In terms of having a natural tendency to weigh things constantly as trade-offs between competing immediate, future, and immediate and future factors. Especially when it comes to planning a broader strategy and the overall "best" way to achieve a particular goal.

Dialectical-algorithmic related? Te related? Both? Neither? Something else? Reinin perhaps?

The specific thing I find myself doing a lot is balancing things in my head in terms of opportunity costs. Especially in videogames, I'll be constantly weighing up in rough terms (i.e., without using specific hard numbers) how different tactics are going to serve my goals best. I could see this being thinking form-related.

I suppose another point of discussion might be how different types approach "cost-benefit analysis", since it's a fairly broad concept with lots of different applications, and it is rather open for interpretation as to what it specifically refers to, so let's not jump on the "NTR" bandwagon