I ran into this thing in socionics.us site. Do these rules apply to you?

"Augusta made a number of statements about physiological type traits that have since been more or less debunked, or at least widely ignored because of their consistent inaccuracy:

* all irrational types are by nature left-handed, while rational types are naturally right-handed
* extraverts' left eye and left side of the face is more "lively" than the right, and the opposite is true for introverts
* static types look at things at rest with the left eye and things in motion with the right; the opposite is true for dynamic types
* she made a ranking of how wide open different types' eyes are; Se and Ne types have the most squinting eyes, while Si and Ni types have the most wide open eyes
(I may have got some things wrong; I have not reviewed these things for several years)"

- left-handed <- irrational
- left side clearly more lively <- extrovert
- can't say about the static/dynamic thing
- can't say about squinting really, I do squint but also do keep my eyes open, maybe more open <- more likely Si or Ni

Hmm..what would I be according to that...
From the first two: Exxp
From the third: ???
From the last: ??? or maybe Si/Ni

Exxp with Si or Ni? Hmm...there is no such thing? hehe.

Do they match you?