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Thread: I'm Curious

  1. #41
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Right, so what does that tell you about now? Couldn't this be situational? I wasn't that active until Gilly forced me into the limelight, now I'm everywhere cause everyone's seen my name now.
    This could be situational, but I highly doubt it. I don't see how someone would push an INTp into the "limelight" and act unlike himself for an extensive period of time. If you don't care about what others think your type is then why on earth you would change your behavior for something Gilly has done. I doubt you even believe yourself in this.

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    I wasn't looking for a debate, I don't want to destroy anyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Yes, because Aiss and the other few ILIs here that may not even be ILIs are a source of exhaustive examples of of the full extent of the ILI; And you guys imposing typings have full understanding of my psychology, behavior, personality, and tendencies to the extent that you can really make a definitive decision of a psychological type. -__-
    Defensive much? You refuse to debate but you are annoyed that others know you better than yourself when nobody claims anything near that. Why on earth we have typing threads at all? Each one of us know us better than some strangers on the internet.

    Meh. You are taking this too close to heart so I guess it is pointless. Be a sea-urchin if you want, I don't care much.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

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  2. #42
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No Longer a Dating Site View Post
    This could be situational, but I highly doubt it. I don't see how someone would push an INTp into the "limelight" and act unlike himself for an extensive period of time. If you don't care about what others think your type is then why on earth you would change your behavior for something Gilly has done. I doubt you even believe yourself in this.
    No you misunderstand.
    1. Gilly taunted me
    2. Gilly made a thread about me
    3. I became well-known
    4. More attention was paid to every post I made, especially the theories I let out(which were crushed instead of developed)
    5. People focused on the person making the post instead of the actual discussion
    6. I had to stay on my toes resorting to my Id, suppressing my Ego / natural state.

    I didn't change myself on purpose, but I can't even make one constructive and productive post about Socionics here now without being singled out.

    Defensive much? You refuse to debate
    1.) I'm not being defensive
    2. ) I haven't.

    but you are annoyed
    Never said I was annoyed.

    that others know you better than yourself when nobody claims anything near that. Why on earth we have typing threads at all? Each one of us know us better than some strangers on the internet.
    I'm saying you guys are confirming your biases when you don't even have enough information. I'd rather you guys wait it out an evaluate my behavior in the long term.

    I'm not against my typing completely.

    Meh. You are taking this too close to heart so I guess it is pointless. Be a sea-urchin if you want, I don't care much.
    Far from the truth. You people have no sense of humor.

    All I want to do is discuss, and I can't even do that.

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  3. #43
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    All I want to do is discuss, and I can't even do that.
    I wonder why....Your answers are different from what I observe so I wont continue as I see it as pointless. As for people singling you out you now can redirect them here if they want to waste their time on this.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

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  4. #44
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    A Wild Appears!

    Best source of info I could find on the topic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    they're rather similar to Krig's recent verbal mandala of quadra IEs. Both could be easily read as Ne-Ti.
    I don't want to piss in your soup and stir it with my spoon korpsey but I think you, what's the word ? Oh yea, defended EyeSeeCold in that thread Gilly created, taking him under umbrella of ILI people, society of P people.

    All in all I think I agree with that bit you typed.

    The degree to which your thinking converges with his [tcaudilllg] is unknown but you've openly lent him moral support, agreed with him, and even cited him numerous times when other self-styled Te-egos have rejected what he's said out of hand.
    I didn't know that, thanks. So EyeSeeCold you admit to sleeping with enemy as korpsey accuses you here ?

    Then there's the business of your agreements with maritsa, which is curious since her analytical skills are just crap.
    Yea, she never said you have aggravating qualities. Something stinks here and it's not me EyeSeeCold.

    and I think you're an LII.
    Another nail to the coffin EyeSeeCold. I counted 35 so far...

    thanks. ftr i reserve the right to change my mind, though it seems unlikely to me at this time that i will.
    Haha, EIIs. Mmm

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Fix'd - your punctuation.
    Yea CP watch where you drop your commas, you never know there's a one Director Abbie reading your posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post"
    It is settled and decided then EyeSeeCold, I'm terribly sorry

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Does not ILI posses both and with which to produce and argue?
    That depends on who you ask. Assuming the answer you hope for is yes, a demonstrated preference for one or the other will still obtain.

