I'm back after my short hiatus. I swore I wouldn't be coming back, guess I was wrong.

Anyway I got to tihnking about Se base types. Being an LII with Se PoLR, I've tended to see them as overly aggressive, abrasive my way or the highway types.

Sure they may fight for their own way but I've come to realize that they may not be so stubborn with their will as I once thought. I think the Se base types expect that the others will fight back in an Se sort of way if their desires conflict with yours. They aren't necessarily going to get offended if you fight back. In fact they might welcome it. It isn't necessarily that the Se types are trying to be difficult, its just that the Se way of doing things is so natural to them. But those with weak Se, especially Se PoLR might feel otherwise.

I've heard Se base types say things to me like "feel the power" or "don't be afraid to go in there and fight" It's not that I'm completely a doormat who never stands up for myself. I just don't feel comfortable doing it in an Se sort of way. I'd rather calmly reason with the other person.

I think SEE types in particular feel threatened or even offended by this tactic of reasoning with them. And why not? Ti is their PoLR.

So I got to thinking that our base function is something so natural to us that we can wrongly assume that everyone else around us uses it like we do. For example, there have been times when I've discussed something like a logical system and waited for someone to make their Ti contributions to improve on the system and wondered why no one was doing it or worse yet, why others seem threatened or intimidated by it.

Anyone else relate to this?