I just stumbled upon this test:


It's different from any other socionics test I've seen because the second half has a VI component where you rate which person in the pair you feel you'd be more compatible with.

The first time, it got my type spot-on, LII-1Ne, even though I really struggled with the VI part. I know I overthunk the choices and you're only supposed to take a few seconds on each one.

Then I took it a second time and got ILI-1Ni. I'm not sure why it assigned Ni subtype when I scored more points for Te. Maybe its a glitch. Also not sure why it assigned me this type when I thought for sure I rejected several photos of people I thought looked obviously gamma- especially gamma SF. The second time around, I also spent less time analyzing the photos and went more on gut feel. Also some of the photos on the second testing were different than the first time around. So there's probably some huge photo database with only certain ones randomly selected.

Verdict: I think the VI part still needs work but still a cool concept. Just take the result with a grain of salt.