After researching directional theory, It has become apparent to me that 6 is not as fitting as 5 for me. Let me explain:

  • 5's are withdrawing on the surface and power seeking underneath.

  • 5's feel that they cannot adequately control their environment directly. They withdraw/detach themselves therefore, but harbor a deep desire to have power.

  • 5's withdraw to gain power. In their minds they separate themselves from the outside world to retain a sense of objectivity (which translates into a feeling or power).

  • 5's become observers/investigators. They accumulate knowledge because knowledge/information is basically a form of detached power.

  • 5's compare themselves to others based on intellectual (detached) power. They like to be the most objective, aloof, enigmatic, intelligent person in the room. They want to be the expert. 5's become reserved researching types, who hope that by maintaining uninvolvement in the world along with observation of the world, they will have the more control over situations than others. Putting this knowledge into action is where 8 integration comes in.

  • 5's feel inadequate when someone has more power than them, as with 2's and 8's. 2's like to have emotional and guilt based power, 8's like to have physical and territorial power, 5's like to have observational and intellectual power.

If all this is true, then I am certainly a 5w6 instead of a 6w5.