    I have said elsewhere that given I am working with theory, I am out of my element, so to speak, as I have to constantly justify what I state, as I am very opinionated. I am kept on my toes being on a forum such as this with many valuers who need that kind of reasoning in order to accept my positions.
    Special pleading. ILI has Te and Ti to produce and argue, no? Also, why foster gemutlichkeit with the Ti posse? Are you reflexively submissive or is rolling over and showing your underbelly like this just another fluke? DS + PoLR > DS + PoLR. ILI-SLE dual-type indeed.

    As such I haven't been given a chance, since first joining, to settle in my natural state.
    Pleading again. I'm curious if your dog has a taste for homework.

    Just because a person is a different type doesn't mean they can't give moral support or agree or even cite them(which I've only done three times).
    Strawman. My statement's caveat anticipated this absurd objection.

    Not to mention you're ignoring our conflict back when we were trying to find consensus when we were redefining elements.
    Please, respect the scarecrow's dignity. Identicals, duals, et. al. can, will, and do disagree.

    Evidence for fantasy?
    Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a practiced warfighter. Under which branch of our glorious military do you serve? Perhaps you belong to a citizen militia or ninja clan.

    Two things I can recall: The Matrix and my "Fighting Styles" thread. This is highly insufficient evidence for a typing.
    Moving goalposts. Your theorizing is generally expressed as I described it before, and your style of argument follows suit.

    I'm not into animated fantasy nor anime, I'm barely into current television programming or movies, so again, this is insufficient data.
    Equivocation. Military videogames are animated military fantasy games. They don't entail actually killing people or destroying property. Neither does reading about military history or hardware. You aren't stupid, so don't be obtuse unless you wish to be suspect.

    Your understanding of the situation is inadequate. I was never "on Maristsa side", nor did I see her as a reliable source of information. I have said already that I entertained her because it was harmless fun just going along with her naivety, all the while engaging in other discussions on this board. I have truly agreed with maybe a few things she said, although what she agreed with me on is an entirely different subject.
    Again, anticipated and thus moot. Maritsa's deformed psychology makes her an unreliable witness. Your relation with her was added to the mix as a knowingly fallacious "if X and Y then Z" chin-scratcher. Since its truthfulness was contingent on unproven hypotheticals I qualified it by couching it in terms of possibilities, not realities.

    What you fail to realize is that I am fairly new
    Presumptuous and false. You showed up shortly after I did.

    and Maritsa hadn't had the time to annoy me to the point of most members here. I just didn't give a damn if she was her or not, she didn't really bother me.
    Argumentum ad populum.

    True, although you ignore situational factors.
    Pleading again. Inability to adapt to extenuating circumstances could indicate base Ji. Habitual recourse to finger-pointing in the face of hardship is...well, it's probably best that your dad spells that one out for you.

    I have been in a different energy state than I have been the first few months, so I am more accepting of other people, at the same time, more active.
    Self-serving bias. These excuses prove nothing but a love of excuses.

    Assuming you know ILIs, regardless, it's not about opinion, but relational fact.
    We don't have an MRI or EEG or even a pair of soupcans and a galvanometer to test you with, and you've refused requests to show us something other than your Ti-heavy textual self. So it's all about opinion.

    I doubt your own ILI typing.
    Go back to farming. You haven't rebutted a thing.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    The funny thing is that before Gilly made that thread, no one had trouble with ILI.
    Faulty inductive reasoning. Ignorance of your self-typing being questioned isn't proof of its absence. And I certainly wondered about it well before Gilly chimed in or even returned. While I'm at it I'm gonna whip availability heuristic at you for claiming that Gilly is the source of your notoriety rather than the clunky ideas that make up your posts. Also:

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Man up & stop acting like a little bitch.

  8. #48
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    I'd be hard pressed to find out people here, especially you, haven't been trolling me about my type. If you seriously believe I compare with the likes of:

    ArchonAlarion ♂
    Brilliand ♂
    chip ♂
    Crispy ♂
    HaveLucidDreamz ♂
    intjguy ♂
    jason_m ♂
    JohnDo ♂
    Krig the Viking ♂
    labcoat ♂
    Logos ♂
    MatthewZ ♂
    MysticSonic ♂
    RSV3 ♂
    tcaudilllg ♂
    thehotelambush ♂
    Trevor ♂
    warrior-librarian ♀
    science as magic

    then you should honestly reconsider your Socionics experience. As such, I will reply to your other post directly with deliberate speed, as I will not risk wasting my time on trolls.

