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Thread: Which types are most and least likely to be like this

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    Default Which types are most and least likely to be like this...

    These two people are a married couple. They appear to be duals, but mirror or activity relations are possible. Between the two of them, they say that person A is more outwardly logical and inwardly emotional, and that person B is more outwardly emotional and inwardly logical... whatever that means. Also, see pics in later posts.

    Person A:
    • Tries to be socially extroverted and cheery, but appears awkward.
    • Likes to think of him/herself as being financially adept, but has a tendency to buy unneeded "toys" (items for convenience or entertainment) if he/she's not sticking to a strict budget. Prefers to stick to a strict budget but historically has not.
    • Too forward/blunt for most people's tastes.
    • Very strictly adheres to religious doctrine.
    • Tends to be an extremist, whether it's in religion, hobbies, diet, etc.
    • Prefers to attempt to treat a serious and chronic degenerative condition through a strict diet than by using medicine. (He/she had tried the medicine and suffered side effects in the past. He/she uses the possibility of very serious side effects as a reason not to take the medicine even though there's a very low incidence of those side effects.)
    • When on an extreme diet, follows it to the extent of being underweight at times, but overall finds him/herself frequently cheating on the diet. When he/she gives up entirely, he/she tends to frequently overindulge in favorite foods.
    • Huge focus on obedience and hierarchy within family and religious structures. With children and pets, demands immediate obedience without question.
    • Someone raunchy but corny sense of humor.
    • Always worried that something bad is going to happen, even when there's no apparent reason to worry about it or nothing that could reasonably be done to prevent it. Tends to shelter children/pets to an extreme extent for fear that they'll be run over/mauled/molested/whatever.
    • Very sensitive to being a social outcast. Thinks that homeschooling is a good idea in part because "kids are so mean".
    • Wants to warm, friendly, personal, and easy interactions with people but isn't good at creating them.
    • Intensely loyal to his/her spouse.
    • Can be a very hard worker. Once he/she puts his/her mind to something, he/she works diligently until the task has been completed.
    • Tends to procrastinate on housekeeping. Lets papers pile up, then every few years spends a day cleaning up and throwing tons of stuff away. Lets dishes and other things pile up as well. I'm not sure how much this particular aspect of his/her behavior is type related, however.
    • Tends to make demands related to seemingly insignificant Si things... is not at all shy about asking waitstaff silly questions about food, asking them to bring it a certain way (not realizing he/she's being impractical), etc.
    • Thinks her desires are more important than other people's without realizing that he/she's doing it. Doesn't seem to realize it when someone really does not want to do what she's asking/suggesting. If they say so, he/she can't seem to understand their perspective on the matter.
    • Horrible tastes in clothes/furnishings/etc. but doesn't seem to know it. Wears clothes that are quite unflattering in both color and cut yet thinks the opposite.
    • Enjoys watching medical type things that most people would be grossed out by. Is fascinated by watching surgeries, exploratory procedures, childbirth, stitches, etc. Likes popping pimples and seeing injuries.
    • Tendency to have a somewhat loud voice, even in situations in which an "indoor" voice would be better.
    • Doesn't realize when he/she's being rude or insensitive.
    • Tends to be emotionally expressive/excitable.
    • Tends to make his/her pets psycho. That is, excitable and sort of neurotic.
    • Has no interest in pets that aren't affectionate. Wants children/people to be affectionate to him/her, but isn't good at creating an affectionate environment/moment his/herself.
    • Dedicated
    • Hardworking
    • Sincere
    • Cheerful
    • Not prone to emotional fits or rage
    • Open
    • Caring
    • Jokes and laughs a lot (loudly)
    • Honest (to a fault)
    • Generous (in tithing and with food, at least)
    • Shows genuine interest in others (though she does tend to be unaware of boundaries and asks questions that are too personal or bring up uncomfortable subjects without being aware of it)
    Person B:
    • Tends to be more quiet/mellow/calm/laid back than person A.
    • Very negative/pessimistic. This is the aspect of this individual that makes typing him/her hard. (What's depression and what's type related?)
    • In spite of his/her negativity, he/she tends to be more pleasant than person A.
    • Hobbies include things like making a working hovercraft, making trinkets, launching model rockets, and more recently, sailing. Is not an extremist about his/her hobbies like person A is.
    • Tends to just go along with person A's concepts of how things should be done, though at times warns person A that he/she's being too extreme.
    • Is definitely more bothered by the mess in their home than person A, but is less likely to do anything about it.
    • Cannot watch violent or depressing movies/TV shows or he/she gets really upset. Sometimes yells about how wrong it is when someone else is watching it. Has been known to storm out of movie theaters if the movie was too upsetting. This is also possibly not type related.
    • Likes watching nature/science documentaries, Pixar type films and other cute/innocent children's movies, and his/her favorite movie is/was Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
    • Quiet/shy around people he/she doesn't know well. People who work directly with him/her love him/her, but people who don't describe him/her as standoffish.
    • Seems to like person A being "in charge". Neither of them seems to see it that way though.
    • Into conspiracy theories.
    Why is it so much harder for me to describe person B than person A? Anyways, if I think of anything to add to either description, I will.
    Last edited by Joy; 08-06-2008 at 02:00 PM.

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