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Thread: Leading Ni and Physical Ability

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Default Leading Ni and Physical Ability

    ILIs, IEIs and upper body prominence/strength. Correlation or no?

    Also what about a love of running? I know it seems obviously suggestive Se related, but still, I'd like to see more opinions.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    imo, IEIs have great one-on-one fighting potential as in martial arts, boxing, fencing, or just brawling. Things like that. But in team sports or something less individualized, not at all. And anyway we just aren't a naturally physical type, period. We're not as bad as intjs though, and we can train ourselves to be pretty tough with some effort, but all in all we just don't have the natural STR stat (for rpg speak ness) to be athletic.

    infp can be good priests (like me), rogues (like nick) but shitty warriors.

  3. #3
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    If there's a type-relation, I think it could come down to how physical activities are conceptualized and taught, in a way that might not suit IEIs (or any type, really). For example, right now I'm editing a book about something called "ideokinesis," which has to do with body-imaging and movement. Seems to me that physical stuff is often poorly taught--that's my experience, anyway.

    I'm IEI, weak upper body relative to lower, I enjoy running somewhat, but I prefer dance and other forms of movement that either have an aesthetic component or a consciousness emphasis. I inherited strong physical coordination from my father. And I've gotten better at team and group things over time.

    If it involves a ball, I can't do it very well.
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  4. #4


    interesting yea, I think I have pretty good skills with body movement, as a kid I took karate and had no problem memorizing forms or breaking boards. Forms of course are these little sequences of martial arts moves that fit together, to get promoted up to the next level you'd go to these events and have to perform your form in front of judges and then break boards. Lol this was when I was really little also, like elementary school, I remember I was so pro I never messed up except once and I got all emo about it because I didn't get to keep moving up... it was because I couldn't break a board with a palm strike or something. But overall I was fairly pro and it was a positive experience, but I quit before middle school.

    I also liked hockey and basketball as a kid, except I was in Texas... so no ice hockey and basketball sucked because I went to a camp in 5th grade and I didn't really like it. I remember their was this black kid who was in a corner listening to music and saying "****** ****** ******" to himself and I didn't know what it meant and he got all mad at me. Then there was this asshole kid that made fun of me the entire time for something inconsequential. He was ultra competitive (this was texas, land of macho cowboy-ness), and alienated me from everyone except the other outcasts. I spent every lunch period hanging out with a cautious kid who ate dehydrated pinnaples and had pale white skin and an short kid with asthma. So needless to say I never liked the social aspect to sports after that, but I got the build to play basketball.

    Next was middle school, baseball and band. My dad signed me up for baseball and at that time I was more obsessed with Intuitive things, my mind, and computers and shit... school sucked so I never practiced baseball outside of the afterschool practices. I played outfield mostly, spent all day learning how to catch a pop-fly, do the throw where you cross legs to throw it over the head into the infield. I was late in the batting order... it sucked, and once again a lot of macho-cowboy-ness guys but baseball was much more and Delta ST in quality, I actually liked the other kids there but not the country hick coaches and dads.

    Band was band, until high school when I did marching band, had to memorize sets, and was a pro at marching, had impecible form, I also did JROTC for two years, learned all the marching and drills for rifles and sabers. Was pro at that, but once again never enjoyed the social aspect of it... I was never good at shouting commands out in JROTC like a dog, I was never given the opportunity to have any band leadership because I was never really one of those "band nerd types" that was really blood sacrifice dedicated to the organization.

    Near the end of high school I got my car and was a good driver, and took flying lessons, which I was pretty ace at. A little nervous and shy, but smooth on the controls and calm at making important decisions.

    I've never really had a problem with dexterity or physical skills... just the social aspect of it. I really liked karate, flying, marching, and first person shooter games. Not so much the sports because of the annoying ethos. I mean honestly part of the reason I took karate as a kid was the karate kid lol.

    I think in the future I'd love to learn parkour and drifting with my car. I generally just like the fluidity and grace of movement, particularly in a thrilling kind of way and not in an artsy fartsy dance/figure skating kind of way.

    I've always correlated efficiency of movement and fluidity to but maybe that is ?

  5. #5
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    imo, IEIs have great one-on-one fighting potential as in martial arts, boxing, fencing, or just brawling. Things like that. But in team sports or something less individualized, not at all. And anyway we just aren't a naturally physical type, period. We're not as bad as intjs though, and we can train ourselves to be pretty tough with some effort, but all in all we just don't have the natural STR stat (for rpg speak ness) to be athletic.

    infp can be good priests (like me), rogues (like nick) but shitty warriors.
    I know we aren't programmed for constant aggresion but there's that latent potential to knock someone out. I don't like team sports either, there's more than self-skill, you have to deal with other people. I prefer one on one games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    I doubt there's a correlation? I have weak upper body strength, but I have very strong legs. I'm also pretty flexible & a fast runner.

    A lot of IEI males I know are actually pretty ripped. I think it must have something to do with perfectionism.
    I have had good running legs also, since primary school.

    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    I've never really had a problem with dexterity or physical skills... just the social aspect of it. I really liked karate, flying, marching, and first person shooter games. Not so much the sports because of the annoying ethos.
    Agreed. It's why I prefer basketball to other popular sports.

    I think in the future I'd love to learn parkour and drifting with my car. I generally just like the fluidity and grace of movement, particularly in a thrilling kind of way and not in an artsy fartsy dance/figure skating kind of way.
    Yea, same. Though I think it would be easier starting in your teens.

