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Thread: How to find/recognize an SEI-ISFp?

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    Default How to find/recognize an SEI-ISFp?

    I don't think ISFps travel in the same circles as me or something because I am not close with anyone who fits the description.

    What are some things that might help me notice a possible ISFp and what are the kinds of things that attract them to an individual?

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    Act needy, or just be emotional. ISFPs tend to like expressing the emotional expressions they see in others in their art. The more emotional, the better.

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    Ha, really... I think that I'm doing something wrong when I see that other people are not emotional, just plain, normal
    And I'm not sure if I am ISFp

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    ISFp traits:

    - may seem "extroverted" in the sense of approaching people easily and being sociable but are "introverted" in the sense of being quiet for long periods

    - they aren't always "friendly" or "emotional" in an ESFj or ENFp way, they may appear sullen for periods and look unfriendly at times

    -bottom line: they are moody and prefer to immediately express their immediate emotions

    - if they don't express their immediate emotions, these accumulate until they are let loose in sudden outbursts

    - if they feel good in their environment, are often cracking silly jokes, singing, etc

    As has already been said, they like people who respond to their emotional expressions positively, which is one reason why I don't get along with them -- my reaction is to think, "is this person insane?" and I'm sure they notice it.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Default Re: What attracts an ISFp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Polly_G
    I don't think ISFps travel in the same circles as me or something because I am not close with anyone who fits the description.

    What are some things that might help me notice a possible ISFp and what are the kinds of things that attract them to an individual?
    Based on my own observations of the ISFps I've known for extended times:

    1. Keep an eye/ear out for someone who is told about a desire of someone else, and then, even weeks/months later, takes steps towards fufilling that desire.

    2. Keep an ear out for someone who consistently makes jokes/quotes which subtly reference a movie/show/song/game/combined experience/etc. Those who can return a quote/joke referencing the same or very similar reference, will attract the ISFp. (Or at least ask them about the reference. This is a great way of learning about what they find interesting/entertaining.)

    3. Keep an ear out for someone who consistently talks about how some present standard relates to some other standard. For example, how current housing prices relate to previous prices, or how it relates to the bubble that has just popped, and how stupid home sellers are for not realizing that it's popped and are still trying to sell their homes (which has been on the market for months now) at previous market prices.

    4. Once found, it might take some time to get into their circle of friends. However, this can be speeded up by a surefooted pursuit of them.

    * Ask questions so you can figure out how to personalize the expectations/desires of the new environment you are creating for them, (basically, you have to know where they will fit into YOUR life) and then you if that environment is already there.

    * They will respond readily to the personalized expectations/desires of their environment, even if you have not yet asked them for clearance to pursue them. The stronger the pursuit in the beginning, the stronger their sense of connection.

    * Do NOT bombard them with what to do, when to do, how to do, etc. ... And Definitely, do NOT nag them.

    * Clearly inform them of what is desired, and then let them figure out how they will fulfill that desire.

    * Express your appreciation of them and the work they have done.

    Example 1: I told my bf I wanted an area of the yard cleared out. I wasn't sure how we could do it, but at the time I mentioned it, I was still hesitant. When I finally got to the point and said "That area has got to go!", he worked at figuring out how to get it done. I didn't see anything about it until a couple of months later when he had almost figured it out and began taking measurements and doing calculations. Then he took a vacation week from work and cleared out the brush and axed down the trees, getting all the major work done so he could take his time in getting the smaller stuff out (breaking up the stumps into smaller pieces for easy extraction, etc). Anytime I have not been clear in what I've wanted, he has not been able to take action, and has been unhappy about my lack of clarity.

    Example 2: From the moment I met my bf, I seemed to be the one pursuing (I couldn't seem to stop myself). He doesn't like the phone, so we instant messaged. However, I did tell him that I would like him to call me. He still hadn't. A few weeks later, my bday was coming up, and I told him that I would only invite him if he called me. He called me immediately. When I found out it was him on the phone, I got all excited at the surprise that he would do something for me which I knew he didn't like. From that point on, he would make the effort to call me, knowing how much I liked it. (We still spent most of our time instant messaging, and I kept the phone calls short, for his sake.) This is what I mean by personalizing his environment. Even though his new environment (me) had expectations/desires, the environment adapted to his desires as well, while still drawing him out. (BTW, he still hates the phone, but will now call me when I tell him to. Since I only tell him to under certain occasions, he's accepted it.)