    It is noteworthy to point out that INTjs tend to receive 5w6 enneatype. I am a 5w4. Not to mention their tendencies toward formal logic, maths & natural science, when I have complete lack of interest in all areas(and no more than above average proficiency). I don't even have a field of preferred study. Hell, you even show more use of than me. So, as I said, deliberate speed.

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    Two test results I got some time back.
    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    I got ILI-0 for what it's worth. With LIE as the next best choice.

    There needs to be a test that focuses on Model A dispositions, I think that would be less subjective and easier for a person to identify in himself.
    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    I took it again, because I overlooked the percentages.

    ILI-0 changed to ILI-1Te
    LIE is still the second type

    My ideal dual would be ESFp-Fi or ISFj-Se

    Quadra Distribution:

    Delta: 29%
    Gamma: 28%
    Alpha: 24%
    Beta: 19%

    Top 4 Types:


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    Global 5: sloan RCUEI; sloan+ R|C|UeI; primary Calm; R(78%)C(88%)U(76%)E(56%)I(70%)

    02-27-2011 03:44 PMEyeSeeCold

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    The results of ipsative tests can be helpful in establishing type but are not conclusive. They can also be spoofed by someone knowledgeable of the theory they're based on, or be ambiguous or misleading when the test subject has poor self-knowledge. Since these tests quantify deduced properties they're also Ti as fuck.

    Give us a video of you, photos of your room and book collection, a description of your average day.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    The results of ipsative tests can be helpful in establishing type but are not conclusive. They can also be spoofed by someone knowledgeable of the theory they're based on, or be ambiguous or misleading when the test subject has poor self-knowledge. Since these tests quantify deduced properties they're also Ti as fuck.

    Give us a video of you, photos of your room and book collection, a description of your average day.


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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post

    Better luck on the rematch.
    Quite trolling. Get a life.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milkor View Post
    Quite trolling. Get a life.

  16. #56
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    A Wild Appears!

    Best source of info I could find on the topic.
    Ganin is a phrenologist who has a serious problem with ILIs because they've so often demolished the underpinnings of his beloved socionics*. His article is just dumb.

    INTj's logic is their area of confidence and conservatism. This makes their logic fundamental, meaning once the rules are established, they can be applied anywhere. INTps logic is their area of creativity. This makes their logic circumstantial and unpredictable - the rules apply here but may not apply there.
    Base Ti, meet your demonstrative Te. Ganin just doesn't understand!

    INTp's main function is introverted intuition. Since introverted intuition is about internal wholeness or belief, this manifests itself in INTps being highly religious and spiritual people.
    Please. I'm sure some religious ILIs exist but every single one I know personally is an agnostic or an atheist, and they're all physicalists who reject the supernatural out of hand. I myself have never viewed religious texts as anything but mythological literature (which I enjoy in that regard) and have always been some combination of a-, ir-, and anti-religious.

    And since you can believe in things that are not necessarily there or actually true, INTps criticise a lot.
    This is quite comically ass-backward given the airy-fairy nature of Ti and its leading role in Berkeleyan immaterialism, Platonic idealism, hypostatized IEs, or anything else that rests primarily on appeals to pure reason. You're telling me about something that can't be captured in a jar, set on fire, or poked with a stick --- is it symbolic or imaginary? No? Then Te probably says it doesn't exist.

    INTps are in their element when involved with business, enterprise, commerce, industry, trade, financial institutions, church etc.
    I don't know where this Te = $$$ shit keeps coming from. Probably from lumping ILIs in with their sometimes flossy duals. International billionaire playboy Cpig excepted, two ILIs I know made wise investments and retired early. Two. The rest are wage slaves out of necessity and they all hate their jobs. The most ill-adjusted among them are perpetually broke. Given their druthers they'd all rather surround themselves with books and recordings, focus on researching areas of interest, become professional college students, travel, attend concerts, make art, or throw themselves into their hobbies. Aside from the lucky two, none of them are likely to ever have enough money to stop worrying about money.

    Another comparison will be between Dual-seeking functions. INTps are looking out for extroverted sensing, INTjs are looking out for extroverted feeling. Since both functions are the subconscious functions, they are likely to influence the subconscious choices. INTps would want to go power driven, moneymaking, sometimes risky places, whereas INTjs would prefer a happy, cheerful and exciting surrounding.
    This is almost right other than the bit about Se also being all about the Benjamins. And here I thought Te was loot-hungry. Way to rock those consistent, universally applicable Ti rules, Ganin.

