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Thread: Kamajama Reloaded

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    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    Default Kamajama Reloaded

    It has been a while since my type has been questioned. There have been detractors and supporters of my SEI typing. However, I will establish one as Truth!

    I will ramble here and make general comments on myself here.

    I make statements and then produce evidence after I make the statement. Hence, I will say, "you are pretty" and then explain why someone is pretty. I will not explain why someone is pretty and then say they are.

    I am a very loud person. I make ludicrous statements and love to hear people respond to them. I am giggly and around girls I am even more giggly. I love to talk and make witty comments, and just overall be an actor. I seem eccentric and erratic around people I know well, but I am more conservative around people I don't know well. In public, I act crazy, but in private I want to be around people I can say anything to and just bear my soul to, and they just listen.

    I am a hopeless romantic. I used to fantasize about finding the perfect girl and being romantic and stuff, but now I realize that all that is garbage. The funny thing is that I used to fantasize about perfect relationships, but when I had problems, I would love the feeling of having them, to feel misunderstood, to feel like the world looks strangely on you.

    When I was about 13, I used to fantasize about a girl who had emotional issues. I would make her happy and she would love me for how I helped her. I thought I was sick in the head, because whose perfect girl has deep emotional problems and needs help solving them? I used to fantasize about taking care of girls. But I also fantasized about them holding me when I needed emotional support myself.

    I love to make sure my friends (very close friends) eat well. When they are sick, I am the first to lend doctoral advice about how they can prevent sickness.

    I hate conflict. I don't know how to handle it. Aggressive people scare me. I really need to be knowledgeable about a topic and angry enough to actually say anything in my defense.

    I hate feeling like I don't know something. I am shy when it comes to speaking on a topic that I don't know everything about. I feel like I need to be an expert on everything, and if I am not, then that is a personal flaw.

    idk what else to say here.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    You can be ISFp imo.

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    I support this thread.
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    I don't really see how you can be anything other than SEI. (I wouldn't count Pinnochio's arguments.)

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    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    I just felt like offering my counter-perspective for the heck of it.. case you're interested. Don't take this too seriously or anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    I make statements and then produce evidence after I make the statement. Hence, I will say, "you are pretty" and then explain why someone is pretty. I will not explain why someone is pretty and then say they are.
    What's the difference?
    I seem eccentric and erratic around people I know well, but I am more conservative around people I don't know well. In public, I act crazy, but in private I want to be around people I can say anything to and just bear my soul to, and they just listen.
    Hmm.. few people would call me eccentric. :-p On the rare occasion I've been accused of being so, I usually explain circumstances over and over until it is established that I am in fact normal. :-p There has been the occasion when I've got off on being thought slightly crazy, simply because of how blasted normal I actually am. hahaha I'll be committed to an insane asylum one day, no doubt .. and spend the rest of my days there with this expression on my face --> .
    When I was about 13, I used to fantasize about a girl who had emotional issues. I would make her happy and she would love me for how I helped her. I thought I was sick in the head, because whose perfect girl has deep emotional problems and needs help solving them? I used to fantasize about taking care of girls. But I also fantasized about them holding me when I needed emotional support myself.
    Fwiw, when I was 13, I fantasised about climbing trees with boys or some such. :-p But seriously, people with emotional issues I don't really know what to do with. If I inadvertently helped someone solve their emotional issues, it would be a stroke of luck imo. I would probably breathe a sigh of relief and vacate the area to be safe. Excuse the stereotype, but isn't that more of an N ability? If I hoped to do anything regarding someone's emotional issues, it would be to distract the person from them. And there's the whole caregiver thing woohoo, but seriously, not one single fantasy re any guy (or girl for that matter) has ever been to do with squeezing oranges for them or something. I'd like to think of us both as being really quite independent from each other, having fun with each other. When it comes to taking care of someone, I like the thought of doing small things for the person in a way they hardly notice :-p .. like imagining I'm invisible, and hey - the person's world is made a little more comfortable by magic or something. :-p Like when I was a kid and my sister and I shared a room, sometimes I'd make up her bed for her after the sheets had been washed.. because she hated doing it and left it til the last second. But I'd honestly just do it mostly for fun :-p.. because I thought it amusing that she'd left the room in a huff with a big pile of wrinkled sheets on the bed only to return to a neat bed with the sheets turned down like a hotel, and some stupid-looking teddy bear planted in the middle. :-p I liked to think it confuddled her a bit, because we didn't really get on that well. haha I have a weird sense of humour. I have to admit that it does somewhat pull on my heartstrings to see someone frustrated by a pile of sheets though. :-p Anyway, I'll sometimes do nothing in favour of helping for fear that the person'll think I'm trying to buy their affections or something.. when it's really just me enjoying myself! I've lived with people in the past who go on about every little thing I do to help, and it really has quite the opposite effect on me. I feel like doing less just to avoid the focus on it. Let's just move on to more interesting subjects!
    I love to make sure my friends (very close friends) eat well. When they are sick, I am the first to lend doctoral advice about how they can prevent sickness.
    I generally try not to interfere. I'll take care of someone if they're on my doorstep :-p, but I'd rather not get in people's faces regarding their health and stuff. Maybe I'll try to give advice to someone who has health issues, but I'll stop talking mid-sentence if I can see they're not interested. It's their life.
    I hate conflict. I don't know how to handle it. Aggressive people scare me.
    Aggressive people annoy me.
    I really need to be knowledgeable about a topic and angry enough to actually say anything in my defense.
    Knowledge about a topic is the last thing on my mind when I'm angry. I can't imagine a situation where you could be angry about something you're not knowledgeable about anyway..
    I hate feeling like I don't know something. I am shy when it comes to speaking on a topic that I don't know everything about. I feel like I need to be an expert on everything, and if I am not, then that is a personal flaw.
    Occasionally, I feel embarrassed for not knowing something I "should". But I get more annoyed at people who make others feel dumb for not knowing things they "should". Everyone has their own area of expertise. W/e.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  6. #6
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Analyze her entry more, please, since I would read what you have to say with interest or entertainment, that's right. Politically undecided if its good for either of us, and I love my politics senseless. Let's do it.