    Example 3: My step-brother wanted to be able to put his interests and skills to use for those he cared about. The clearer he knew what he could do for them, the easier and more enjoyable it was for him to do it. The more they appreciated what he did, the harder he would work for them the next time.

    I constantly find myself lacking in the clarity department. I see how much my bf suffers when I am wishy-washy in my wants and/or am not clear in what I want. Perhaps this is why I stress the clarity point. I can easily see him (and my step brother) being happy with an ENTp, even if the ENTp regularly changes her mind.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    I'm resurrecting an ancient thread, but I've got questions about these posts:

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Based on my own observations of the ISFps I've known for extended times:

    1. Keep an eye/ear out for someone who is told about a desire of someone else, and then, even weeks/months later, takes steps towards fufilling that desire.

    2. Keep an ear out for someone who consistently makes jokes/quotes which subtly reference a movie/show/song/game/combined experience/etc. Those who can return a quote/joke referencing the same or very similar reference, will attract the ISFp. (Or at least ask them about the reference. This is a great way of learning about what they find interesting/entertaining.)

    3. Keep an ear out for someone who consistently talks about how some present standard relates to some other standard. For example, how current housing prices relate to previous prices, or how it relates to the bubble that has just popped, and how stupid home sellers are for not realizing that it's popped and are still trying to sell their homes (which has been on the market for months now) at previous market prices.

    4. Once found, it might take some time to get into their circle of friends. However, this can be speeded up by a surefooted pursuit of them.

    * Ask questions so you can figure out how to personalize the expectations/desires of the new environment you are creating for them, (basically, you have to know where they will fit into YOUR life) and then you if that environment is already there.

    * They will respond readily to the personalized expectations/desires of their environment, even if you have not yet asked them for clearance to pursue them. The stronger the pursuit in the beginning, the stronger their sense of connection.

    * Do NOT bombard them with what to do, when to do, how to do, etc. ... And Definitely, do NOT nag them.

    * Clearly inform them of what is desired, and then let them figure out how they will fulfill that desire.

    * Express your appreciation of them and the work they have done.

    Example 1: I told my bf I wanted an area of the yard cleared out. I wasn't sure how we could do it, but at the time I mentioned it, I was still hesitant. When I finally got to the point and said "That area has got to go!", he worked at figuring out how to get it done. I didn't see anything about it until a couple of months later when he had almost figured it out and began taking measurements and doing calculations. Then he took a vacation week from work and cleared out the brush and axed down the trees, getting all the major work done so he could take his time in getting the smaller stuff out (breaking up the stumps into smaller pieces for easy extraction, etc). Anytime I have not been clear in what I've wanted, he has not been able to take action, and has been unhappy about my lack of clarity.

    Example 2: From the moment I met my bf, I seemed to be the one pursuing (I couldn't seem to stop myself). He doesn't like the phone, so we instant messaged. However, I did tell him that I would like him to call me. He still hadn't. A few weeks later, my bday was coming up, and I told him that I would only invite him if he called me. He called me immediately. When I found out it was him on the phone, I got all excited at the surprise that he would do something for me which I knew he didn't like. From that point on, he would make the effort to call me, knowing how much I liked it. (We still spent most of our time instant messaging, and I kept the phone calls short, for his sake.) This is what I mean by personalizing his environment. Even though his new environment (me) had expectations/desires, the environment adapted to his desires as well, while still drawing him out. (BTW, he still hates the phone, but will now call me when I tell him to. Since I only tell him to under certain occasions, he's accepted it.)

    Example 3: My step-brother wanted to be able to put his interests and skills to use for those he cared about. The clearer he knew what he could do for them, the easier and more enjoyable it was for him to do it. The more they appreciated what he did, the harder he would work for them the next time.

    I constantly find myself lacking in the clarity department. I see how much my bf suffers when I am wishy-washy in my wants and/or am not clear in what I want. Perhaps this is why I stress the clarity point. I can easily see him (and my step brother) being happy with an ENTp, even if the ENTp regularly changes her mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by science as magic View Post
    the ones i have met are attracted to clever banter and oft changing reference of meaning in word and manner

    How are these assertions derived from the Model A characterization of SEIs? Which function(s) of the SEI do these relate to? I'm not disagreeing with the above posts, but I don't understand how these traits are predicted by Model A.

