Ok i have resurrected this thread up from the grave.

I followed my original idea and did a Bartending course this week. I have never worked in retail or anything like that so i came into the course totally new. I fell asleep at around 2-3am every night this week so this morning i felt like a total sleep deprived zombie. I just couldn't sleep because i was learning far too much and i keep thinking and thinking about everything, also i was probablly a little stressed. ?

Characters i met on the course:

ESFp teacher - She was excellent. Very confident and practical, she knew her stuff and had worked as many managers in the industry. She was fun loving aswell but moved very fast(too fast for some people). Overall i couldn't imagine a person more suited to teaching the course.

ESTp student - I picked up that this guy was confident the first time i saw him. I didn't see any self doubt in him at all, the way he walked etc. By the end we ended up getting on quite well together. Yesterday he asked "Who wants to make cocktails with the master?" and i volunteered. I noticed that when it comes to learning we seemed to have very comparable skills. We both picked it up quite quickly but he was better with his hands - He wants to do a flaring course and im sure he would be good at it.

ISTp girl - First day i saw her and thought she was cute. Second day i thought hmm she doesn't talk much and i looked at her and realised instantly she was an ISTp. She calmly did everything in her ISTp way. I was hoping she was coming for after drinks but she didn't show.. Damn

Whenever i did anything practical i was quite nervous. Making cocktails i would just freeze up lol. Second time around i was far more confident and by the end i ended up nailing it all. From day one i used my ENFp skills and made friends with practically all 20 people. Having people on your side can be a massive advantage

In Ending, it seems ESFp and ESTp's fit into the industry with ease. I think i can also make a good barman but it will take a bit more time. :wink: