Introverted Feeling, as a dominant function, always needs to be making decisions, as we see that it is an end in itself and therefore internally fueled. Hence, so long as the inner being is in operational mode for the INFP, Introverted Feeling will be in session. This is much analogous to the INTP's need to be consistently challenged. Thus, the INFP consistently needs to be in a state of harmony. For this reason, as for many mentioned above, the INFP is more likely to withdraw into the inner world of reveries than other types. Harmony is a must accomplish objective, and if it cannot be found in the outer world, the INFP will doubtlessly turn to where it could be found. Very often, when the external world does not comport to the vision of an INFP, the INFP is forced to seek a place where their vision could be thought of as a reality. This stresses their very strong introverted nature, or primacy of the inner world over the outer.

    Thus, based on this one can say if we learned to love even Satan, nothing should stop us from coming to full harmony with all things that are. Much like the younger brother Kamaramazov, who was doubtlessly an INFP was known to love the person almost to the extent that he was wicked. Or the more wicked a person was, the more he loved him. Hence, the more difficult an object is to harmonize for an INFP, the more resolute they will be on coming to harmony with the subject. Much like the more difficult an idea is to understand for an INTP, the more resolute he will be on putting a grasp over the idea. Thus, the INFP's drive to harmonize what we are out of harmony with parallels the INTP's drive to understand what has not yet been understood.

    The INFP must first understand that their mindset is comprehended and accepted by others before they could move themselves out to the open. This, as aforementioned tends to lead to major reservations. For that reason also, they tend to cling to their idealistic visions of ‘kindness and understanding’, that is, simply because they are unable to find a place that is fitting for their high ideals.

    Being more subjectively inclined, INFPs are unable to explain their ideas to Extroverted Feelers from whom they may often look for sympathy. The more the INFP is misunderstood, the more reservations they shall experience. Emotional comfort will derive almost entirely from within.

    Analogously, the INFP may have retained a high degree of integrity in the inner world, but may have made serious blunders in the external world due to a lack of awareness of the external situation. A poignant example of this would be an INFP who highly values sensitivity, as most tend to, misunderstanding the situation she/he is dealing with and attempting to be as sensitive as possible in accordance to the situation that they are dealing with. Yet, when they come out to deal with the external world, the other person may perceive them as insensitive, despite their earnest effort and sincerity. That is because the person that they tended to was not dealing with the situation that the INFP has envisaged. This is a consequence of an Introverted Judgment eclipsing the INFP’s Extroverted Intuition.
    Last edited by ashlesha; 04-16-2011 at 08:15 PM.

  7. #7
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    that is an awesome IEE description. i wish there was one for EIIs.

  8. #8
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    I like this one (translated from Russian) albeit it puts a lot of emphasis on Fe so sounds kind of rosy

    Quiet, calm, friendly, unobtrusive sea of ​​feelings, rich spiritual inner world.
    To empathize, to ease emotional stress, to soothe, to predispose, to access the human soul, to understand people, too see their positive and negative traits, to discover the hidden motives of their behavior, to observe the instances of sympathy and antipathy in relations, to live conscientiously, to love your neighbor and abide by the commandments, to live in such a way that one's conscience is clean and the soul is bright, philanthropy, humanitarianism, mutual trust, kindness, sincerity, sensitivity, humility, peace, harmony, compromise, to forgive wrongs and move forward.
    Ideas of brotherhood, love, friendship and mutual understanding; distaste for negative emotions, aggression, physical violence. Helping people, doing good, peace loving, sincerity, social tact, respect for the opponent, compassion, kindness, self-sacrifice, empathy with other's grief, gentleness and unobtrusiveness, vulnerability, caution, self-restraint, guilt and self-blame, attentiveness to people, paying attention to fine changes in intonation, indecision, procrastination, laziness and drowning in details of planning.
    "Where is the love of man for his bothers? Where has his conscious gone?" Conscience - this is a special state of the soul of man. When it is said that a man's soul is as peace this implies a clear conscience.
    Courtesy, social norms of conduct, diligence, loyalty, spirituality, honesty, concepts of good and evil, tradition, the desire to remind about what moral and what is immoral; family circle, chatting with friends.
    Punctuality, reliability, stability, honesty, responsibility, modesty, diffidence, lack of demonstrativeness.
    Does not like when handling one unfinished jobs gets assigned a new one, does not make haste and bustle.
    If he is asked to do something, can not refuse.
    Cannot work in an unpleasant psychological atmosphere, very much appreciates the psychological comfort and balances, will try to smooth out the rough edges and bridge the gaps ("bad peace is better than a good quarrel").
    Does not accept dishonesty and betrayal;
    Vulgarity or carelessness perceives as signs of disrespect to others, doesn't allow himself to look sloppy, critical of his own looks and will-power, criticism made in this direction is especially painful to him.
    Also this one as it stresses intuition of time, though it is not socionics
    The Foreseer Developer - Theme is foresight. Use their insights to deal with complexity in issues and people, often with a strong sense of “knowing” before others know themselves. Talents lie in developing and guiding people. Trust their inspirations and visions, using them to help others. Thrive on helping others resolve deep personal and ethical dilemmas. Private and complex, they bring a quiet enthusiasm and industry to projects that are part of their vision.
    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    i wish there was one for EIIs.
    see if you can relate to this detailed profile

