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Thread: I gots me a video!

  1. #41
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post

    I noticed that I was pretty stationary in those videos and didn't move around alot. I couldn't get the camera to show much of my body beyond my face, so I think that compounded the looking stationary effect.

    It's good to have someone else's insight as to how I come across body-wise. What specific aspects did you see in me that led you to believe Se-PoLR and Si-HA. i.e. How would you think an Si or Se base type would carry themselves and sit and dress compared to myself?
    well being stationary didn't contribute anything to what I thought. Actually S-types can be very stationary too. Heck, anyone can be stationary!

    So let's see if i can describe what i thought of how you come across body-wise a bit more. OK maybe i'll start with what an Si base person would look like -- effortless perfect posture, really confident in how they hold their body, they look like you can't shove them anywhere, and if you try to it wont work. They are just very aware of how they hold their bodies. It's hard to describe

    I hope this doesn't come across meanly but basically they dont look clumsy at all. And for lack of a better way to put it, you (as well as I) look clumsy, even just sitting there. Even the facial movements. And I'm now realizing i'm hitting your HA, so please pardon me.

    In my case, I value Si (a lot actually), so I do care a lot how I carry myself. So, what happens is, I'm constantly feeling self conscious about my posture and what's going on with my facial expressions. But i dont really know for sure unless I look in the mirror or on a photo. Often i'm embarrassed to look because it'll probably be clumsy.

    As an LII (or even EII), you also value Si--it's the HA for you. I'm not totally sure how this particular concept would manifest differently as a HA, but applying my HA rule, I have to ask the question: Do you think you're pretty good about posture and movements, etc?
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post

    I hope this doesn't come across meanly but basically they dont look clumsy at all. And for lack of a better way to put it, you (as well as I) look clumsy, even just sitting there. Even the facial movements. And I'm now realizing i'm hitting your HA, so please pardon me.
    Nope, I'm not offended (oops, use of double negatives there. Ha ha)
    I value your honest feedback. The question is what, if anything can I do about this?

    Is my demeanor unknowlingly holding me back in different aspects of life? I don't attract a whole lot of suitors and while I've never cared overly much about my appearance, I do want to look presentable and I certainly don't want to come across as clumsy. Could my demeanor be turning other people off?

    I've had tons of job interviews which I thought went really well but fail to land the job. Perhaps my definition of well is different from their definition. Alot of intereviewers look mainly at body language while I'm more focused on the answers to the questions themselves and personal qualities like intelligence and kindnesss Could my graceless appearance be misconstrued by some to imply lack of confidence to perform the job?

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    In my case, I value Si (a lot actually), so I do care a lot how I carry myself. So, what happens is, I'm constantly feeling self conscious about my posture and what's going on with my facial expressions. But i dont really know for sure unless I look in the mirror or on a photo. Often i'm embarrassed to look because it'll probably be clumsy.

    As an LII (or even EII), you also value Si--it's the HA for you. I'm not totally sure how this particular concept would manifest differently as a HA, but applying my HA rule, I have to ask the question: Do you think you're pretty good about posture and movements, etc?
    Yeah, I care about how I carry myself. I don't think much about my posture. I never thought I had much problem with my posture, until now. However, I'm very self conscious about my facial expressions. Facial expressions also tie in with feelings and I think the self-consciousness in large part stems from Fi role function. It took awhile for me to work up the courage to make a video of myself for the reason you stated.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  3. #43
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post
    I think you hit the nail on the head here.

    Here's another question:

    I am prone to feeling guilty after an angry outburst with someone. Sometimes I'm not even really that angry and my expression of anger can be rather subtle, but I'll stew about it for a long time afterwards. Other people, are more inclined to just completely forgot it about it afterwards or think, well they had it coming, they deserved it, why should I feel guilty? I think this guilt I experience is another way in which role Fi manifests. Would you agree?
    I agree, it's probably related to Role Fi. The Super-Ego functions are the ones we suck at, yet feel we ought to, must, are societally obligated to do well in. Role Fi in particular leads us LIIs to feel we are obligated to maintain good relations with everyone, and doubly so if it's actually our job to do so. By losing control and snapping at someone, you've potentially damaged that relation, and so betrayed your sense of obligation to your Super-Ego, hence the guilt.

    Of course, different people put different amounts of emphasis on their Super-Ego. Some barely pay any attention to it at all, others are neurotic slaves to it. Like most things in life, balance is key.
    Quaero Veritas.

  4. #44
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post
    Nope, I'm not offended (oops, use of double negatives there. Ha ha)
    I value your honest feedback. The question is what, if anything can I do about this?