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    A gentleman and a nice person who sticks around to give them and their friends a ride after a good night out at a club or a bar.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomSequence View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    constantly find myself lacking in the clarity department. I see how much my bf suffers when I am wishy-washy in my wants and/or am not clear in what I want. Perhaps this is why I stress the clarity point. I can easily see him (and my step brother) being happy with an ENTp, even if the ENTp regularly changes her mind.
    How are these assertions derived from the Model A characterization of SEIs? Which function(s) of the SEI do these relate to? I'm not disagreeing with the above posts, but I don't understand how these traits are predicted by Model A.
    For starters, my descriptions weren't derived FROM the theory. Though the typings were a result of figuring out how the theory applied to the people I knew.

    Despite that, the descriptions can be connected TO the theory.
    I won't do them all, but I will do the description I harped on the most: clarity in requests/wants.

    An NeTi, when saying that s/he wants something, will be able to provide a fairly logical reasoning for what s/he wants. It may not be what actually led the NeTi to wanting that, but a post-reasoning is good enough. Having an actual reason for wanting it means that the want is more likely to be a legitimate want rather than a mood-of-the-moment. Having a decent reason for it also means that the want isn't likely to change unless the reasons change. These new reasons would sound logical and reasonable enough....and basically make some sense to the SiFe.

    However, an NeFi wouldn't necessarily have a logical reason for wanting something. And any post-reasoning given would probably sound kinda half-baked to a Ti-valuer. Worse, since the want is most likely based on a creative-Fi reason, it is at risk of changing without any clear reason for the change. In other would appear to be a wishy-washy want.

    Ip's tend to take time to observe their environment before interacting with it. Then they tend to adapt themselves to this environment. Particularly so of XiFe types. So what happens when this environment constantly changes on them? How much directionless adapting would they be expected to do before they finally quit and found a more "reasonable" environment?

    My description harped on clarity, probably mostly because I'm an NeFi in a long term live-with intimate relationship (over 8 years) with an SiFe. I see on a very regular basis how my constant changing of wants, and lack of clear "reasons" for those wants affect him. I also am quite aware of the changes I've tried to make regarding that, as well as what's worked and what hasn't for him.

    Now, I'm sure that a different intertype relation of similar magnitude would walk away with a different issue they've had to work on in order to aid the relationship. For example, an SeTi would focus on a different advice that was relevant to their relationship with an SiFe, an NiFe would have different advice to give, and so on.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Thanks for your insights anndelise, you make SEIs sound fantastic.

    I'm actually on the same boat as the OP as I don't meet very many SEI these days since finishing school. Of course, I haven't really gone out of my way to meet any but it seems it shouldn't be a chore to try to meet your dual, or maybe it is, who knows. I wonder if the OP ever found some SEI to hang out with and/or date.

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    Yeah, I have to agree with MisterNi -- thanks anndelise! It's very reassuring to hear that SEIs are so receptive to logical chains as justifications.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Based on my own observations of the ISFps I've known for extended times:

    1. Keep an eye/ear out for someone who is told about a desire of someone else, and then, even weeks/months later, takes steps towards fufilling that desire.

    2. Keep an ear out for someone who consistently makes jokes/quotes which subtly reference a movie/show/song/game/combined experience/etc. Those who can return a quote/joke referencing the same or very similar reference, will attract the ISFp. (Or at least ask them about the reference. This is a great way of learning about what they find interesting/entertaining.)

    3. Keep an ear out for someone who consistently talks about how some present standard relates to some other standard. For example, how current housing prices relate to previous prices, or how it relates to the bubble that has just popped, and how stupid home sellers are for not realizing that it's popped and are still trying to sell their homes (which has been on the market for months now) at previous market prices.

    4. Once found, it might take some time to get into their circle of friends. However, this can be speeded up by a surefooted pursuit of them.

    * Ask questions so you can figure out how to personalize the expectations/desires of the new environment you are creating for them, (basically, you have to know where they will fit into YOUR life) and then you if that environment is already there.