  9. #9
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    see if you can relate to this detailed profile

    i tend to like a lot of descriptions from sources other than socionics but didn't think to look for them when i posted. i think this one is really good, edited my post to include portions of it that really stood out to me. thanks.

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    If anyone is curious I added/averaged all the ratings from all the descriptions from the link #1s provided in the OP, mostly from Russian-speaking users, as you can see from this text edit:

    The highest rated descriptions as a total set were
    1. Grizzly
    2. Ausra, Vaysband (these are the same descriptions from but untranslated)
    3. Gulenko Functions (also available on

    Thanks for individual responses, I'm taking another look at them all now.

  11. #11
    jughead's Avatar
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    link to grizzly
    never heard of that before

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    [QUOTE=siuntal;762975]I like this one (translated from Russian) albeit it puts a lot of emphasis on Fe so sounds kind of rosy

    Yeah I get the a pretty good drift from that but the translation sucks and there are several bad logical contradictions.

  13. #13
    Korpsy Knievel's Avatar
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    Intuitively - logical introvert ( ILI ) - INTP

    The abstract thinking is advanced. In deepened meditations ILI mentally selects the essential and most important sides, features, signs of a subject from the unessential, casual signs, sorts out them and throws superfluous things, being sunk in concealed essence of the phenomena. Disclosing and analysing reasons and envisioning consequences he uncovers regularities of processes. A natural life state ILI is to be engaged in gathering of any information, to differentiate it, i.e. to split it on separate quality distinctive parts.

    ILI accumulates the information, watches, and characterises events in society. He describes, defines distinctive, peculiar features, particularities of the people, subjects, compounds about this his own judgement, for trusts more to his own feel. He cites different perspective ideas, unexpected hypotheses and elaborates them, puts expertises.

    ILI understands the parts of the whole, comparing, confronting them among themselves, therefore he easily designs, upgrades and constructs new machinery, techniques. Having deal with concrete subjects, he perceives not so much an exterior form, but sees plutonic processes, which take place inside. At fabrication of commodity the most important for ILI is its longevity and convenience.

    ILI is provident: he estimates critically the outlooks of production and commodity: how will their possibilities and quality will meet the requirements of time and will be useful. He refers to all conventional things as traditions and resistant norms with sarcasm. He can willingly expose to criticism for ungrounded optimism and self-confidence those who disagree with ILI or are in a hurry. Therefore he also has the advanced nihilism: does not trust capacities of the people and relations between them, feels and sees the strife of contrasts.

    ILI marks out the good and evil. He has an impressionable self-love, but is dispossessed of vanity. He wants to get rid of own internal confusions by finding of such person, whom he could admire, then he tends to become better and more perfect.

    Before doing something, he premeditates long and weighs timeliness or inopportunity of matter. He has the sharp feeling of time, can envision events and anticipate the others about undesirable consequences and hazard. If he finds a matter, which is up to the needs of ILI, speeds up events, becomes more active, more operatively, thus it is almost impossible to make him change his mind and to stop him.

    ILI philosophises with satisfaction on any themes, not confining in virtuosity to attach to plots the picturesque colouring. He is bent to independent thinking, intellectual battles. The clearness of thought and skill legibly and precisely to state it is generic to ILI . With the help of the words he can show an integrated picture. He makes for somebody and something his own standard typology, that helps ILI to understand quickly the urgent vital processes and situations.

    ILI feels latent defects, such as undinamicy and impracticable things. He accepts nothing on a faith at once, doubts in everything. He sceptically, even pessimistically predicts the development of events or probable hazards and disastrous variations. Therefore he mistrustfully and critically refers to absolutely new ideas, theories, understands their contradictions and probable deflection from public norms. He permanently keeps up a development of events in society and compares them with his own scheduled script.

