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Thread: IEEs/ENFps are you typically trusting of others?

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    Default IEEs/ENFps are you typically trusting of others?

    Hey. I'm just curious if you guys are people who typically trust others easily.

    It seems when I meet ENFp's they tend to give me a level of trust which suprises me, as it happens early on and I wouldn't say they've had that much time to get to know me well enough.

    I suppose it could be because ENFp's are typically trusting people, or it could be somehow Fi related that they're able to tell quite easily or early on that i'm the sort of person who can be trusted (others trusting me and being loyal to them and/or that trust, typical principles around it are important to me and I make a point of upholding such things i've noticed).

    So, what say you guys?

    Oh, three examples come to mind, and the trust has involved physical possessions, professional information, and personal information. Pretty much all sorts of things I suppose.

  2. #2
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    I guess I am quite a trusting person. It might also be due to the fact that I share personal information easily in general.
    Material possessions I usually don't put much value on either and if someone does not hold his word or something like that then I consider this to be a good evaluation of character traits.
    So far I didn't run into troubles wit my trust, I guess I'm either lucky or have a good judgment of character.
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  3. #3
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    I tend to give strangers I meet a general level of trust and respect. This is probably higher than most people might start out with. Over time and over experience with that person, the level of trust/respect might rise or lower.

    I've joked a couple of times that I could see someone holding a knife and walking up to me and I'd still give them the benefit of the doubt. There's any number of reasons why they might be holding a knife, and only some of those are scary reasons.

    It was only after quiet a few negative experiences that I began to be more cautious. (ok, not a few...a lot!!) So at this point in my life, I may still see that person with the knife, walking towards me, and I'll prepare myself to respond quickly if I need to defend myself...but I still likely won't do anything until the person does or does not make their move....just in case I'm wrong about the person. (unless of course my daughter is there, in which case i'd be getting her out of possible harm's way before considering the other person's actions/feelings)

    I'm also really open about sharing things. But then part of that might be due to not knowing what I'm going to say or what I'm thinking until after I've said it.

  4. #4


    Interesting responses peoples. Thanks! Maybe some more ENFp's will respond in meantime also.

    I've got some thoughts on this. I thought i'd post some random examples of ENFp's being quite trusting that i've experienced:

    1. Had a one night stand with one. We went back to her place and in the morning she had to go to work, and in morning said that I could stay at hers and didn't have to leave same time as her, she'd leave the key in the door in the inside.

    I thought this was a bit bizarre, cause I suppose I could have emptied things out her apartment, taken stuff and really it wouldn't have been a burglary as no forced entry, and besides would be really difficult to prove any theft was through me for several reasons.

    2. Involved in a conference last week, and an ENFp had stayed over in the hotel where we were hosting the conference. She asked me to go up to her hotel room and bring down her travel case for her. I didn't mind doing it, but it was first time I met her and technically I could have taken her valuables.

    3. An ENFp through work who would tell me various related information about her company (we worked in similar field but in 'rival' companies).

    I think ISTp's find this level of trust being given out as very endearing. If i'm anything to go by, it makes me somehow feel appreciated, and somehow loyal to the person. Perhaps everyone feels this way, but I also wonder how ENFp's would get through life without people taking advantage of them!

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    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    I typically start out out very trusting with people, and then start to "modify" this trust as I get to know them. This used to get me in trouble with sales people a lot, especially when I first started in retail, because while I know their intent is to sell, I know it's just another human trying to do their job, and I figure if I'm a nice customer, they wouldn't try to screw me over.

    There are some instances where I'm not completely trusting, but that's only when I go in with some previous knowledge of sorts. Now, when I'm going shopping or whatnot, I don't see salespeople as just other human beings who have practicing good-will on their minds, I go in knowing they want me to buy things, therefore I will act completely myself, except that I wouldn't allow them to gauge my interest level in what/if I was going to buy. This way, I can still have random conversations with the nice salespeople, but not get suckered into buying more than I need to be.

    For my NeTi best friend, she's trusting in a different manner. She's trusting in the sense of not making judgments of people in her personal life, like not accessing them at all, letting them come and go. So she can't tell who's a negative influence, or how to avoid uncomfortable situations, etc.

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    wow, Cyclops, I'd see those examples as "too trusting" from my point of view.

