For those who seek understanding:

Typical Representations of the Schema

These patients believe that people -including themselves- should be harshly punished for their mistakes. They present as moralistic and intolerant, and find it extremely difficult to forgive mistakes in other people or in themselves. They believe that, rather than forgiveness, people who make mistakes deserve punishment. No excuses are permitted. Patients with this schema display an unwillingness to consider extenuating circumstances. They do not allow for human imperfection, and they have difficulty feeling any empathy whatsoever for a person who does something they view as bad or wrong. These patients lack the quality of mercy.

The best way to detect this schema is by the punitive, blaming tone of voice these patient use when someone has made a mistake... The origin of this punitive tone of voice is almost always a blaming parent who spoke in the same tone of voice.... Like the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, shouting "Off with his head!"

(Source: Schema Therapy, A Practitioner's Guide, Jeffrey E. Young, Pages 267-268)
Since this speaks for itself, I will not enter into further discussion of this topic. Do with it whatever you please.