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Thread: Non-Romantic Duality

  1. #81

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    fake front, is like the sociability that is really just put on for appearance, but isn't really felt, not from within. a social convention that one performs because it is expected. sometimes wielded as a social weapon, and not to connect people. you know how a lot of social people, like ESFp's for example, would smile and 'air kiss' and hug people they despise, as though they're really the tightest of friends? i can't stand that. i understand it makes perfect sense to them as in the appearance of social gregariousness and agreeableness - especially to more socially higher-ranked people - is more important than internal consistency, but i still can't stand it.

  2. #82
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    I have a friendship with an IEI male that's totally non-sexual and non-romantic. I can't even begin to categorize it. In a way it's like he's my son... in a way a kid brother... in a way my best friend... in a way something more than all of that. I'm not ME without him. And vice versa. Here's a pic of us:

    It's weird. It's like... we're lost without each other.

    We didn't talk for like 3 or 4 months (long story), and we both sorta lost ourselves. He was super depressed... said he just sorta shut off. I was acting out like crazy... insane kinda crazy. Making horrible decisions. Then (through a weird story) I ended up asking him if he wanted to hang out, and we started talking again. We were both really happy to have each other back. Now the issues that we used to have (text book codependency type crap) are gone, and it's a very mutualistic relationship. And all it takes is a few hours of one on one and we're both totally ourselves again. In order to be psychologically balanced and healthy, we need to spend time around each other. We get each other out of ruts, and we energize each other in this peace-of-mind, content sort of way. God I miss him. We haven't seen each other in like a week and a half because I've been sick, and he used to pretty much live with me half the time (before my ESE ex moved in and started babysitting for free and taking up my apartment's one other sleeping spot, the couch). SIGH.

    And we will never, ever, EVER be sexually or romantically involved.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  3. #83


    ^What aixelsyd said.

    Also, interestingly, while ILEs have been the main type with representatives I've gotten into fights with, they're funnily enough the ones where fights just don't matter (you know, after a couple of angry days). Always appreciated. And the lack of awkward-feeling apologies.


    Actually there's this ILE I went to school with and I totally regret never having hung out with him before the last few months of high school. It's actually really cute how persistent he is in calling me out to hang out and go on crazy random adventures (which are unfortunately limited to online). Very appreciated.

    Also, if there's one thing every ILE has, aside from functioning vital organs, it's a sense of humour. Also appreciated.

  4. #84
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Ugh. Just reread this thread and remembered how much Shag pissed me off. Maybe he is delta after all. But then again, pirate was sure he was delta too, lol.

    Anyway, thanks for the responses in this thread. Very interesting. Keep 'em coming!
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  5. #85
    carrina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    What do you guys think of duality outside of romance? What's the relationship like? There's generally a limit on intimacy, and as such on the benefits of duality, but aside from that, pretty cool, no?
    Someone finally got it right. Why the fuck does everyone think that duality has to be romantic. thats soo short sighted. Duals are awesome. they help you out, they are basically the best friends you could ever have.

  6. #86
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    All of my relations with duals have been non-romantic. Most have been great. I've recently formed a friendship with a platonic dual and he's quickly becoming my best friend.

    I don't see having one as a SO as necessary as much as it's good to have a dual in your life, in some capacity.

  7. #87
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    ime Duals are kinda more awesome outside romantic relationships (and requirements... attachments ....). If a friend or family, you can fully appreciate their personality and benefit from what they can naturally "teach" you. You don't go by their looks, chemistry, or other metrics too much... at least not in the same degree.

    When I'm dating or literally in love with someone, I kinda never miss any "duality" ... getting how a type works can facilitate communication mby not totally throw typology in the garbage bin.

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