    Or... point me to the old discussion.

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    @Pinnochio: No, I read the OP description and all of it sounds SEI to me. Generally I haven't really seen much in Kama's posts/vids to suggest anything other than SEI (and I think that he has persisted in thinking he's SEI most of the time). And I was trying to figure out who the dissenters to his SEI typing were as I didn't understand why this thread was here since I thought he was generally thought of SEI anyway... and the only person I could think of that has argued his type (considerably and recently enough) is you and I disagree with your thinking he's an Fi type and I don't think your arguments really serve as serious reason to doubt SEI. (and that's my opinion which I can think that without wanting the world to swoop in upon you and destroy your Socionics views. my own Socionics views aren't set in stone or anything, it's just that Kama's type actually seems pretty clear to me, although I do think I'm sensitive to self-typings a lot of the time and so I can't make claims of being 100% objective or anything of the sort as I'm only human.)

    I have no interest in "igniting the crowd" (um, I fail at igniting crowds, seriously). And furthermore since the majority of "the crowd" probably thinks he's SEI anyway, what is there to ignite?

    PS: I wasn't trying to embarrass him. Gah. This is precisely why I disagree with most of your typing arguments because you draw in all of these interpretations of what people are "really up to," and I think most of them are totally unfounded.
    Last edited by marooned; 03-21-2010 at 07:20 AM.

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    Swing low...sweet chariot. Coming for to carry me home. Swing low, sweet chariot. Coming for to carry me home.

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    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    ^ irrelevance! Get thee out!
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  11. #11
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    @Loki: well so far you didn't demonstrate a constructive involvement in this. If you have reasons to think he's SEI without further investigation, maybe he has his reasons to think he could be something else, don't you think? Now it's a mater of understanding, understand other as you understand yourself.

    You deny that you try to do that with the help of the community, but actually you haven't done anything more than cast another vote, as you confirmed, you are convinced that everybody is on your side, so basically Kama or me or whoever question his type, we have no chance of changing what's established, right?
    You outnumber us by far, I agree with this, but I have the confidence that a free-thinker can reach his/her own conclusions despite this opposition.
    Indeed they are all on my side as I am the voice of The Collective. I squash all attempts at this "independent thought" you speak of and so clearly revere. I have a goal in mind: that the Universe regard Kamajama as nothing other than SEI and so I discourage his own quest to search for his type as I discourage all such attempts as we must pray to none other than the Status Quo here. So you are correct in accepting your defeat on this matter and there is no further point in posting anything. I imagine you will not stand for this though and will continue to post things regardless. Admittedly even the power of the Collective cannot stop you, not without help from Higher Powers with Banning Capacity. Yes, they may rise up at any time and ban any one of us and this strikes fear in the hearts of posters everywhere.

