So yeah, I kind of just wanted to have a general sort of chatty, sort of anything goes thread, where you could post whatever is on your mind, even if it isn't particularly coherent or "new thread worthy".... with a delta flair/focus. Something in between 'private blog' and 'anything goes', but here in delta quadra.
So yeah, go ahead.
I was reading the wiki socion as per LSE and EII
Logical sensing extrovert - Wikisocion
Particularly the male/female portraits and subtypes.
It's kind of amazing how the female portrait reminds me of certain people, some EIIs. I was thinking about my youth recently, and thinking about the girls in school I liked or was drawn to, even then, and the EII female portrait reminded me of those things. I talked about flirting with an SEE a lot in high school, but I was never particularly drawn to her other than her being drawn to me and the entertainment of that. I always liked quiet, somewhat studious, (I like the word "assiduous") types - those were the ones I was really 'drawn' to. And its funny how that applies to nowadays, as well.
Also, I wondered about which subtype I am. Reading the descriptions, I see elements of both in me. I think the Te subtype is too serious and stiff, and the Si subtype too loose and irrational. I know vaguely of the DNCHWHATEVER model, but, I'm kind of not sold on that one yet.
so what are y'all doing for thanksgiving?