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    Member Questionnaire 1 (Jackobs)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    a) Well, beauty has different meanings! Is a bit vague to define, for me beauty is freedom, landscapes and contact with nature is also beautiful and meaningful, cities' skylines are beautiful, knowledge is bauty! It has so many different meanings that depends on the context.
    Anyway, love is a special bond formed between two people that find each other in the world, is what keeps this planet rollin' and is one of the most important strenght that mobilizes people to take action, IMHO
    What are your most important values?
    Freedom of speech, giving and receiving Respect, Caring for others, Loyalty to the people I love, love for knowledge and always try to have fun while making the best out of every situation.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    This is a pretty hard question... Lately I found myself pretty interested in Buddhism, but still not satisfied;
    I strongly believe in supernatural, occultism, spiiritualism and energy flowing, I'm pretty fascinated in voodoo and karmic exchange, but is hard for me to identify myself in a specific religion, but I feel the need of a spiritual research, even if I'm having troubles to realize it.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Money and Charisma are power, they both can mesmerize people in one way or another (unluckily for the former...).
    I believe in non-violence and diplomacy, but I think military is a necessary evil for defense purposes, since some rulers in the world are mad guys that won't wait to attack and kill each other in the moment that a spark is lightened somewhere, and because, with some forces, is impossibile to have a constructive exchange and debate and resort to diplomacy (Terrorism above all else)
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    a) I like talking about everything, from common things to more nitpick themes, but I always prefer to have a long conversation about a theme that can benefit both parts of the discussion (lately I got into type theory and I'd like to talk exclusively about it xD) to grow, improve and learn something new! I prefer more serious topics, or discussion about helping others with their issues and try to help them solve their personal problems (I enjoy counseling others, and hope these conversations to be some use for them).
    b1) I enjoy video-games, movies/animes and books a lot, especially the former, but I also play bass guitar in a band and tried a lot of different musical instruments, music is my other big passion! I'd like to learn cooking, but too lazy to focus on that xD
    b2) I enjoy video games because they usally give a challenge to me and help me focus my attention to overcome them, but I also like the idea of living a imaginary adventures or exploring unfamiliar olaces (I love games in which you travel a lot, for example Uncharted Series, or make you explore giant worlds, for example skyrim or dragon age), and I love the competitive multiplayer sside of them. Movies, well, who doesn't like movies? xD They make me feel a lot of different things and, sometimes, also learn some life lessons.
    Music is a big passion because I find pretty funny to learn new instruments and play them in a way or another, to try the pieces I love listening to.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I like to talk especially about the part of reasearch on health topics, but enjoy also the alternative medicine discussions (herbalism/oriental medicine).
    I try to live in a healthy way because I'm a bit hypochondriac, but I'm pretty flexible on it (I don't feel the need to have a certain lunch/dinner time, preference or a certain sleep schedule, I prefer to focus on things I find interesting or pastimes like smoking cigars/pipe, and I can easily lose hours of sleep becaus prefer to dedicate my time to my hobbies or because I am with my friends). I love being in a good physical shape, that's why I go to the gym, but is hard for me to keep a routine on it, preferring to improvise on different activities (I love riding a bike, walk in nature and so on, and hardly back down when I can live a new physichal adventure, even if I'm a bit lazy too actively search for them).
    I'm pretty aware of my health situation, for example knowing when feeling tired or hungry, but I'd say is not my top priority.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    B O R I N G.
    Unfortunately necessary, I hate the idea of living in a dirty or non-hygienical house, my five and aesthethic senses suffer in thos situations xD
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Birdman, Chronicles of Narnia (book), Tales from Earthsea (Both Ghibli/book cycle), Mists of Avalon, La La Land about the recent things.
    Into the Wild is my favorite film of all time.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Hmmm, I can't remember the last time I cried, for me is nearly impossibile to do so! Moved a bit after Boheme opera, and when I broke with my ex, but didn't cry in these situations, just moved a bit and lucid eyes.
    I smile a lot! I like meeting new people and socialising with them, and I have always fun with my buddies, and I also smile a lot on comedies or good ending in tales, films or video-games!
    For the former, because the Boheme was pretty powerful for me, really shaked me, and my ex GF, well, we had a good love story, even if pretty short (and for pride because she cheated on me xD)
    For the latter, well, I like having fun and doing fun things with my friends, and enjoy creating a good atmosphere that they could enjoy too in some way, while for the stories, well, they just make me feel happy
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    In nature I found my totality, especially if relaxing and enjoying my surroundings, I feel a very powerful bond with nature, especially with animals!
    But I feel pretty well with my beloved buddies too, but not so strong as in nature.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I dislike that I tend to overthink a lot and can be pretty indecisive, I would like to be more carefree and impulsive ( I rely a lot on improvisation, but with a bit of preapartion too, but the second is not so necessary), and also I would like to be more sure about my choices, more living in the moment without caring too much on the long term.
    People say I can be pretty accomodating and not very firm/decisive, even if when threatened I can be pretty stubborn and fierce.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People say I am always very helpful, that I strive to help others and try to find a solution for them, or just listening to their issues and problem and talking about them; also, they say I'm pretty upbeat and outgoing, they say I have an "Aura" that puts them at ease and make them feel that they can count on me.
    Well, I like this, is something that I notice too and try to use it at my advantage to make them others feel better.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Executing things, getting them done, planning a way of action, I kinda suck at it, I try to be organized but have troubles doing so xD
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yeah, I get very nervous and angry, I start feeling a burden on me that overwhelms me; when this happens, I become very impulsive and aggressive, lashing out at people and trying to find useless activites to distract me from this state, because I start feeling "Caged" in some situations and destroy my usual optimism.
    This happens usually when I feel boxed in in certain situations, for example in mylast job that I really hated, or when I realized that my closest friend was an opportunist bastard; It's pretty rare because I have a High treshold, but when it happens I really explode and feel the urge to release everything with force (yelling, throwing things in the room).
    It's a bit strange, I know xD
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like reliability, sincerity, cheerfulness, people that think out of the box and try tho see things from other perspecttives.
    I like knowledgeable people that can teach me a lot of things, with which I can have serious discussions about important social issues and thing like that.
    I dislike phoniness, opportunism, agrressive and trampling kind of people. stuck in their way that cannot , at least, try to understand others because they only see their egotic self. People who deliberalty hurt others, both in physichally or psychologically ways. People who resort to their authoritative position to abuse others that are weaker.
    I have a some EII friends, my best male friend is SLI (and we have a lot of contrasts, but also help each other a lot) and the female one IEI, another close friend of mine is an ILE; I get better types who mostly values Fe-Ti, but, luckily, I'm pretty adaptable.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I am in love with love itself, I feel as one when I live a happy relationship, knowing that there is someone who can love me with the same intensity that I do. I enjoy sex, I really like it a lot, but only when meaningful in some way, backed up by affection and love, never had a one night stand.
    I like an open minded partner that respect my ideas, or can help me grow in some way or improve my perspectives; someone who I can rely on that also respects each other's needs for privacy and preferences. I like someone who can make me realize something and motivates me to act out my ideas.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    First of all, I would like to give him "blank paper", I don't wanna impose my beliefs on him, I want him to realize his potential, without giving too many inputs, I want him to be a free thinker.
    But I also would like to defend him and make him know that he could always rely on me and I'll be always be there for him in every situation, coming hell or high water. I would like to gtransmit him some qualities to be a decent human being, but will always respect his choices.