    Now that all that is said, I do kinda just state my opinions in threads on people's types without making any extensive arguments, and I can't really argue that this could be just adding clutter to threads. But I don't really think there's anything wrong with cluttering threads and think the forum is full of such clutter and then naturally feel entitled to my own small piece of clutter, which I don't think is all that bad as far as clutter goes. So this is a point that I can at least kind of agree with, my own treacherous agenda aside.

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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    I don't understand the last part, about serious and knowing things, I mean, don't LSI come across as knowing things and boasting too? And what do you type maritsa? However I guess I relate wholly to the idea you're associating with serious types, in this specific kamaized sense, you'll have to delight me with your line of reasoning. Because I don't want to lie, I find your compositions sexy.

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    These aspects you're describing are actually fundamentally significant to personality, but I doubt how much to Socionics on a relational/quadra scale from an observation point of view, however limited. Even though they encompass two functions per dichotomy, not just one, which seems like the difference there needs more clarifying, I can let it sit in my mind for a while.

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    I'd say also from description that Kam comes across more emotive and also caregiving, which are things I don't relate to much. I see conflicting sides in what you see. Ne ego references and Si, Fe ego references (perhaps down play on the Fe). But I'm just doing the same thing as you do often, here, I think, looking at a very specific portion of someone and a personality, and personally, I'm unable to set on any contradiction.

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    I didn't notice he'd changed his sig to EII. (oops)

  19. #19
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    I love to make sure my friends (very close friends) eat well. When they are sick, I am the first to lend doctoral advice about how they can prevent sickness.
    I love giving advise to people. Some of my advice is great! Especially when it comes to opportunities and getting where you want I am very interested in giving advice, because that's what I am struggling with all the time - doing nothing, getting nowhere. So I can really say that I have experience I wish I could follow my own advice.

    I hate conflict. I don't know how to handle it.
    In open conflict with insults etc. I get paralyzed. My senses become sharp and I cant think, just focusing on some object in the room or whatever.

  20. #20
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    You're SEI. I relate to everything you wrote except the bits about food. You're like an IEI but one that knows how to deal with practical issues like food. Therefore you're SEI.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  21. #21
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    The change to EII was spur of the moment. I don't necessarily support or deny it.

    @ Pinnochio:

    Interesting. Considering only Ne and Si types, this sounds pretty much Ne for me because I have the feeling that what you use to say is rather depicting your impressions about things, about people, rather than storytell something that simply happened and made you feel a certain way.
    I love to tell stories about funny things that happened in my life and just how they were kinda silly in my opinion.

    Ime SEIs, as Merry types in general, they rarely can say "I know how" but rather "my experience has proven me" so in general an Merry type is never confident that he/she learned the lesson and this usually implies a success.
    About the Engineer thing. I feel like being called an engineer makes me special, you know? Just the idea of being one of those feels fun. But I did not change because I called myself an engineer. It is a very strange and complex thing that I don't think I even understand. I suppose that being forced to think in terms of right and wrong much more makes me feel that I can tell others what is right and wrong, all the time.

    That sounds like intervention to me. It feels like that strong point of Static types to help, but with inability to nurture or care for a continuous period, because they like think in "switches": that situation - that action, the other situation - the other action. I think this approach of statical types sounds a but egoistic, they just interfere from time to time then the Dynamic types feel grateful and fill the rest of the time, lol.
    I don't intervene, I love to just help people with stuff. I want to see their smile when they are feeling better or understand what I was saying. If someone does not want my help, fine.

    More random comments:

    Daydreaming, I don't daydream unless it is a romantic fantasy PPP

    I have been the mediator between two warring parties many times. I don't like people to judge me when I speak, because there is so much that I barely know about myself, how could they know enough to make a judgement?


    Yeah, I agree with everything you said there. When someone is attacking me, I do focus on something, twist my pen and destroy it or something, rip paper or something, staring right ahead. It is like my whole world is being wrecked. I hate criticism...
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

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    1. I think you're SEI
    2. You might be a 3w2
    3. There seems to be an inherent conflict between a certain kind of ILE and a certain kind of SEI that can't be explained by socionics.

    edit: actually maybe 3w2 doesn't work for you. I don't know much about 4s
    Last edited by electric sheep; 03-22-2010 at 02:39 AM.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
    3. There seems to be an inherent conflict between a certain kind of ILE and a certain kind of SEI that can't be explained by socionics.
    If it was IRL, I'd call this a mistake. But I think long-distance relationships are just bad.