    I can't speak for LIIs but from my vantage Ganin's views on ILIs are just stupid. Unless you're looking for a bit of self-comforting, Ti-supremacist propaganda then this article should be binned. I'm going to assume ESC has brains enough to sort this out without Ganin's "help" and that he isn't treating the whole forum to a ride on his trollercoaster, but in the meantime he's yet to make what I regard as a convincing case for his self-typing.

    * " INTps have this very special relationship with Socionics. They are like plague, eating its very foundation. They are like ever growing tumour that turns once solid and sound principals into a formless jelly. Just like a bunch of angry termites on rampage, they feed on anything structural, bearing clarity and simplicity... by turning it to dust." <--- dry your eyes, mate

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    Why is it so important for you to be INTp, ESC?

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinxi View Post
    Why is it so important for you to be INTp, ESC?
    You're trying to shift the object onto the subject.

    It's not important that I'm ILI. It's that ample evidence has given towards the ILI type and you guys have insufficient evidence for such strong and so many judgments compared to my own (yes, even one-sided) perspective.

    Nothing said so far has actually weighted LII > ILI, their similarities have not been taken into consideration for any and all judgments made by opposing parties. Not to mention confirmation bias, as information pointing towards me conflicting with LII has been ignored on the grounds of
    Identicals, duals, et. al. can, will, and do disagree.
    , as per "relativist on demand", k0rpsey.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    You're trying to shift the object onto the subject.

    It's not important that I'm ILI. It's that ample evidence has given towards the ILI type and you guys have insufficient evidence for such strong and so many judgments compared to my own (yes, even one-sided) perspective.

    Nothing said so far has actually weighted LII > ILI, their similarities have not been taken into consideration for any and all judgments made by opposing parties. Not to mention confirmation bias, as information pointing towards me conflicting with LII has been ignored on the grounds of , as per "relativist on demand", k0rpsey.
    If you don't like the answer, don't ask.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Ganin is a phrenologist who has a serious problem with ILIs because they've so often demolished the underpinnings of his beloved socionics*. His article is just dumb.
    lol yeah I'd noticed but I figured if ESC was LII it wouldn't matter too much
    Most LII author's I've read have this same tendency of representation of the socion. I find it pretty lulzy

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    aversion / suppression

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolt View Post
    I think you should consider whether this +/- is actually changing the functions themselves or is an emergent from the pairing blocks. I have reasons to relate to the latter:

    The External/Internal across a block is basically a new dichotomy (in types currently called: Aristocratic/Democratic), as far as I can tell. The same "process" that makes Rationality, Decisiveness, Seriousness applies to it:
    - Fields+Static, Bodies+Dynamic = Rational; Bodies+Static, Fields+Dynamic = Irrational;
    - Fields+Internal, Bodies+External = Decisive,Serious; Bodies+Internal, Fields+External = Judicious,Merry (Alpha/Gamma values);
    - Static+Internal, Dynamic+External = Delta values; Dynamic+Internal, Static+External = Beta values; note that this is an actual IE/AE/function dichotomy, it's not just some trait that Beta and Delta have in opposition, just that no one cared to name it so far (in fact I did).
    - Internal Base+Internal Creative (NF, FN), External Base+External Creative (ST, TS) = Aristocratic (judgmental); External Base+Internal Creative (SF, TN), Internal Base+External Creative (NT, FS) = Democratic (nonjudgmental, observant).

    As you can see, every time two fields that require external support, or ones that don't, pair together, one way or another a sort of judgment, premeditation, decisiveness emerges in the personality type. Also note that such things as Rational (Skizotymic), Decisive, Serious are not to be found in the Information Aspects, for instance, there's no such thing as determination, planning, judgment, decision in , the structural information, but the Socionics Rational is exclusively explained as emergent in the psyche (original Socionics explanation of Schizotymic, not the later online versions, perverted with Jung misinterpretations and MBTI mix-ins), when such Information Element is placed in the Base function. Certainly, "Rational/Judging" IAs have something in common, but we address them that way only for convenience, not because they, as actual aspects of information, are "judging/rational" by themselves.

