Well, i've been asked to do someone else's job just now at work, which was OK it was kind of a compliment that I was asked to do it on the account that i'm seen as a productive worker.

However, it's involving me working in a seperate department, where there is myself, three ISTj's and an ESTp.

I'm finding it really tricky to work with the ISTj's. The one who is in charge is so negative about everything and is constantly stressed out and huffs and puffs about people not doing there job right and makes mountains out of the tiniest things. Doesn't seem to be able to adapt to new situations and keeps wanting to apply the same old tired formula even if it doesn't work for a specific problem.

I try to stay out of there way but they keep coming over and interfering with what i'm doing, telling me to how to do my job with explicit instructions then another one comes over and tells me to do it some other way. I'm getting almost zero flexibility to do my job in a way I see productive and to find new and better..more efficient ways of doing things. To work at it as my own job given that ultimately the responsibility still rests with me. As a result of their interference the already busy work schedule is falling behind.

Anyway, the one who I think is in charge today let out with a massive rant at me for not doing something right and that I had said to her boss that I hadn't been shown how to do it which resulted in making a mistake.

The mistake was pretty simple, and even if I had known, it could easily still have come about from human error. Anyway I got a little defensive about it and said, "look, I made a mistake, i've already apologised and I wasn't looking to get anyone into trouble when your boss asked me about it. Your boss said it's not a big deal and that it could happen to anyone. What else do you want me to say?". (i'd already had the other two ISTj's speak to me about it. One yesterday and another one today. It's like..how many times can someone flog a dead horse? Make a point then move on is how I tend to think). So it's like i've explained the same relatively trivial thing to four different people and explained how I wouldn't expect it to happen again.

Anyway, i'm finding the atmosphere pretty tough, and i'm finding it difficult to do my job, and really wish they'd just back off and let me get the work done!

Plus, in the group, no one really seems to help each other and it's like to me everyone is fighting rather than working together, not pulling together when one person is busy and the other person not so busy for instance.

And, i've been doing it for about a week and a half, and so far..no one has shown me where the toilets are or the fire exits or any health and safety related issues. Also, no one stops to get a tea or coffee. It's like they're obsessed with the job and it's the only thing that matters..or that they are able to think about. I see it as a lack of perspective. People need a five minute break every so often to maintain efficiency.. Constantly going on about how much they have to do yet at the same time if they spent less time complaining and actually working they'd probably manage to get it done minus what I see as additional stress.

I think it's time to leave. Not sure if I can request a move back to my old job as questions would be asked as to why, I suppose I could stick it out but I just don't see it as an effective working environment.

Any thoughts?