I had a dream that I was laying in a living room with a brown fuzz carpet inside of a large yellow tube. Someone I worked with was at the other end of the tube. We layed there for a second saying nonsense and then he said it looked like I was pickling. Dream logic told me that being in a yellow tube would direct indoor sun rays onto me and pickle my face. I got up and hurried to a mirror, where the lower area of my forehead/between my brows was burnt dark brown. Then my dream vision "shifted" and the burn was metallic silver. I went back and made a joke to the guy, who was walking to the kitchen from the living room. I said something like "So, what the hell is this?" and point at the burn in my smiley, fake persona I use for people at work. He kinda laughed and then got somber and said my face looked like dough. At this point, I freaked out and when I tried to speak, I breathed a big circular wad of doughy batter out of my mouth. I started touching my face and it was coming apart like batter. Every time I would spit (don't ask me why I started spitting), a freakishly big wad of doughy batter would come out of my mouth. I ran to the bathroom again, and noticed that my entire face was shifting with strange doughy batter-like physics. When I frowned, I turned into the frog alien from Star Wars. When I smiled, I turned into a cute girl. Then I got turned on and woke up.

When I have dreams like this I don't know how to interpret them except as something like my own personal, fucked-up Alice in Wonderland story.