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    I dunno, we seem to get along so well in the beginning, but I end up needing space, and there's no easy way to say it, so I just end up avoiding them for a really long time until they find me on a bad day and I just lay into them. It's just that one specific ILE... the 7w6... and only after they start working their way into other aspects of my life it starts to get out of control. I need that degree of separation. Other kinds of ILE are great, and LIIs too.
    The saddest ESFj


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    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    This thread is probably my fault.
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
    I dunno, we seem to get along so well in the beginning, but I end up needing space, and there's no easy way to say it, so I just end up avoiding them for a really long time until they find me on a bad day and I just lay into them. It's just that one specific ILE... the 7w6... and only after they start working their way into other aspects of my life it starts to get out of control. I need that degree of separation. Other kinds of ILE are great, and LIIs too.
    You sure you haven't gotten mixed up about an LIE?


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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    I keep reading this thread out of the corner of my eye has "Kamajama Beheaded".
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  29. #29
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    nah I think I scare LIEs

    This is a recurring pattern in my life involving ILEs. We start off good friends, they get too friendly or just get really annoying, and they just don't listen, and... well you've seen me and pinocchio get into it right? When I was younger it might have ended in physical fights. I was a scrappy one.

    edit: for clarity
    Last edited by electric sheep; 03-22-2010 at 06:42 AM.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    This sounds very suspicious. Not only that you don't seem to understand compatibility, but an SEI keeps close to his/her partner (actually an ILE too), there's no such thing as avoiding each other.

    On a side note, I think SEIs and ILEs (and afaik LSEs and EIIs) are types who never feel suffocated and prefer to stay together, if in couple, as much time as possible - that doesn't include time spent for working & stuff. At least I don't know one ILE who doesn't take his/her partner anywhere, when off-duty. The opposite are ILI and IEI, especially males, ime.
    Well I'm an independent spirit, what can I say. I have too much on my agenda to be tied down to some loser that wants to invade my life.

    oh I bet now you'll say SEIs can't have agendas, or think people are losers, or be independent.
    The saddest ESFj


  32. #32
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    lol I highly doubt your SEI, electric sheep.

    A 3w2 SEI? come on.

    the conflict your talking about doesn't exist, there is no inherent conflict between duals. if it ever comes down to socionics being the problem, or you, most likely its you. there are no special snowflakes who are outside of the theory, if things arent adding up there is a flaw in your understanding, or your type, or both.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  33. #33
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    blah blah blah I'm too tired for this. Now you get angry sheep.

    The saddest ESFj


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    lol, just sayin

    I mean who knows maybe you are, but the stuff your saying and your enneagram combo is just really odd.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  35. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    This sounds very suspicious. Not only that you don't seem to understand compatibility, but an SEI keeps close to his/her partner (actually an ILE too), there's no such thing as avoiding each other.
    What he said.

    The girl in this picture is SEI:

    Not only are SEIs very "interdependent", it's in a very tactile way. Expect to be cuddled frequently*.

    In a cute way.

    But on a serious note, what you're describing is not Duality. It is some other sort of intertype. Your options are: you have yourself typed wrong, you have these ILEs typed wrong, or you have the "compatible ILEs" typed wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    On a side note, I think SEIs and ILEs (and afaik LSEs and EIIs) are types who never feel suffocated and prefer to stay together, if in couple, as much time as possible - that doesn't include time spent for working & stuff. At least I don't know one ILE who doesn't take his/her partner anywhere, when off-duty. The opposite are ILI and IEI, especially males, ime.
    I'm the opposite of feeling suffocated by too much contact... I start to feel run-down with too little contact. In fact, what you've posted in the above quoted passage sounds rather dream-like

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    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    What he said.

    The girl in this picture is SEI:

    The girl in this picture is a FICTIONAL CARTOON CHARACTER.

    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

  37. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Khola View Post
    I've still found more excuses to post pictures of cute things in this thread than you have.


  38. #38
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    stfu. stfu, this is about me, not any of you.

    :>| sheep is not a limp wristed effete. he is not sei. i mean, he was in the army willingly.
    D-SEI 9w1

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  39. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    stfu. stfu, this is about me, not any of you.
    Your thread. I'll fight you for it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khola View Post
    The girl in this picture is a FICTIONAL CARTOON CHARACTER.
    But it looks so real ...

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