    I've always correlated efficiency of movement and fluidity to but maybe that is ?
    I'd say .

  6. #6
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    This guy named John Niednagel studies this kind of stuff- the link between typology and athletic ability/motor movement patterns.

    Brain types - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is his main website, unfortunately it will be down until after thanksgiving. Check it out when its back up

    Unfortunately this is based mostly on observations he's made over the years and there hasn't been any controlled experiments done so its not fully accepted yet. Anyhow, he basically observed that children with similar personalities have similar movement patterns.

    According to Niednagel, INFPs are very flexible, and have very fine motor skilled types. When they play basketball they are silky smooth and graceful. INFP golf players can contour their bodies to generate a lot of force into their swings (Tiger Woods)

    Ever wonder why most high level athletes/jocks have similar bad ass personalities? Why over analyzers, people that thrive in academics, usually aren't high level athletes? Why some people can handle pressure better than others in game time situations? This guy explains it all.

    IME, there's a lot of correlation.

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    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    That's very cool, Peteronfiree. Thanks for the link.

    My quibble with his work would be whether the people are properly typed to start with. For example, I definitely don't think Tiger Woods is an INFp, although that's close ... I guess if the typings are close "enough," then general statements about type will be true "enough"?

    I like the idea of matching types to movement styles, anyway.
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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Yeah, what I like about his work is that he's trying to prove that types are inherent and genetic. Certain types fire different areas of the brain, and thus also manifest different muscle movement patterns. And if that's proven to be true, this is further evidence that we are born with our types/they don't change.

    He bases his typings based on observing how the person executes his/her athletic skill- such as, does this person flick his wrist with good control when shooting a lay up? (fine motor dominant) or does this person predominantly use his larger muscles? (gross motor dominant)

    He also bases it on how they respond to pressure in game time situations- Does the crowd get to the person's head? Does the person get easily discouraged when he's performing poorly? Do they get fired up and display a lot of emotion? These are all factors that correlate to type as well.

    So in essence this is similar to VI, where we type a person based on the external.

    He uses Myer-Briggs so I'm not sure if his INFP will always match socionics INFp.

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    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Hmmm... I imagine that any type could a) build strength, and b) learn "how" to play a given game. I suspect that Ni-egos would have trouble learning to "be in the moment" which you have to do to shorten your reaction time, but we have to learn to do that for theater too, and there are bunches of Ni egos in the theater. So while their might be a weak correlation between certain body types and certain special skills (Se-egos may be naturally "bigger," Ni-egos may be naturally "quicker"), there is probably a way to be good at any sport regardless of type. Or, NTR.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

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  10. #10


    My incredible sports ability is attributable to using my Ni-ego superpowers to know the dynamics of each play before the game even begins.

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    just a friendly reminder that you can have a buff body and not be athletic at all. Like 99% of gay porn stars.

    you keep working on your body , it will get fit no matter who you are. does that make one 'athletic', nah not really.

    i just think u either have it in u or u don't.

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    Bow to the Ninchucks Microknight's Avatar
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    My sports ability isn't great when compared to my physical ability. I am fast and strong, but I rarely play as well as people with similar physical traits. I rarely try as hard as I can, instead playing with about 75% my maximum ability most of the time, so that may have something to do with it. I occasionally have big bursts of 100%, but they are uncommon. I also rarely suffer from cramps or injuries, probably due to not trying as hard as others as opposed to being naturally tough.

    As for upper/lower body dominance, I'm pretty balanced. My best trait is my explosiveness, I have a vertical second to few and I accelerate to maximum speed much more quickly than others. My top speed is good, but not as great as taller athletes, my shorter legs are much better suited for short dashes. My strength and anaerobic endurance are also pretty good, I can do loads of pushups and I am only occasionally outmuscled. My cardio, however, is poor when compared with my peers. Even when I've tried, I can't keep up for long. My coordination also tends to be worse than my peers; I'm rarely the most accurate. Instead of my fine motor movements, I must always rely on my gross motor skills to defeat my opponents. In American football, I'm best as a defensive back. My poor coordination makes me weak offensively, but as a safety I can usually use my superior explosiveness to put myself between the ball and the receiver and I'm pretty good at getting the tackle as well. I'm an okay cornerback as well, but I'm much better as a zone player. I tend to have a pretty good idea of the happenings about the field and I can usually plan out where I need to be next to be most effective.

    For sports, I am much better suited to athletic activities encouraging short intense bursts of activity as opposed to the long and grueling. If I worked a lot on my cardio, I have a feeling I'd be a decent boxer.

    Strength: Good
    Explosiveness: Excellent
    Muscular Endurance: Good
    Cardio: Poor
    Coordination: Poor

    So there's my essay on my athletic ability.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microknight View Post
    Strength: Good
    Explosiveness: Excellent
    Muscular Endurance: Good
    Cardio: Poor
    Coordination: Poor
    Opposite for me. My explosiveness sucks, but my endurance/cardio/coordination is really good.
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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    I have excellent strength, explosiveness, and endurance, but cardio and coordination are poor.

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    I am a beast on the tennis courts. Definitely more athletic/lean than strength (although I enjoy lifting weights). Played soccer in high school and am noticeably stronger/thicker in my leg, butt area. All in all I enjoy most sports.

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