    * They will respond readily to the personalized expectations/desires of their environment, even if you have not yet asked them for clearance to pursue them. The stronger the pursuit in the beginning, the stronger their sense of connection.

    * Do NOT bombard them with what to do, when to do, how to do, etc. ... And Definitely, do NOT nag them.

    * Clearly inform them of what is desired, and then let them figure out how they will fulfill that desire.

    * Express your appreciation of them and the work they have done.

    I constantly find myself lacking in the clarity department. I see how much my bf suffers when I am wishy-washy in my wants and/or am not clear in what I want. Perhaps this is why I stress the clarity point. I can easily see him (and my step brother) being happy with an ENTp, even if the ENTp regularly changes her mind.
    Wow, anndelise, this is pretty good! I didn't really understand the bolded part though.

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    That was written so long ago, lol. I definitely should have written it better than I had. It also has a clear NeFi+SiFe bias. Meaning that it would be an NeFi approach to an SiFe. I should have done better at distinguishing that, at the time I wrote it.

    The term Environment referred to anything that is external of the SiFe. Once you enter into the picture, you're entering into their environment. Will you be a temporary fixture, or a more permanent...established one?

    Once you find out where you want them to fit into YOUR life, respond as if it is so. A poor metaphor would be the "if you think it, it becomes real" thing. Your actions and responses regarding them alters their external world...which requires them to adapt to it. The less adapting they have to do in their internal world, thoughts, actions, etc, the more easily you can slip in.

    But I'm not advocating plotting and planning. It's more like being yourself, but with the assumption that you are now a part of their world...and they of yours.

    This means that you would call them up when you want to go hang out, or that you would talk about the same things you would talk to your friends about. Basically, there's no pressure in the dating realm. No wondering if this will work out, if they like you, etc. The mere process of adapting themself to your presence inserts you into their internal world as well. You may not know just how much, but then an ENTp wouldn't be as focused on that...they would just be themselves, and bringing the ISFp along for the ride.

    But if you pressure them to change themselves, it causes a breakage between their internal world and their external one, and they are more likely to then withdraw and avoid. And they will do so in a fairly passive way.

    A infp also adapts themselves....but they will first test you, make sure that you are worthy of allowing into their world. While an isfp is more accepting....more passive about the whole thing.

    Female isfps will likely have significant problems finding themselves in relationships they don't want to be in. They could use a guiding hand to help them not just see the reasons to get out but someone who will also take over the wheel....doing what I mentioned ...inserting themselves into the isfp's extenal world, thus requiring the isfp to adapt, and also making it easier for them to withdraw from the not-so-good relationship. This doesn't mean jumping from relationship to relationship, but more like a change of external influences.

    Male isfps are at risk of being taken advantage of. My isfp had low self esteem when I met him. His previous girlfriend had done a real number on him. He wasn't ...I can't remember the term I'm looking for....the one where a person is not just gun shy but is also hostile or negative to the idea of being in another relationship. He wasn't like that, but he had little confidence in his worth to anyone else. He's since found it, and gets all gooey everytime I let him know just how valuable I find him.

    When I ask him why he stayed in that relationship, his response has always been..."it was something to do".

    But don't think they they are lazy passive, because their not. He considers himself lazy, an Ej/Ij might consider him lazy, but outside of a full time job, he pursues three hobbies: ebay buying/selling, strategy gaming at gameshops, and commenting on people's stupidity in the news commentary sections.

    And my step-brother, who had always refrained from doing chores and schoolwork, a job as soon as he found out his gf was pregnant. And has been taking care of her and his kid ever since. He really stepped up to the plate when needed, without hesitation and without outside pressure to do so.

    And one of the female isfp I know does home decorating, antique dealing, and rpg gaming.
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    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    ...but outside of a full time job, he pursues three hobbies: ebay buying/selling, strategy gaming at gameshops, and commenting on people's stupidity in the news commentary sections.

    And my step-brother, who had always refrained from doing chores and schoolwork, a job as soon as he found out his gf was pregnant. And has been taking care of her and his kid ever since. He really stepped up to the plate when needed, without hesitation and without outside pressure to do so.

    And one of the female isfp I know does home decorating, antique dealing, and rpg gaming.
    These three all sound like fine people with interesting/fun hobbies to boot.

