I think it would be a cool exercise for people to describe what they think of their real personality "dual," not just in the Socionics sense, but more like overall what your ideal partner is like personality wise, what they do for you, etc.

Personally, my ideal partner is easygoing but disciplined, someone who can keep me in line and down to earth, but without taking it too seriously. I need someone who can help me take myself less seriously, bring me down "out of the clouds," so to speak. I want someone who can see when I have an emotional outburst that it's just a phase, that I'll be over it as soon as I discharge, and that it really isn't necessarily representative of my feelings towards them unless it continues for a long period of time. I would hope that she can demonstrate that she can "take it," that it's not a huge deal if I have an outburst, so that I will feel comfortable being open about how I feel with her.

That said, I don't want my partner to just sit there and take abuse like a wall; she should stand up for herself, be as persistent as I am, so that she can really put a mirror up to my face and show me when I'm being ridiculous, without taking offense to what I say, because she should know by my persistent attitudes toward her that, no matter what I might say once or twice, I do care deeply about her, and that doesn't change just because we have a fight or I get all crazy.

My partner should have a passion for life and adventure. I like to get out and do ridiculous things once in a while, just to shake things up: go speeding down the highway, spraypaint some shit on a corporate building, go streaking, run around in the rain, go to wal-mart and do cartwheels in the aisles I would like a "partner in crime" for these sorts of things, someone who likes my goofiness and benefits from my spontaneity; I won't do these things alone, usually, but when there's someone to have fun with, I like to coax them into doing silly things with me. However I do get carried away sometimes (especially with speeding ) so it would be good if she had a sense of when things are going too far; if I have a moderator, I know that I can play the instigator without restraint, and know that, if I start being "too much," she will keep me in check, and know when to put her foot down.

My partner should be intellectually curious. I like to probe people's minds, test their intellectual limits, see if I can really push them to think about things. I would hope that my partner is well-versed in intellectual disciplines that makes her an interesting conversationalist and someone I can run ideas by without them going over her head.

I also want to be with someone who is sexually adventurous. I like to try new things, and I want to try more kinky shit; I am admittedly a little bit of a masochist, so having someone who is comfortable being in control would be good; however I like reciprocity and I want a feeling of total equality in a relationship, and I do like to take control during sex, whether it is to utterly dominate or to provide pleasure even to the level of servitude or worship, so she can't have such a big ego that she has to be in control all the time.

I would hope that my partner is more outgoing than I am, to some degree; I need the occasional push to get out and socialize, and it is almost always good when I just do it. That said, she shouldn't be TOO much more sociable than me; if she is constantly trying to drag me to social events, evenings out with friends, etc, I will (a) get finicky because I like my alone time, and (b) wonder if she really likes spending time alone with me.

It would be REALLY nice if she is proficient with things like doing taxes, financial planning, paperwork in general, etc but I can do these things easily, too, as long as I have a little push.