    Is my demeanor unknowlingly holding me back in different aspects of life? I don't attract a whole lot of suitors and while I've never cared overly much about my appearance, I do want to look presentable and I certainly don't want to come across as clumsy. Could my demeanor be turning other people off?

    I've had tons of job interviews which I thought went really well but fail to land the job. Perhaps my definition of well is different from their definition. Alot of intereviewers look mainly at body language while I'm more focused on the answers to the questions themselves and personal qualities like intelligence and kindnesss Could my graceless appearance be misconstrued by some to imply lack of confidence to perform the job?

    Yeah, I care about how I carry myself. I don't think much about my posture. I never thought I had much problem with my posture, until now. However, I'm very self conscious about my facial expressions. Facial expressions also tie in with feelings and I think the self-consciousness in large part stems from Fi role function. It took awhile for me to work up the courage to make a video of myself for the reason you stated.
    Hmmm. . .

    Well all that you said here does confirm Si-HA.

    As for changing anything, that's kind of a catch-22 imo. You shouldn't have to change anything to impress your dual. In fact, the ESEs here seemed to find your demeanor endearing. And you have to keep in mind, I'm your supervisee, so any advice coming from me is just that. Advice from a supervisee.

    As far as job searching--i realize you made these videos in a casual everyday setting, hence the unkempt hair and casual clothing (which believe me, I do as well in casual circumstances). But I would hope you show up to interviews dressed professionally and with your hair a lot neater. I'm not really that much into makeup and i know this sounds superficial, but it really does make a difference in presenting yourself both to an interviewer as well as to romantic prospects. It projects confidence and contributes to the impression (sad, but true). The good news is that my statements are based on you being a clean canvas, so put a little makeup on there (a little lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, blush), fix up your hair, put on some earrings, get you in a suit, and voila!

    Despite the casual nature of these vids though, and despite what you might wear, you seem very VERY nervous, so much so that you're even panting every so often, swallowing hard every so often Your eyes are darting off to the side, like you're scared of something. And you're slouching a little bit with your arms close beside you. Open up your shoulders. Voila! Instant confidence! Smile full force! Be EXCITED to be interviewing for the job!

    p.s. All of this advice is meant to impress for job interviews. And isn't necessarily directed at type related things (not all of it is). Based on what you said in the videos, I see you as a highly intellectual, smart, motivated person (and i'm not just saying that--this is my primary Ne speaking the truth). So everything I said is meant for presenting that mind and spirit of yours on a more congruent platter for job searching purposes. People unfortunately judge books by their covers more often than not.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  5. #45
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    - Ne Irrationals use Se to appear more aware and prepared, because they know very well that they're pretty head-in-clouds and got some problems about that. They are forgetful and try to avoid appearing like that for who's not trustworthy, but as "not interested" (although they try hard to recall).
    - Ni Irrationals use Si to appear that they know where they're heading to, but they don't actually know. They feel they need to do something, but in the eventuality they're caught and asked, they have to find some excuses of utility (you're one of them, so can you confirm?).
    This sounds more like Se-seeking than Si-role. The observation about Ni is somehow true but it isn't Si that looks for purpose. Unless you imply that SEI and SLI are goal-driven..?

    First description (Ne/Se) works much better for Ni/Si.

    focuses on tangible, direct (external) connections (introverted) between processes (dynamic) happening in one time, i.e. the physical, sensual experience of interactions between objects. This leads to an awareness of internal tangible physical states and how various physical fluctuations or substances are directly transferred between objects, such as motion, temperature, or dirtiness. The awareness of these tangible physical processes consequently leads to an awareness of health, or an optimum balance with one's environment. The individual physical reaction to concrete surroundings is main way we perceive and define aesthetics, comfort, convenience, and pleasure.

    In contrast to extroverted sensing (), is related to following one's own needs instead of focusing on some externally-driven conception of what is necessary to acquire or achieve. So, whereas ego types feel capable to evaluate how justified others' preferences are, ego types will try to adjust to them in any way possible (given that it does not extremely affect their own comfort), wishing to minimize conflict.

    In contrast to introverted intuition (), is about direct interaction and unity (or discord) with one's surroundings, rather than abstract process and causal links.

  7. #47
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post

    Fi-Role is not the same as Fi-Ego, it's devalued. Ethical things are not felt compulsively by Ti/j's, but they are formal and like a shield (as the role for any type), but with no other importance.
    There's no such think as "feeling of obligation" about your super Ego, how did you conclude such things?
    In my opinion, your understanding of how the Super-Ego works is not in accord with mainstream Socionics. Furthermore, it's incorrect. However, you have proven to be far too emotionally invested in the rightness of your opinions, to the point of lashing out at those that disagree with you, and as such I have no interest in debating with you. Past experience has shown me that such an endeavour would be largely unproductive and certainly not worth the headache. I hold no personal grudge against you, but I do have better things to do with my time.
    Quaero Veritas.