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    chocolate cake.

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    Hmm not sure about the whole acting needy or emotional thing. I kind of take a little pride in how independent I am.

    I definately don't nag. Its actually a complaint I've gotten from previous boyfriends. Apparently if you really want something you are supposed to nag about it....not my style. I just tell them and let the person take it from there at their own that's a pretty good fit actually.

    I give pretty clear instructions I must say. People like me writing manuals at work etc. because I make it easy for other people to follow. I try to plan things out first because I really hate unnecessary work and don't want to cause it for others. I try as best as I can to think it through and get it right the first time. Its more when it comes to my own stuff I'm flip flopping all over the place.

    I don't really like micro-managing people either. There are things I may seem to be a perfectionist about because my systems might seem easy but underneath it all they are very complex. If certain rules aren't followed it can screw it all up. There is lots I let slide though just not when it comes to systems. If they can stick to my rules which are necessary for systems to function, I have all kinds of faith in them and pretty much leave them be.

    I do the whole connecting thing too like don't they see that the cost of cigarettes is having a more detrimental affect on low-income people by increasing crime rates, poverty, stress levels etc. making it difficult for them to quit? Since everyone knows that people have trouble quitting smoking when they are forced to do it, doesn't make sense that the government would try to force it. Instead they are just taking food off their plates and making their enviroment worse than it was before. Statistically more people smoke who are below the poverty level so its like again...the naive rich punishing the poor regardless of their "good intentions". hehe yeah...stuff like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly_G
    Hmm not sure about the whole acting needy or emotional thing. I kind of take a little pride in how independent I am.

    I definately don't nag. Its actually a complaint I've gotten from previous boyfriends. Apparently if you really want something you are supposed to nag about it....not my style. I just tell them and let the person take it from there at their own that's a pretty good fit actually.

    I give pretty clear instructions I must say. People like me writing manuals at work etc. because I make it easy for other people to follow. I try to plan things out first because I really hate unnecessary work and don't want to cause it for others. I try as best as I can to think it through and get it right the first time. Its more when it comes to my own stuff I'm flip flopping all over the place.

    I don't really like micro-managing people either. There are things I may seem to be a perfectionist about because my systems might seem easy but underneath it all they are very complex. If certain rules aren't followed it can screw it all up. There is lots I let slide though just not when it comes to systems. If they can stick to my rules which are necessary for systems to function, I have all kinds of faith in them and pretty much leave them be.

    I do the whole connecting thing too like don't they see that the cost of cigarettes is having a more detrimental affect on low-income people by increasing crime rates, poverty, stress levels etc. making it difficult for them to quit? Since everyone knows that people have trouble quitting smoking when they are forced to do it, doesn't make sense that the government would try to force it. Instead they are just taking food off their plates and making their enviroment worse than it was before. Statistically more people smoke who are below the poverty level so its like again...the naive rich punishing the poor regardless of their "good intentions". hehe yeah...stuff like that.
    hehe, i read the first part of your response and was trying to figure out where the acting needy or emotional thing came from....then i scrolled higher and finally figured out it wasn't from my response..whew.

    As for being emotional, they carry plenty of emotion around for the both of ya. They do like to cuddle though, touchy, sleeping with at least feet touching, or being in the same room while both on their own computer, type thing.

    As for being needy....i think that would put too much pressure on an isfp. They want to be appreciated, not needed. I mean, it's far better for them to feel as if they are giving you what you want...instead of the pressure of having to give you what you need...if that makes sense.

    I actually think that an isfp can help with a flip-flopping entp when it comes to the personal things. It's like..being able to hand it over to someone else to take care of it, and trusting that it will be taken care of. As for sticking to your rules..or long as those are made clear they usually don't have a long as they are still given room to maneuver in their own way.