    (I used the pronon Him, but I don't care about his genre ans long as he could be happy)
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Well, I'd ask him for his motives behind his claim and try to see things from his point of view. I would tell him that I don't agree with him, but I'll be as comprehensible as possible, while exposing my idea to him hoping we can exchange some different insights about it, but at the same time I could demonstrate a harsh and firm side, depending on the gravity of his action/claim
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I start by the end, saying that the biggest problem is Egoism; I consider society as a structure formed by humanity as a whole, but, somehow in some way, a big bad guy gains some kind of powe r for his personal gain, and so tend to "enslave" in some way the people inferior to him in the position of the gerarchy, and that0s when humanity should mobilize to throw of t this power (that, IMO, somehow fin another way, manages to impose again in a different time and there is the need to throw it off again. The problem is that most people prefer cultivating their little business, forgetting the need of the society, and the people that tries to stick their nose out of this gets shut off immediately. It's kinda sad, even if I'm guilty to do it too....
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    Mostly on gut feeling, I easily get when someone is compatible with me or not and get when a friendship is woth to be cultivated, and can easily get away from people that I think are not compatible, but I don't judge them in a way that is impossible to change, I wnat to give everyone a chance and try to learn more things about them as possible, and then I believe that both people understand when a friendship is meant to born after knowing each other. They see my real self, they are the only people with which I completely expose myself and behave naturally!
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I like to meet strangers and have idle talks with them, especially when exchanging jokes and stories, but i rarely show to them my true colors, I prefer to play by their way and adapt at their needs, when I start to form some kind of bond is the moment that I start to show myself little by little and giving them a bit of trust, because I'm pretty skeptical and reserved, even if pretty sociable and outgoing!
    Last edited by Jackobs; 10-11-2017 at 11:28 AM.