    Before business talk he thinks over all details beforehand in order to be competent and to show the intelligently sharpened point of view. He starts to actions only then, when feels a concreteness and usefulness, will not do every things. He does not make superfluous efforts, does not force himself, as knows it gives a positive result not always. He permanently makes the rational offers to improve production by accessible methods. He can estimate engineering methods, knows their resources. He also estimates his own possibilities as well as possibilities of team with the purpose of implementation of operation by an effective method and with the least expenditures.

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    This might be cheating somewhat, but......


    You want to be open, honest, direct and straightforward. More importantly, you want to be independent, make your own decisions and direct your own course. You see yourself as assertive, decisive and resourceful. You would like others to see you as strong, fair-minded and magnanimous. Your idealized image is that you are protective and powerful. You are charismatic and exude confidence. You have a take-charge, no nonsense, can do attitude. You have great pride in your ability to face, endure and overcome adversity, believing that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Your assertive stance and imposing presence make you a ‘force of nature’. You like challenges and usually overcome the kinds of obstacles that limit or deter others. You have a lust for life and want to experience everything to the fullest. You believe that ‘too much of a good thing is almost enough’.

    Your word is your bond and you do not suffer fools gladly. People are occasionally intimidated by you and have a tendency to misinterpret your direct manner as insensitivity. Self-possessed, you easily speak your mind and can come across as too aggressive. You believe that being true to yourself means that you say what you mean and mean what you say. You stand up for your beliefs and perceive backing down as a sign of weakness – even though at times doing so may be common sense and in your own best interest.

    Behind your tough exterior you are gentle, playful, childlike and innocent. Always one to laugh, you can see the humor even in the most painful and difficult of circumstances. You are also unusually devoted to and protective of those in your ‘inner circle,’ often secretly going without so that others will have what they need. Living by your own personal code of honor, you have a strong sense of justice which compels you to act whenever you see any kind of injustice taking place. This often inspires great loyalty from those who see you as a protective authority.

    You need to be your own authority, and seek independence to be master and commander of your own life. You have the need to feel confident, self-reliant and in charge of your emotions. You don’t need to be liked, but you do have a strong need to be respected. You also need a sense of fairness and justice in your dealings with others, or you are likely to assert your willful and stubborn nature.

    You avoid being weak, vulnerable, controlled or manipulated. Secretly, you fear being caught off guard, harmed and/or humiliated. Being mistreated and at the mercy of injustice are among your deepest fears. You resist and defy anything that is imposed upon you. Fearing deprivation, you avoid ever having to go without what you deem essential to your survival. You do everything in your power to avoid being dependent on anyone or anything. You have a distaste for mediocrity and anything that feels contrived.

    Your greatest strength is your sense of justice and desire to protect the weak, vulnerable, down-trodden and under-represented. Big hearted and generous by nature, you willingly protect others even at your own expense. A person of your word, you stand up for what you believe in and deliver what have you promised. You have the ability to quickly assess a situation, cut to the chase and ‘call a spade a spade’, simplifying what initially appears to be complex and confusing. This ability to instinctively see the truth in any given situation and act decisively makes you a natural born leader.

    Your vice is excess and going to extremes. Whatever you like, you want more of and whatever you do, you overdo at full speed. Quick to respond, you can over react and come on too strong. You can be too much, too intense, and unwilling to self-limit. This can lead to escalating conflict due to an over reliance on your own truth and self-defined justice. Under stress you can become myopic, believing your truth as ‘The Truth’. Seeing life as a battlefield or a contest of wills, you can become confrontational and have difficulty backing down or admitting defeat. You have a tendency to push things to the edge and sometimes may run over others in the process.

    Your attention goes to issues of power— who has it and most importantly, if it is being used fairly. You instinctively sense a power vacuum and you often step in to fill it. You are not interested in subtle nuance but rather in the big picture, like a general surveying a battlefield. You can be relentless in your search for truth, justice, power and influence.

    Spiritual Path
    Your spiritual journey is to reclaim your sense of innocence. Spiritual growth will come when you can acknowledge a higher truth and a higher power. As the king or queen of the jungle, you can either take advantage of others with your powerful and commanding presence or make the jungle a safe place for everyone.

    True strength comes from surrendering the need to have power and control. Remember that sensitivity to others and acknowledging your own tender emotions is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. Cynicism and insensitive teasing are red flags that you are feeling hurt and disempowered.

    If you are the Enneagram Type 8 with the 7 Wing, you desire to appear commanding. You see yourself as outspoken, innovative, intense, daring, striking, attractive and tenderhearted.

    If you are the Enneagram Type 8 with the 9 Wing, you desire to appear solid. You see yourself as earthy, simple, honest, practical, authoritative, solid, wise and considerate.

