I have an SLE brother and he's like the most useless guy ever, i could make a whole other thread bashing on my SLE brother but I'll do that another time. It doesn't take a stretch to understand him because he's too simple, selfish and just wants it his way all the time. He's the cause of all my problems, coming home everyday and facing this useless piece of shit just drives me nuts.

He claims that he doesn't want to offend anyone and doesn't want to get offended, so he prefers that he doesn't say anything in a discussion. In reality, that's completely wrong. He's in complete denial.

He also says that the thing that scares him the most is the thought that he'd never find the right people to bring out his so-called true self. He regards other people as resources, saying all that he really thinks about is how much everyone around him fails to meet his expectations.

He's extremely... arrogant and cocky. When he does something wrong, he keeps it to himself and continues to believe that he's the only one right, no matter what.

He enjoys secretly bashing on his acquaintances (including his family) online to strangers, in order to vent his anger. Sadly, he ignores their worries and protests and walks away as if he did nothing wrong.

He is extremely obsessed with Christianity and is proud as a 'follower'. Ironically, he goes against the most basic commandments but isn't aware of his flaws. One can call him a hypocrite.

This is just sound a lot like a bashing as well... I'll stop here.
Thanks in advance.