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    Nice to meet you guys, I'm Jacopo, 22, from Florence! I just submitted to this forum and I was directed to this questionnaire! I love it so far and Socionics are far more interesting and precise than MBTI IMO.
    Is a pleasure to join your ranks! I look forward to discuss and work with you guys, peace out

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    this made me laugh in some parts, from happiness : )) you radiate a lot of good vibes, it was a pleasure to read


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    I agree. I definitly see Ne-valuing and ethical judgement.
    I say IEE either.

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    Hey there, thanks for the reply! You're suggesting to register a video of myself? That sounds fun! But I hope you won't get bored xD @pinoline @WinnieW awwww guys you are so kind! I'm happy that you enjoyed my absolutely random monologue ahaha
    What make you think that I give Ne-Fi vibes rather than Fe/Ti (or Ni too!) ? Just curious about it! Thanks a lot for the reply, really!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackobs View Post
    You're suggesting to register a video of myself? That sounds fun!
    Video will allow you to get correct type with more probability. To make it is not hard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackobs View Post
    Hey there, thanks for the reply! You're suggesting to register a video of myself? That sounds fun! But I hope you won't get bored xD @pinoline @WinnieW awwww guys you are so kind! I'm happy that you enjoyed my absolutely random monologue ahaha
    What make you think that I give Ne-Fi vibes rather than Fe/Ti (or Ni too!) ? Just curious about it! Thanks a lot for the reply, really!!!
    You have a point there actually I was unsure of what kind of NF to make you, and opted for the Delta quadra for you, because of the happy vibe you kept sending... it's a bit biased perhaps, but the ideas of quadra can help cream up the possibilities, Deltas are more like the hardworkers too, but they even enjoy doing so in a friendly and trouble-free atmosphere. Betas would tend to work with more challenging situations...

    I'm not sure of the IEE over EIE, you'd need to get more in detail about what kind of things bother you in a way you can't work out, and what kind of other things you appreciate in others that you yourself can't sustain.

    You seemed to appreciate a more direct help in organization, and instead despise control and aggressiveness, this makes me favor Te> Se
    You started the thread talking about beauty and love, and went on underlying their importance > Fi

    Do you feel more EIE?
    Are you actually an extrovert?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Video will allow you to get correct type with more probability. To make it is not hard.
    Here it is, if you guys want to take a look

    Sorry that I couldn't do it in 480p, but the only camera available was the frontal one from my phone (and it had troubles with the light from my window in the rendering part, damn)
    I think it was a pretty generic monologue, if you would like to ask something else I'll be glad to answer it!
    And sorry about my pronunciation and grammar too, english is not my native language :/
    Thanks for the support an patience

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    You have a point there actually I was unsure of what kind of NF to make you, and opted for the Delta quadra for you, because of the happy vibe you kept sending... it's a bit biased perhaps, but the ideas of quadra can help cream up the possibilities, Deltas are more like the hardworkers too, but they even enjoy doing so in a friendly and trouble-free atmosphere. Betas would tend to work with more challenging situations...

