I have some questions for SLIs - partly to satisfy my own curiosity, and partly because I think it’s helpful to have this kind of info [not just for SLIs, but for all types....]. I’m wondering what SLIs themselves have to say, as well as what people who know SLIs will say...

What do SLIs you know enjoy most?
What do they hate most?
What are they naturally good at??
What are they not naturally good at?
Do they tend to be more “introverted” or more “extroverted” in the pop culture/MBTI sense of the words?
What careers have SLIs you know chosen or aim for?
What sorts of things do you consider to be “natural” for SLIs [e.g.: being good w the hands, being laid back, etc.... unless those are just stereotypes - are they?]

On a scale of 1-10 [10 being “extremely well”], how well would you say these words apply to SLIs you know:
- Moody
- Tidy and neat or organized
- Shy [particularly w new people]
- Optimistic
- Stubborn
- Friendly [particularly w new people]
- Witty
- Rebellious
- Easily bored
- Charismatic
- Self-disciplined
- Argumentative
- Creative
- Imaginative
- Charming
- Athletic
- Grumpy
- Quiet
- Impulsive
- Detail-oriented
- Intimidating
- Considerate of other people
- Adventure-seeking

I know most of the stereotypical answers to these questions [and some answers will probably obvious, heh] and I also know that not all of these answers will be type-related... but your real answers would be helpful. Thanks in advance!