    I would say I'm rather skeptical about most strangers on the street for instance. I keep my guard up most of the time. I'd say I'm actually less trusting than some others I know, such one friend who will gladly talk to anyone who stops her, even those scam people who ask you for money...she'll give them money and sometimes they'll follow her home, etc. I try to avoid that sort of thing.

    I'm very aware who is around and if I get a weird vibe from someone and there aren't a lot of people around, I'll cross the street (but make it look like it's not them), or I'll even stop and pretend to look in a store window so the person passes me and I can size them up. Or, I'll pull out my cell and pretend to have gotten an annoying text and abruptly turn the other direction like "my stupid friend changed the plans..." so I can walk the other way, etc.

    I read somewhere that ENFps are vigilant, and I'd say that's true. So no, at first I'm not trusting at all.

    However, once I start talking to someone and get a good vibe, yeah I will trust very fast, as far as my emotions. In a week (or an hour) I might have already told someone quite a bit of information about me, my feelings, etc. I don't take long at all to "open up." But I pay close attention to my gut and notice if someone doesn't feel quite right, and with those people I'll say hardly anything about myself.

    But I wouldn't give someone a key.

    Then again, maybe I look like I'm being trusting, in that I'm open, playful, silly, pretty early on and kinda let people be themselves. But that doesn't mean I actually trust them yet. I'm still forming the Fi ideas there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Then again, maybe I look like I'm being trusting, in that I'm open, playful, silly, pretty early on and kinda let people be themselves. But that doesn't mean I actually trust them yet. I'm still forming the Fi ideas there.
    That was the first thing that I thought of when I read the question. I would say that I'm not trusting at all, but I want to trust. Thing is, when you spend all that time opening people up, asking them questions. I think a lot of that is also subtly testing people, intuitively feeling whether they're to be trusted or not. And once someone is deemed undeserving of trust, they're actively avoided.

    Perhaps ENFps are good at appearing to give a lot. Or what they're giving, that trusting feeling, is not something we need to hide away from people. I know I don't. But the true trust is something that is not so much earned as awarded to loyalty and understanding.

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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    Well, it's a complex issue I think. Trust covers many areas. Trust about your emotions? Trust about your personal belongings? Trust about what?

    I'll focus into trust about material stuff. Thing is, I'm very flexible when interacting with people. Sometimes I can get anally suspicious while at other times I'm amazingly trusting. I believe it all depends on the impression a person gives to me. But I tend to be suspicious most of the time. Perhaps I can't help being a negativist.

    The other day a person came to buy a machine I had for sale. I still had it in my shop, so I asked him to give me a hand to take it out. I have quite a bit of small, valuable tools like drill bits, end mills and the like that he could have stolen when I left him alone for a moment, but for some reason I knew he wasn't the kind of person and he didn't.

    A simple rule I use to determine whether a person is worth trusting or not is to observe them and determine whether they have deep interests or not. I've observed that people who possess passions in their life for what they do are generally happy, satisfied people who has very little interest in stealing. I believe that, in a deeper look, I tend to trust introverts more.

    It works at a larger scale also. I know businessmen of two kinds: those who care about what they do and those who simply are there for the money. I tend to have absolutely no trust for the later, as it seems to me that they'll do anything to acquire wealth and that's the kind of behavior I associate with criminality.

    An ILE friend of mine once asked me "have you lost your faith on humanity?", when I was a little nervous carrying a big check. And I must say, I've not. Perhaps that's the only thing that prevents me from becoming a paranoid, because I'm inclined to suspicion.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
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    jessica129's Avatar
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    Ssmall, you've left us??

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    Most of the time I'm pretty quiet. I like to check people out first. I'll only approach people if I get a good vibe from them. If I'm in a situation where I'm supposed to be working along with someone else, aka one night stand or classmate, I wouldn't be there if I didn't choose to be--therefore I am very trusting of those people.

    I've been very, very trusting of people and getting "good vibes" from them only to have them turn my generosity and trusting nature against me...mostly when I decided to reveal something valuable about myself. But, in the end, whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right? :]

    Once I decide that someone is someone i can talk to, I trust until you give me a reason not to trust you anymore. before i decide that you are someone I can talk to, it's more of a guilty until proven innocent type of mentality.

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Ssmall, you've left us??
    I'm still here.
    What do you mean? My signature ?
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