    I'm not sure of the IEE over EIE, you'd need to get more in detail about what kind of things bother you in a way you can't work out, and what kind of other things you appreciate in others that you yourself can't sustain.

    You seemed to appreciate a more direct help in organization, and instead despise control and aggressiveness, this makes me favor Te> Se
    You started the thread talking about beauty and love, and went on underlying their importance > Fi

    Do you feel more EIE?
    Are you actually an extrovert?
    Hello again!!!
    I just uploaded the video suggested by Sol, that's why it took me a while to answer!

    Well, the people mentioned in the group that I talked about in the video type me as an Introvert, but I think I'm more on an extraverted side, or, if introvert, enjoy a lot of interaction with the outer world! I feel I'm pretty balanced between the two aspects, I like very much to alternate self-reflection and thoughts flowing, with a direct interaction, since I usually like to put my ideas in practice (i'm a bit of an airhead, I'm aware of what goes on around me but I am easily distracted, especially if in a stream of thoughts) !
    You're right, as I mentioned in the video I enjoy people who can help me organize things efficiently, but I also love people who brings or follow me in new pursuits and experiences, I pretty much trive on them since I find experience something I really enjoy and research (I'm lazy because I like to stand still too when I have nothing precise to do, but just in little bits ahaha)
    About things I have troubles with, as I mentioned in the video, I can easily rely more on improvisation than planning in certain situations, and having troubles dealing with the long term focus or how something is gonna turn in years from now, it's something that I really don't think much about it (that doesn't mean I'm always impulsive, just in some situations like taking a new hobby or shopping, but with people and relationships, especially romance or work decisions, I'm quite the overthinker type, as I said in my post xD)
    Thanks for the patience, feel free to ask me whatever you want, I enjoy talking with you guys!

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    mb LII

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    mb LII
    You think LII too? How?
    (MB is an abbreviation I don't know, anyway, sorry xD)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackobs View Post
    You think LII too? How?
    gods if Socionics send this idea. any questions to them

    mb = may be

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    gods if Socionics send this idea. any questions to them

    mb = may be
    Oh, Interesting! I thought in my commentary the F was pretty evident! How comes that I am a too much Happy Go Lucky guy for having Fe so low??
    Anyway, thanks for the reply! Who should I contact for my questions?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackobs View Post
    How comes that I am a too much Happy Go Lucky guy for having Fe so low?
    you may try IR test to understand the gods. also you should wait what other priests will say

    > Who should I contact for my questions?

    Jung and Augusinavichiute should be enough. you need to study their holy texts for the enlightenment about your type. mb they'll contact you personaly too... who knows

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    music, writing, sciences, politics, law... that's a good deal of Ne to me. I would put that as a stronger function than a rational, that I think has more to do with F, even because of all of your passions. You seem an IEE from video too but I could be wrong.. good vibes confirmed as well

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you may try IR test to understand the gods. also you should wait what other priests will say

    > Who should I contact for my questions?

    Jung and Augusinavichiute should be enough. you need to study their holy texts for the enlightenment about your type. mb they'll contact you personaly too... who knows
    Ahahahahah this made my giggle at my ignorance/stupidity xD
    I'll light a candle for master Jung, hoping for some transcendental neuroscientific englihtenment.
    Gonna try the test too, thanks a bunch

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    music, writing, sciences, politics, law... that's a good deal of Ne to me. I would put that as a stronger function than a rational, that I think has more to do with F, even because of all of your passions. You seem an IEE from video too but I could be wrong.. good vibes confirmed as well
    Thanks for the reply again!
    I'm happy that your vibes are still confirmed TBH My mom's ENFP and we have a shitton of differences between each other, so, not completely sure if I can relate, but I'm happy that you still get these impressions! And thanks again for taking time to watch my random video!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    music, writing, sciences, politics, law... that's a good deal of Ne to me.
    Law is more Ni
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Law is more like Ti too I've read from Jack Oliver@Tallmo