  8. #48
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post

    Here's another question:

    I am prone to feeling guilty after an angry outburst with someone. Sometimes I'm not even really that angry and my expression of anger can be rather subtle, but I'll stew about it for a long time afterwards. Other people, are more inclined to just completely forgot it about it afterwards or think, well they had it coming, they deserved it, why should I feel guilty? I think this guilt I experience is another way in which role Fi manifests. Would you agree?
    fwiw I feel like this too, if it's anything perhaps it's unvalued Se? I've known some ESI's who seem to have no regrets about putting the boot in, "they deserve it".

    I don't think Alpha/Delta particularly like the idea of repeatedly putting the boot in, Si valueing doesn't necessarily appreciate the killer finishing as much as Se. I suppose you could relate this to the nature of the functions, Si being introverted it relates through self, Se being extraverted simply focuses on the external impact on environment without it relating through how oneself feels internally about the worldly impact, if you see what I mean.

    Your general outbursts that you mentioned - I think this is common for T types in general, in that they aren't as connected with their feeling handling capacity so more likely to have an outburst that can suprise themselves over the F types.

  10. #50


    I watched your video.

    You did a great job on Ti btw imo (not joking).

    I didn't know if you were LII or ILE, but you are defo alpha NT imo, seem a lot more IJ to me, so i'd choose INTj over ENTp if I were typing you (well, I am I suppose)...

    As you've typed yourself as LII, pretty sure you've done this being IJ, introvert, etc, then LII ftw?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Practicality is not the same thing with being goal-driven, as far as I can tell. Maybe we have different understanding in this.
    Si Irrationals are not interested in the bird in the bush, if this helps. It's not required to have goals to be interested in realistic matters.

    No it doesn't. And I can't see the connection in your quote, please elaborate.
    This is exactly what I'm saying. You originally said "Ni Irrationals use Si to appear that they know where they're heading to, but they don't actually know." This is goal, aim, target, whatever you choose to call it - "where they're heading to". This description doesn't work for Ni/Si. The one above - trying to appear more realistic, or rather aware of the external world, instead of the natural state of head-in-clouds - is what I meant for Ni/Si, and what you described in Ne/Se case (which at the very least doesn't look like that from outside, btw). Read what you wrote again?

    If you don't know how types behave, at least read the paragraphs on Wikisocion dealing with the Role function to see what I'm talking about. My request to you is to cease twisting the theory to match you status-quo then I'll not be "emotional" with you. As long as the things are connected - that you are mistyped and you force type descriptions to fit your interest, it's not out of place to remind you that.
    I realize it wasn't directed at me, but IMO the bolded part in the description you suggested definitely qualifies as "societally obligated".

    Because of this opposition, the more one gets carried away with one's base function, the more the role function is ignored or suppressed. People are generally somewhat aware of this suppression and perceive it as a personal weakness that needs to be "worked on" in order to meet other people's expectations and achieve something in society.

  12. #52
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    As far as job searching--i realize you made these videos in a casual everyday setting, hence the unkempt hair and casual clothing (which believe me, I do as well in casual circumstances). But I would hope you show up to interviews dressed professionally and with your hair a lot neater. I'm not really that much into makeup and i know this sounds superficial, but it really does make a difference in presenting yourself both to an interviewer as well as to romantic prospects. It projects confidence and contributes to the impression (sad, but true). The good news is that my statements are based on you being a clean canvas, so put a little makeup on there (a little lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, blush), fix up your hair, put on some earrings, get you in a suit, and voila!

    Despite the casual nature of these vids though, and despite what you might wear, you seem very VERY nervous, so much so that you're even panting every so often, swallowing hard every so often Your eyes are darting off to the side, like you're scared of something. And you're slouching a little bit with your arms close beside you. Open up your shoulders. Voila! Instant confidence! Smile full force! Be EXCITED to be interviewing for the job!

    p.s. All of this advice is meant to impress for job interviews. And isn't necessarily directed at type related things (not all of it is). Based on what you said in the videos, I see you as a highly intellectual, smart, motivated person (and i'm not just saying that--this is my primary Ne speaking the truth). So everything I said is meant for presenting that mind and spirit of yours on a more congruent platter for job searching purposes. People unfortunately judge books by their covers more often than not.
    lol That's entirely too much to worry about, WA! Imo, WarriorLibrarian presented herself well. She comes off as nice and friendly, and her posture's fine. For interviews, WL, if you wanted to do something, perhaps you could tie your hair back. It might make you appear more efficient. But I'd think that you can't go wrong by mainly focusing on your answers etc! I wish I could focus on my answers. haha Anyway, I liked your video, WL.
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