It has been a while since my type has been questioned. There have been detractors and supporters of my SEI typing. However, I will establish one as Truth!

I will ramble here and make general comments on myself here.

I make statements and then produce evidence after I make the statement. Hence, I will say, "you are pretty" and then explain why someone is pretty. I will not explain why someone is pretty and then say they are.

I am a very loud person. I make ludicrous statements and love to hear people respond to them. I am giggly and around girls I am even more giggly. I love to talk and make witty comments, and just overall be an actor. I seem eccentric and erratic around people I know well, but I am more conservative around people I don't know well. In public, I act crazy, but in private I want to be around people I can say anything to and just bear my soul to, and they just listen.

I am a hopeless romantic. I used to fantasize about finding the perfect girl and being romantic and stuff, but now I realize that all that is garbage. The funny thing is that I used to fantasize about perfect relationships, but when I had problems, I would love the feeling of having them, to feel misunderstood, to feel like the world looks strangely on you.

When I was about 13, I used to fantasize about a girl who had emotional issues. I would make her happy and she would love me for how I helped her. I thought I was sick in the head, because whose perfect girl has deep emotional problems and needs help solving them? I used to fantasize about taking care of girls. But I also fantasized about them holding me when I needed emotional support myself.

I love to make sure my friends (very close friends) eat well. When they are sick, I am the first to lend doctoral advice about how they can prevent sickness.

I hate conflict. I don't know how to handle it. Aggressive people scare me. I really need to be knowledgeable about a topic and angry enough to actually say anything in my defense.

I hate feeling like I don't know something. I am shy when it comes to speaking on a topic that I don't know everything about. I feel like I need to be an expert on everything, and if I am not, then that is a personal flaw.

idk what else to say here.