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    Law is more like Ti too I've read from Jack Oliver@Tallmo
    I'm no expert,but Law is definitely Ti IMO, is a lot about categorization and system building, creating some general principles that every State is meant to follow... At least in my experience!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    Law is more like Ti too I've read from Jack Oliver@Tallmo
    Defining (personal-detachted) laws is Ti
    Applying (personal-detachted) laws is Te

    Personal-atached laws are either Fi or Fe

    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    music, writing, sciences, politics, law... that's a good deal of Ne to me.
    Many interests shows strong extraverted perception. Interest in many abstract topics shows Ne. Interest in many physical activities shows Se, however.

    The first hint to Ne was for me the answer to the question:
    Q: What is love?
    Answered with the refrain of a pop song from Haddaway.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 10-16-2017 at 11:45 AM.

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    @Sol I tried the IR test, didn't dedicate too much time to it (maybe i'll do another shot in the next days, I'm sure I won't remember the key at all xD), apparently the people who I felt most comfortable with, based on video are, in order LSI, EIE and SLI, what does it mean? I'm pretty sure i'm not LSI
    @WinnieW Thanks again for the reply, I'm not sure of my preference, but Ne probably resonates better with me; this said, I won't back down in any new experience (both physical or abstract, with a preference for the former) and get them when chances presents themselves, but it could be because I have a probable 7w6 enneagram!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackobs View Post
    apparently the people who I felt most comfortable with, based on video are, in order LSI, EIE and SLI, what does it mean?
    If you'd did not look at the key as was recommended and made the full sorting of 16 types than I'd could to say what this means. In the current situation you need to finish the sorting, at least. Pay attention to _psychic comfort_ from the types 1st of all. Good IR inspire your psyche, while bad supress it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    If you'd did not look at the key as was recommended and made the full sorting of 16 types than I'd could to say what this means. In the current situation you need to finish the sorting, at least. Pay attention to _psychic comfort_ from the types 1st of all. Good IR inspire your psyche, while bad supress it.
    Oh but I sorted them, and opened the key later once I watched at least sseveral minutes of 2 videos per group and sorted single groups in order of preference, if you want I can copy paste on that thread my sorting results
    Basically, Te Dom/Aux (SLI aside) were lower in the list, while Fe/Ti users were higher.
    Maybe I rushed it a bit, I was basing everything mostly on vibe and first impressions (did that in like 90 minutes xD), so maybe I should give it another shot
    Would you prefer if I write about it here or on that other thread?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackobs View Post
    Oh but I sorted them, and opened the key later once I watched at least several minutes of 2 videos per group
    2 videos per type. While you need minimum 3 examples with 2 clips per example. After opening the key you've removed a half of use from your further sorting. It still may be used, but with lesser meaning.

    > if you want I can copy paste on that thread my sorting results

    You may watch the needed minimum of clips to make the full sorting, at least.

    > did that in like 90 minutes xD), so maybe I should give it another shot

    it takes several hours. you may do this in several days as is said in recommendations

    > Would you prefer if I write about it here or on that other thread?

    the full sorting is better to be placed in IR test thread

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    2 videos per type. While you need minimum 3 examples with 2 clips per example. After opening the key you've removed a half of use from your further sorting. It still may be used, but with lesser meaning.

    > if you want I can copy paste on that thread my sorting results

    You may watch the needed minimum of clips to make the full sorting, at least.

    > did that in like 90 minutes xD), so maybe I should give it another shot

    it takes several hours. you may do this in several days as is said in recommendations

    > Would you prefer if I write about it here or on that other thread?

    the full sorting is better to be placed in IR test thread
    Ok, got it, I'll take another peak, I really don't remember all the keys and types since I've done it a bit in a rush that I think the effects won't be mitigated so much (I was kinda pressured to go to University lesson), I'll do it in the next days and put the full sorting there. Thanks for the tips.

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