    Furthermore, +/- comes only in bundles of Dual functions. It's impossible to distinguish +Se from +Ni, as far as I can tell, and that's because it always applies to (Se,Ni), (Te,Fi), etc.

    These are just few reasons that make me believe that we should not hurry to assign the +/- properties to the IEs/IAs. As traditionally the IEs are strictly based on IAs, and denote exclusively that a certain IA occupies a certain position in the psyche (as a function), I think it's better to maintain this +/- as it is, as a high-lever explanatory concept, somewhere above functions and IEs, but below type (as quadra values is).
    You misunderstood, I think. I meant the WikiSocion descriptions for types/functions should be updated by specification. This still leaves the IAs/IEs on their own to be further studied.
    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    I would say no, I think you are over focusing perhaps on those two sentences, all the parts in between are really what are valuable in my mind.

    What I think most people think of as PoLR is more like a "bad function" like it was a hand or something they had a birth defect and doesn't function as well.

    What most people I think lack, is this concept of connecting what the PoLR means in relation to the other functions.

    Also people are very keen on pre-digested versions of what a "bad function" means... like I said most people find Fe-PoLR to sound a bit abstract, so they prefer something more concrete like "a boring personality".

    I think this is ultimately flawed, I think its better to view the PoLR as being justxaposed against the dual seeking functions, the PoLR as an aspect of the "weak functions".

    In other words.... Your "weakness" as consisting of super-ego and dual seeking functions.

    Most people overfocus on the PoLR aspect of "weakness" and fail to remember that the dual seeking functions are weak also.

    Really thats sort of what I'm trying to get at, and correct me if I'm wrong but I usually don't hear this discussed.

    I think also

    Is deceptively simple, however really the key word here is "orientation of vulnerability". At first this sentence sounds like I'm saying "A PoLR is a weakness" with fancy language, but I'm really not -- its connected with this idea of orientation.

    Imagine a sheet of paper with a front and back side.... two orientations to its area
    Imagine this sheet of paper representing "feeling"
    One orientation would be Fi --> Subjective Feeling
    One orientation would be Fe --> Objective Feeling

    The relation between these orientations is that one is welcomed and the other is unwelcome and insecure. Although they both are feeling, its as though ones weakness has a "control structure" -- shutting out undesirable forms of that weakness and taking in desirable forms, much like a lock with tumblers.

    I think that is the key.... "orientation of vulnerability" is what I'm getting at... it doesn't mean you simply suck at this function... but its the aspect of your weakness that you block out because it contains your insecurities while the opposite orientation is one you don't block out. It's not merely a weakness but also a preferential orientation... i.e. the "valued and unvalued" aspect of the PoLR.... the aspect most people neglect.

    Some people are dangerously close to considering valued/weak functions, i.e. the dual functions as almost strengths in themselves... for example many people assume if they are beta they are awesome/like Ni,Fe,Se,Ti ... when in reality half of those are weaknesses... they also forgot their unvalued/strong functions. There is an overemphasis on quadra functions and non-quadra functions I see a lot.

    People are acustomed thinking of the PoLR that the people from other quadras hit and what people form their own quadra doesn't hit.

    I could be wrong but I've seen this a lot, and I could provide at least a few skeptics of "concrete" evidence in terms of quotes to bring a certain level of specifivity to my argument.

    Also I'm not attempting to come up with some "groundbreaking" idea -- maybe this is, maybe it isn't, but at least its a discussion and if you already agree then at least we are soldifying our understand as a community or at least having an interesting conversation (if its boring don't waste your time reading it). Second I'm not attempting to target individuals as being incorrect in their understanding -- I'm more concerned with developing a concept than with judging the correctness of other peoples ideas.

    Alright, I see what you're doing. You've systematically justified the idea not just laid it out and dictated it for people to accept. You traversed the perimeter.

    Don't take it as me ignoring the details, I can just see past the box, for what it does. Basically I don't need the explanation, and it's presence explains what I already understand.

    The value of it though is like I said, justification. For anyone who needs a white-box explanation, here it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Special pleading. ILI has Te and Ti to produce and argue, no? Also, why foster gemutlichkeit with the Ti posse? Are you reflexively submissive or is rolling over and showing your underbelly like this just another fluke? DS + PoLR > DS + PoLR. ILI-SLE dual-type indeed.