    Your last paragraph....that's the kind of stuff that i think would easily connect an entp and an isfp. I can see one person popping out one of those thoughts, the other finishing it or adding to it, each building upon what the other has said. I feel bad sometimes because i can't offer quite that to my bf. We come close, but not quite satisfying to either. Oh, and we definitely can't talk politics, he and i. But i can see him talking politics even with an entp who has different beliefs than him.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    the ones i have met are attracted to clever banter and oft changing reference of meaning in word and manner

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    Be carefull not to mistake ISFp with ESFp. They can be very similar at first. Similar smile, look in the eyes, good taste at clothing. But once you will start talking to her, you will understand who she is. Make multimeaningful jokes, be sarcastic, show your logical skills. ISFp loves when someone suddenly comes up with an interesting critics to something old. Like why their workingplace needs to be reformed. ESFP on the other hand, needs a distance. You will admire him or her. Find that person funny. He or she is like a hero for you. But once you two get more close, you will see that ESFp is too powerfull and needs to get what he or she wants. You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted. Can't give explanetions to it's problems, can't use your intuition to guide. Close distance will suck you out of your energy. Only way to get along with ESFP is in a company of many people, where some of them are in better socionics relationships with you. I have found the triad ENTp-INFp-ESFp working well.

    One thing with ISFP what you should know is that they sometimes annoy you by asking all sort of explanations. Like why you don't get along with someone. What does this or that term mean. This usually happens with ISFps who haven't developed their skill to think independently. Older ISFps usually are able to answer alone to some of the questions they want to understand. Though they still think that everyting should be discussed through by detail before she can make her choise.
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    One thing with ISFP what you should know is that they sometimes annoy you by asking all sort of explanations. Like why you don't get along with someone. What does this or that term mean. This usually happens with ISFps who haven't developed their skill to think independently. [quote]

    That part is true. Especialy with teenagers like me.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Be carefull not to mistake ISFp with ESFp. They can be very similar at first. Similar smile, look in the eyes, good taste at clothing. But once you will start talking to her, you will understand who she is. Make multimeaningful jokes, be sarcastic, show your logical skills. ISFp loves when someone suddenly comes up with an interesting critics to something old. Like why their workingplace needs to be reformed. ESFP on the other hand, needs a distance. You will admire him or her. Find that person funny. He or she is like a hero for you. But once you two get more close, you will see that ESFp is too powerfull and needs to get what he or she wants. You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted. Can't give explanetions to it's problems, can't use your intuition to guide. Close distance will suck you out of your energy. Only way to get along with ESFP is in a company of many people, where some of them are in better socionics relationships with you. I have found the triad ENTp-INFp-ESFp working well.

    One thing with ISFP what you should know is that they sometimes annoy you by asking all sort of explanations. Like why you don't get along with someone. What does this or that term mean. This usually happens with ISFps who haven't developed their skill to think independently. Older ISFps usually are able to answer alone to some of the questions they want to understand. Though they still think that everyting should be discussed through by detail before she can make her choise.

    Well said.

    That explains why my ISFp father and I manage to get along, despite his outrageous considerations of what love and romance is. My grandfather (INTj) actually called him out on it, and it was a wonderful display of socioinics and society: "You don't know what love is", he said to his ISFp son.

    ESFP on the other hand, needs a distance. You will admire him or her. Find that person funny. He or she is like a hero for you. But once you two get more close, you will see that ESFp is too powerfull and needs to get what he or she wants. You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted. Can't give explanetions to it's problems, can't use your intuition to guide. Close distance will suck you out of your energy. Only way to get along with ESFP is in a company of many people, where some of them are in better socionics relationships with you.
    Awesome ESFp description.
    In my experience, they didn't drain me, but (she) just made me go into a defenseless sort of INTj security mode. My formality shot up through the roof, the closer she got to me, and it was just odd.

    Just to highlight this again......
    You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted
    That is totally true in my experience

    That is why I can see the ESFp/INTp duality working out.

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    Everyone's descriptions of ISFps sound like Joy.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Be carefull not to mistake ISFp with ESFp. They can be very similar at first. Similar smile, look in the eyes, good taste at clothing. But once you will start talking to her, you will understand who she is. Make multimeaningful jokes, be sarcastic, show your logical skills. ISFp loves when someone suddenly comes up with an interesting critics to something old. Like why their workingplace needs to be reformed. ESFP on the other hand, needs a distance. You will admire him or her. Find that person funny. He or she is like a hero for you. But once you two get more close, you will see that ESFp is too powerfull and needs to get what he or she wants. You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted. Can't give explanetions to it's problems, can't use your intuition to guide. Close distance will suck you out of your energy. Only way to get along with ESFP is in a company of many people, where some of them are in better socionics relationships with you. I have found the triad ENTp-INFp-ESFp working well.

