• When paired with Ne, -Ti always means "cause"; +Ti always means "thought"
  • The relationship with the exerted aspect can be described always in a single sentence: the exerted aspect is the "cause" of another aspect which relates directly to thinking. The caused aspect is dependent on the relationship of the causing aspect to the caused; thus there is an element of choice inherent in our thinking.

Let's take Ti:Fe as an example. First the signal is given by you (+Fe) which has an intended causal effect (-Ti). If the signal is accepted (-Fe), then your logic is acceptable. If not, then your logic is rejected and your premise false. Essentially, the function of -Ti is testing.

The test itself arises from the premise of an objective notion of behavior intrinsic to oneself: one's internal program (+Ne:-Ni). The iteration of one's own programming constellates the iteration of other programs. The question is, why? In all cases, it must be a signal which had been transmitted via the observed behavior. The idea then is that said signal will evoke the other person's behavior toward you (-Ne:+Ni). But is it the right signal, or are you missing something? That is the rationale for the test, to demonstrate that the signal does indeed cause said behavior. Note that the signal is generalizable: you need only send the signal itself, and not necessarily perform the behavior, to get the intended behavioral reaction. This because the reactant behavior is itself a counter-signal of acceptance or rejection of the original signal. Think mating calls, pherimones, etc. In any case, whether the test succeeds is indication as to whether you are right or wrong.

This only goes for the life-axis side of -Ti:+Fe -- the mechanistic angle. The other side of -Ti:+Fe -- interpretation, meaning -- requires further consideration.