    Throw in something about and 'directing' and Rick's spiritual development of the types in terms of Te, and it's almost a 'good' general type profile. I'd say I'm a 9 wing part of that description at first, and then over time become increasingly 7 wing - I seem to default into withholding my humanity from other people or being 'warm' in any sense upon first entering a new social situation, but that changes with experience and trust. It might be something I change about myself, though.

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    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Last edited by Nowisthetime; 04-26-2011 at 07:40 PM.

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    "1. A consistent adept. He is able to rationally and adequately choose the best of the available systems or dogmas and to fight for its implementation uncompromisingly up to the point of impertinence. He categorically rejects everything that cannot fit into this system, and perfects it to its ideal state. He is very consistent in the realization of his system, even when it comprises inconstancy."

    '3. Researcher. He tends to profound analysis of narrow problems, establishes fastidiously their correlation to what he has previously learnt . . . His norm of loneliness is high. He does not read much, prefers more to reflect—this is his favorite condition . . . Often he finds a solution where others are "too shy" to find it.'

    "4. A mix of delicacy and adventurism. He is very reclusive and secretive. He does not like to be the center of attention. In communication, especially at a distance, he is sympathetic and not bothersome. At the same time, he needs listeners. He captivates people by his purposefulness in implementation of his own system. If he understands something and other people do not, he may fall into aggression . . . He is tactful, sympathetic to people; however, he treats them rather like instruments. Personal feelings, sympathies and antipathies do not distract him; the most important thing is the result. Ethic is submitted to logic (Stalin). He does not tolerate, when other people move his belongings—for him this is a grave insult. For him it is hard to tolerate aggressive people, although he does not strive to argue with them."

    " . . . he can judge about other people's feelings only by their external manifestations: e.g. how people look at him, speak with him. This is why he can easily mistake his desire to be loved for his partner's real feeling. He is aware of that, and therefore is distrustful and suspicious."

    Sergei Moshenkov and Wing Tung Tang M. Sc., MBTI and Socionics: Legacy of Dr. Carl Jung (Lexington: USA, 2010), 10-11:

    - pp. 10-11 [J/P]: "Judging: is not necessarily proneness to OCD, although all OCD's that I met are introverted judgers. Many judgers are actually flexible, messy and disorganized in the moment."

    - p. 127: "ISTj's have a characteristic fear of thoughts being put in their head. They are capable of seeing only one perspective and their behavior develops out of this one perspective. This makes them very susceptible to suggestion and manipulation."

    - p. 128: "The ISTj is very emotional. I have noticed a peculiar tendency of Ti (+) ISTj's to mainly exhibit negative affectivity, meanwhile Ti (-) ISTj's exhibit positive affectivity. ISTj's are very prone to act out of the feelings of the moment, to catch an emotional high, to grow emotionally dependable on certain people . . . The ISTj aims to be wise . . . . They often write poetry, and have deep thoughts about the world, humanity and life. Their thoughts however are generally not of their own, and their poetry lacks in imagery."

    - pp. 128-129: "They are often bad at directions, poor at strategically planning a business. Though they expend a lot of effort, they get bogged down in details. They can manage an existing system, but creating a system that fits the objective world around them is far more difficult for the ISTj."

    Ekaterina Filatova, Understanding The People Around You: An Introduction To Socionics (Hollister: MSI Press, 2006), 72-73:

    - pp. 72-73 [THE STRUCTURIST: Thinking-Sensing Introvert (TSI)]: "Every morning, Structurists make sure they are wearing a watch, as it is hard for them to get along without one . . . Upon discovering an ambiguity in their notes, they may underline it several times, and write a note in the margin.
    In the field they choose for themselves, Structurists try to attain perfection and are very upset if someone outperforms them . . . If the job concerns learning something new, they might study it for hours on end. If the Structurist is a student, his or her notes are always precise, clear, and thorough. Lectures are copied with neat handwriting. Structurists like all their headings to be exactly even, and the margin to be perfectly straight. Their personal notes to others are concise and coherent."

    - p. 74: " . . . Structurists are veiled people, and rarely speak their mind. It may be hard for them to establish relationships with people . . . Structurists are sure that they are always right. Therefore, Structurists are capable of publicly making a reprimand that is right in subject, but offensive in form.

    It is interesting to notice that my father, in spite of his strict approach even in relations with his family members, could drown in tears when watching sentimental Indian movies. He could not refrain from tears when he told stories from his past. Such sentimentality changed into outbursts of fury and indignation when he felt offended or <ridiculed>.

    . . . They are ideal workers, for example, in pharmacies, where mistakes are unacceptable. They also make good workers in . . . a publishing company."

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