    One thing with ISFP what you should know is that they sometimes annoy you by asking all sort of explanations. Like why you don't get along with someone. What does this or that term mean. This usually happens with ISFps who haven't developed their skill to think independently. Older ISFps usually are able to answer alone to some of the questions they want to understand. Though they still think that everyting should be discussed through by detail before she can make her choise.

    Well said.

    That explains why my ISFp father and I manage to get along, despite his outrageous considerations of what love and romance is. My grandfather (INTj) actually called him out on it, and it was a wonderful display of socioinics and society: "You don't know what love is", he said to his ISFp son.

    ESFP on the other hand, needs a distance. You will admire him or her. Find that person funny. He or she is like a hero for you. But once you two get more close, you will see that ESFp is too powerfull and needs to get what he or she wants. You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted. Can't give explanetions to it's problems, can't use your intuition to guide. Close distance will suck you out of your energy. Only way to get along with ESFP is in a company of many people, where some of them are in better socionics relationships with you.
    Awesome ESFp description.
    In my experience, they didn't drain me, but (she) just made me go into a defenseless sort of INTj security mode. My formality shot up through the roof, the closer she got to me, and it was just odd.

    Just to highlight this again......
    You are also helpless to suport that person with advice or doings, because you can't give what is wanted
    That is totally true in my experience

    That is why I can see the ESFp/INTp duality working out.
    How do you see the ESFp/INTp duality working out?

    My formality goes up, as well, in general, when I'm around ExFps. And I mean, I was being formal before, so when they are around I become a prick of profound proportion.

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    Default How to spot/recognize an SEI ISFp?

    What physical characteristics would make you type someone isfp?

  24. #24
    High Priestess glam's Avatar
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    - direct, soft gaze
    - not extremely showy or flashy with clothing, hair, makeup, etc.
    - gentle and warm demeanor
    - overall pleasant, clean, natural appearance

  25. #25


    I'm really starting to think Drew Barrymore is an ISFp. ISFp celebs

    "ISFps often have a characteristic stout or chubby, rounded figure. They often have short legs and a bouncy gait, giving the impression of a big springy ball. Their faces are usually smooth and round without any obvious projections. In moments of passionate conversation they can often swallow air like a fish. When ISFps try to explain things, they can move their eyebrows considerably. "

    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    - direct, soft gaze
    - not extremely showy or flashy with clothing, hair, makeup, etc.
    - gentle and warm demeanor
    - overall pleasant, clean, natural appearance
    I like that a lot. Thanks Arthur's descriptions too.

    Welcome to the forums, Elysia.

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    Thank you!

  27. #27
    SEI :) Zxela's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    - direct, soft gaze
    - not extremely showy or flashy with clothing, hair, makeup, etc.
    - gentle and warm demeanor
    - overall pleasant, clean, natural appearance
    Yes, I couldn't agree more with this.

    Round faces? I happen to have one, but I'm not sure if its always true. ^ ^
    The truth is there is no sense in living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. -William Parrish

  28. #28
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Default x

    ISFps look younger than they are IMO
    ILE "Searcher"
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    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  29. #29


    Off static photos? Not my strong point, but, summarising what I see on this page and from personal experience...

    Asymmetrical expressions. Either wildly over-the-top when deliberately posed, or soft and gentle if not. Normal photo face is typically blank or a soft expression.

    If you can see their whole body, it typically holds relaxed curves as opposed to rigid lines, and looks as if they're draped over their own body, or maybe are a little bit slumpy (which is now a word).

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    Default How to recognize an SEI-ISFp at a glance?

    Help me. I *believe* I now have at least one real-life example of every type, except for the SEI. I had a couple people I thought might be SEI, but have since settled on different types for them (though depending on what I learn from this thread, one or two of those may change back).

    So, what are some of the more obvious things I should be looking for in order to recognize an SEI? Assume I have not had the chance to see the person's house, but I have spent at least an hour in their close company.

    Would help me out. Thanks.
    My life's work (haha):
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  31. #31


    #1 test that ALWAYS WORKS:

    Do they hug cushions when they're sitting on the couch?