    Zip your yip and observe :

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Attention: We're letting Gilly come back now that he has promised to follow the forum rules.

    discojoe and jimbean will be given the same opportunity.
    28 Days Later

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    There are some old members returning, so for the members of the administration staff and anyone else who hasn't caught a clue yet, censoring this place severely weakened the forum and will be it's downfall. You have another chance to make this place stimulating again, don't fuck it up. I personally don't intend to stay under the same rules jxrtes imposed on this place; coming back to your senses may bring some older people back as well as retain ones who are ambivalent about participating.
    This place has been doing well so far. I don't know you but what gives you the right to barge in with a holier than thou attitude when you have not contributed to the activity lately? A rule change is not needed. If you want to circle jerk without productivity you can head to 4chan.

    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post

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    Your point being?

    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    The changes and censorship basically caused a split between this place and socionix which took away a good chunk of members, some of which wrote quality material and were real assets to this community. Discussions were more productive and there were actual advancement and learning of socionics going on instead of the rudimentary threads that appear now. This place has become stagnated with even more inaccurate stereotypes left to run rampant. Also, subjectively, it's a borefest. There's nothing really interesting here anymore, or any compelling reason for people to want to engage in serious discussion.
    What is your plan, exactly? What makes you think the current administration is not doing well? How exactly would old members affect current productivity? Have you considered the implications of what you are proposing? Are you prepared to make sure your goal is reached once the plans are initiated?

    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate
    The current administration seems to be propagating the same censorship that drove many members away, I see hints of it so I'm appealing in this manner in an attempt to quell this before this place snowballs even further. Old members, on the whole, were much more knowledgeable and had better grasp of the concepts - there was much more stimulating discussion and a more pointed focus on advancing concepts. There's virtually none of that now; productivity in getting them back would be obvious - fresh ideas and concepts will help in refreshing this place. As far as implications and making sure my goal is reached, what does that even mean? Censoring this place is just idiotic, and doesn't take much to see how it affects this place negatively. It was a good idea in theory, bad idea in practice. Please knock it off.
    Hey, man. It's just business. Serious Business.

    I do agree talk is pretty much stagnant, just masturbatory. tcaudilllg seems like the only one trying to advance anything, but it's not enough. I don't see how old members would jump on the workhorse, more likely to just be here for the community - which is great and all, but there aren't that many Socionics forums around to leave to chance this place devolving into a cesspool.

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    If you have nothing but biases to confirm GTFO.

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    You need external validation of your type to truly accept yourself as an ILI. You bleed of weak Fe. LII it is.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinxi View Post
    You need external validation of your type to truly accept yourself as an ILI. You bleed of weak Fe. LII it is.
    Weak functions are : 3, 4, 5, 6

    ILI's Weak functions are

    ILI has Weak .

    Like I said, GTFO.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Weak functions are : 3, 4, 5, 6

    ILI's Weak functions are

    ILI has Weak .

    Like I said, GTFO.
    But I am going with the premise that you are an LII.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinxi View Post
    But I am going to ignore good judgment and be a dumbass.

    That's cool with me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    That's cool with me.
    You're not an ILI because you're LII and a person can't be two types at once.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinxi View Post
    Give it a rest. Nothing you post is ever relevant to socionics and proportionately in favor of slander. You're the definition of troll and not even a periodically amusing one; from my view you're the only one on the forum that deserves to be banned. The previous post was to ask you to stop. Now I'm posting in the hopes that the admins will consider this aspect of your behavior and consider some action against you. I'm done. You can troll this post too, but my point has been made.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milkor View Post
    Give it a rest. Nothing you post is ever relevant to socionics and proportionately in favor of slander. You're the definition of troll and not even a periodically amusing one; from my view you're the only one on the forum that deserves to be banned. The previous post was to ask you to stop. Now I'm posting in the hopes that the admins will consider this aspect of your behavior and consider some action against you. I'm done. You can troll this post too, but my point has been made.
    I'm not even attempting to amuse anyone. You've posted 25 times in 7 months? What do you know?

    And quit spazzing.

  31. #71
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    ^ It's quality over quantity, Jinxi. And your quality level is currently 0.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
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    Quote Originally Posted by MegaDoomer View Post
    ^ It's quality over quantity, Jinxi. And your quality level is currently 0.
    It's 0 for a lot of people. That's why I stick to IRC. The guy had to derail ESC's thread and divert all attention onto me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinxi View Post
    You're not an ILI because you're LII and a person can't be two types at once.

