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Thread: Type "Person X"

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    Default Type "Person X"

    (Person Y) How "aesthetic" are you?
    (Person X) In a visual sense or metaphoric/symbolic as in while I write something?

    (Person Y) Are you interested in textures, colors, shapes?
    (Person Y) Things that are pretty?
    (Person X) Somewhat but not too much, if I focus on them intentionally then yes.

    (Person Y) How do you react to injustice?
    (Person X) Some kinds of injustice bother me, but not all of them.They tend to bother me more if something I care about is the subject of injustice.

    (Person Y) Emotional awareness?
    (Person X) External or internal?
    (Person Y) Both, separately or together.
    (Person X) External, if I'm actively seeking out to pick up possible changes in the atmosphere,if I'm absorbed in something else i usually miss it.Internal, good and active.

    (Person Y) Leadership style?
    (Person X) Try to organize people by their skills and preferences and employ them in tasks where I know they'll do efficiently.

    (Person Y) You are tasked to engineer a system that is unfamiliar but within your technical ability. How do you go about learning it and then engineering the solution?
    (Person X) First I gather as much varied,relevant information I can about the construction of the system, and then I categorize them by importance, reliability, or another category relevant to the properties of the system. After that i make the rough mental sketch of the thing and I additionally add more information into that sketch until i have the whole thing mapped out.Then proceed to implement.

    (Person Y) How is your fact memory?
    (Person X) If left unattended pretty poor, if forced into it sufficiently good,but not long lasting, I forget it as soon as I don't need it anymore.

    (Person Y) How is your driving skill?
    (Person X) I can't drive and I suspect I'd kill several people if I ever tried, myself included.
    (Person X) Horrible motor skill.

    (Person Y) Do sensations frequently intrude on your consciousness?
    (Person X) Sensations do not intrude on me as far as I know.

    (Person Y) How demanding are you about making sure your facts are correct?
    (Person X) If the facts are necessary for something then I'd prefer they are correct, but I otherwise have no interest in them.

    (Person Y) Describe your social skills.
    (Person X) Complete and utter fail, not really interested and some social phobia too.
    (Person Y) Low self esteem?
    (Person X) Yes.

    (Person X) Do you tend to assume others are more capable than yourself?
    (Person X) Usually.
    (Person Y) But objectively, how is it in practice? You'll have to step outside yourself for this one...
    (person Y) You and a peer are given similar tasks. Who really gets it done more thoroughly and precisely?
    (Person X) I am very confident in some of my skills. If i apply effort to something I can be very precise and thorough in doing it in practice, but I usually prefer to assume I'd not do it correctly because it makes it easier to justify if i happened to do it unsatisfactorily.
    (Person X) It has to do with my high standards.

    Obviously I don't expect anything of high accuracy (or any accuracy even), but I'm interested in seeing what would you come up with for "Person X".

    Also note that "Person Y" was asking questions with the MBTI frame in mind, but I think that this information can be used for Socionics too.
    Last edited by Belphegor; 11-02-2009 at 08:26 PM.

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