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    What if there's no cushion to hug? What if we're outside? Or at church?
    My life's work (haha):
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  33. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    What if there's no cushion to hug? What if we're outside? Or at church?
    It's a positive test... if they do that thing they're an SEI. If the thing is not a thing that happens, they are not necessarily not an SEI.

    Also that was not an entirely serious comment, sorry

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Egbert Human View Post
    #1 test that ALWAYS WORKS:

    Do they hug cushions when they're sitting on the couch?
    That's a good one.

    They like touching other things softly too, like their cell phone, or caressing something with their fingers and they also like eating an apple or other foods and making "umm, yummy." statements.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  35. #35

    Default How to spot an SEI ISFp?

    I'm an ENTp and just got out of a disaster relationship with an INFj. Tried to ignore what I knew for the longest time about intertype relations and tried to make it work, and the underlying issues prevailed and manifested themselves in different ways week by week. But yeah.... ISFp is my relationship ideal now so I'd like to know how to spot one when I see them. I know I could look it up, I just thought someone here might have some experience or might be one themselves.

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    I wish there were more threads like this. I've always wanted to make one for ESEs but then felt self-conscious. Also, I was worried I'd typecast all ESEs in my head and then I'd just continue to limit my potential date partners trying to find a pure ESE. Anyway, no ideas for your SEI search, sorry .
    Warm Regards,

    Clowns & Entropy

  37. #37
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClownsandEntropy View Post
    I wish there were more threads like this. I've always wanted to make one for ESEs but then felt self-conscious. Also, I was worried I'd typecast all ESEs in my head and then I'd just continue to limit my potential date partners trying to find a pure ESE. Anyway, no ideas for your SEI search, sorry .
    This is a very valid concern!!
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    that was fast. sorry to hear

    honestly most of what i can think of SEI's sounds like a bad strati description... quieter, kind of sedated but can be pretty social, may seem childish or naive, may initially seem calm/stern but will compulsively laugh and smile, similar to SLI's but smiles have more different variances (SLI's always smile the same smile), kind of jokey, possibly irresponsible, female ones will usually have some stereotypical feminine qualities but also "grounded" (not as aristocratic as beta NF), may dress pretty well or have artsy style, may have creative interests, blah blah. alpha sense of humor.

    I notice the strong Si, it feels like a distinct and heavy physical presence to me (not weight related), but dunno if that helps you.

    look for IP temperament and then the SFness. lolol. it will get easier w/ time.

    this might be an SEI:

    oh and the ones i know are NOT stupid!!! dunno how commonplace that stereotype is but I know when I read the description I hadn't met many and then after meeting them I was like "dang, these people be kinda insightful, actually."
    Last edited by lemontrees; 01-24-2015 at 08:31 PM.

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    Well, as cliche as this sounds... the first night when we met in a group of friends my now-husband kept teasing me and jokingly convincing me to eat sweets...
    Basically don't look for a "type", chances are that if you meet smn you get along with who doesn't get offended by your sense of humour, but playfully banters away with you and is not your identical - this person might be SEI.
    Oh, and I agree with what @lemontrees wrote, so-called "type" does not constitute the level of intelligence, that stereotype is just offensive.
    Just let things unfold naturally. I know five people currently who are SEI - and they are very different people with some similarities, that's all...
    Good luck, hope that you'll meet smn you feel happy with (SEI or not, but smn who accepts you and vice versa )

  40. #40
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    Well, as cliche as this sounds... the first night when we met in a group of friends my now-husband kept teasing me and jokingly convincing me to eat sweets...
    Basically don't look for a "type", chances are that if you meet smn you get along with who doesn't get offended by your sense of humour, but playfully banters away with you and is not your identical - this person might be SEI.
    Oh, and I agree with what @lemontrees wrote, so-called "type" does not constitute the level of intelligence, that stereotype is just offensive.
    Just let things unfold naturally. I know five people currently who are SEI - and they are very different people with some similarities, that's all...
    Good luck, hope that you'll meet smn you feel happy with (SEI or not, but smn who accepts you and vice versa )
    I fully agree with everything you wrote here (and lemontrees' statement, even though she sometimes violates her own rule ). I also want to point out that the bolded statement applies to any dual pair.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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