or at least as shy. I mean.....I'm sx/so and Te subtype, so that means I'm more social than other ILIs, but COME ON. Dammit.

I can hit on you. I can ask you out. I can flirt. I can make the first physical move, I can come to your music show when you want me to so much, but IF YOU (according to my platonic guy friend) clearly like me a lot , stop being so damned skittish. I keep thinking of being forward, and I see your skittishness and think you are maybe not into me. AND IT IS STOPPING ME FROM HITTING ON YOU AGAIN.

And multiple experiences are making me feel weirdly firebally compared to you.

So, maybe that's good. This whole expression of my heretofore unexpressed feeling has resulted in me accepting this trait of yours, and I feel more "fine, I'll keep hitting on you."