"As you journey down the road of life, it is inevitable to come across a few rocky bumps here and there along with some potholes. Venturing forward down the path, it becomes easy to misplace your feet and trip. Stumbling forward you might end up falling face first on the concrete. With your nose bruised, hands scrapped, and legs bleeding, you will be hurting from the pain. Sitting down you contemplate on whether you can stand up once again to move on forward, or if you're too hurt to get back up. Feeling helpless and in pain, life must be coming to an end! But as you glance straight ahead, you can't help but feel motivated to see what lies ahead. Struggling painfully, you push yourself upwards with your hand. Staggering and limping, you slowly begin to move down the road of life once again. You think to yourself, "Time will heal all; the wounds will one day becomes scars that won't even be visible anymore". With determination, you journey forward down the path without looking back. Let pain be an experience to help strengthen your faith and hopes."
from Numbers's thread.

I suppose I would phrase my views as...

"If life throws you lemons, grin at life, and dare it to throw you a wrecking ball."