How do you guys feel about this?

I'm OK doing it with my close friends, sometimes can even be pretty outgoing.

When it comes to work, it amazes me how much inane rubbish people talk, to me, completely pointless small talk.

My attitude is that i've nothing in common with these people - and no one actually has anything in common with each other, we're just a bunch of people thrown together with the intention of earning a living.

Anyway, for some reason other people seem to engage in small talk more than me, and it makes me wonder if they actually find it useful. I've no interest in talking pointless small talk, and am quite happy just to say good morning, and go through my day and go home and get on with my actual LIFE.

So, i'm wondering how you guys feel about this sort of thing? It occurs to me that lack of interest in inane group socialising such as at work, is related to Fe PoLR.