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    Sorry bud my impression is that you are LII.
    “No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    Sorry bud my impression is that you are LII.
    Unless you're trolling, of course it is. No one's discussing anything, it's all arguments... All you see is me defensively backing up my positions from one-instance biases.

    No one even is taking the time to evaluate me, except Ashton, though he still thinks LII. Always has.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Unless you're trolling, of course it is. No one's discussing anything, it's all arguments... All you see is me defensively backing up my positions from one-instance biases.

    No one even is taking the time to evaluate me, except Ashton, though he still thinks LII. Always has.
    I'm not trolling. You said you were curious about people's opinions. What does discussing look like then?
    “No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.” -Anton Chekhov

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    The offering and explanation of opinions and perspectives not declarations.

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    I'm not entirely sure but I thought you leaned more on the Ti side from threads like these

    but I don't really have a solid opinion either way except that I couldn't see you as Ti ignoring/Te dominant
    EII INFj
    Forum status: retired

  39. #79
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    that first thread is completely devoid of Ti. unless you want to start your own version of socionics and define Ti as the diametrical opposite of coherence and rational structure.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    I don't want proof, I want to know why you guys don't think I can be ILI.

    But you don't realize that most everything I speak of on this forum is theoretical. We haven't had the opportunity to discuss things I don't experiment with i.e. things I know.
    Ti > Te

    Not down with familiarity.
    Vulnerable Se.

    I just went along to avoid problems, path of least resistance.
    PoLR Se, HA Si.

    lol I don't run from problems, they were averted.
    Equivocation, and demonstrably false.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone.
    Absurd. At a minimum you're struggling to convince yourself.

    Couldn't this be situational?
    Don't plead special circumstances and then complain about relativism.

    I didn't change myself on purpose, but I can't even make one constructive and productive post about Socionics here now without being singled out.
    Argumentum ad misericordiam, poisoning your own well, evidence of duplicity.

    I'm saying you guys are confirming your biases when you don't even have enough information. I'd rather you guys wait it out an evaluate my behavior in the long term.
    Argument from ignorance, special pleading. You presume to know people's impressions and thought processes.

    You people have no sense of humor.
    Ad hom, suggestive Fe.

    You're trying to shift the object onto the subject.
    Tu quoque. If you're tired of wearing the "KICK ME" sign you handcrafted then take it off. Failing to anticipate critique after demanding it smacks of seriously undervalued Ni, not to mention zero common sense.

    It's not important that I'm ILI.
    This thread wouldn't exist without substantial intellectual and affective cathexis in your self-styled identity. You've already stated that you'd be forced to relearn socionics if your self-labeling was incorrect, and every petulant post you make shows your emotional investment.

    1. Gilly taunted me
    2. Gilly made a thread about me
    3. I became well-known
    4. More attention was paid to every post I made, especially the theories I let out(which were crushed instead of developed)
    5. People focused on the person making the post instead of the actual discussion
    6. I had to stay on my toes resorting to my Id, suppressing my Ego / natural state.
    Appeal to pity, retrospective determinism, weaksauce. Since the horror of oppression has forced you to act unnaturally then you can't cite old posts to illustrate your natural self. Also, you've essentially admitted to a campaign of systematic dissimulation, so why should your testimony be trusted?

    Nothing said so far has actually weighted LII > ILI, their similarities have not been taken into consideration for any and all judgments made by opposing parties.
    Invincible ignorance, negative proof fallacy. You aren't clairvoyant and so analytical methodology isn't knowable to you.

    Not to mention confirmation bias, as information pointing towards me conflicting with LII has been ignored on the grounds of , as per "relativist on demand", k0rpsey.
    Ad hom, tu quoque, ignorance. It's disingenuous to claim there's no difference between devaluing certain data and dismissing them entirely.

    No one's discussing anything, it's all arguments...
    Equivocation. Give us something to work with other than your trademark "this = that" equations and you might change a few minds.

    No one even is taking the time to evaluate me, except Ashton, though he still thinks LII. Always has.
    Appeal to authority, appeal to silence, ignorance, faulty induction. I've wondered whether you weren't LII from very early on.

    The offering and explanation of opinions and perspectives not declarations.
    Weasel words.

    All you see is me defensively backing up my positions from one-instance biases.
    The fallacies and biases in your posts comprise the pervasive behavioral patterns of an artless prevaricator. Step up your game.

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