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    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    Default Vedic Astrology

    I recently came across one of the coolest things, Vedic Hindu Indian Astrology. I'm curious what the Nakshatra of all the people on the forum is. I find that it is probably an even better indicator of personality than socionics. It really gets into the essence of a person.

    I'll start, my Nakshatra is Chitra pada 1. Chitra is in the moon sign or Rasi Virgo. My ascendant sign is Ardra pada 4 or Puna pada 1 which is Gemini.
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    If anyone is interested in knowing go to or some other site, or you can post your Birth date, Birth year, Birth Time, and Birth Place into this thread or pm me with it. Also get the degrees and stuff so I can tell you which pada you are in.
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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    The natives with prominent Ashvini never lose a minute in Converting their impulses into thoughts and their thoughts into action. This often results in an impulsive behaviour pattern, which in its negative aspect often leads to rashness. All the phrases like "Hurry causes delay, and haste makes waste", seem to be aimed directly at Ashvini natives.

    Ashvini natives are usually brimming with life, have lively intelligence, a quick comprehension ability and a happy go lucky disposition. Their appearance is usually youthful and eager. They seem to age less quickly than other nakshatra types. When Ashvini is rising on the Ascendant, it makes the person Short, athletic, robust and charming in an innocent sort of way. In fact natives with prominent Ashvini can be singied out by their innocent looks and childish demeanour. Since the Ashvini Kumaras are known for their charm, elegance, style and extravagance - these qualities are reflected in the mental and physical makeup of Ashvini natives.

    Ashvini natives usually have a strong spirit of adventure and revel in encountering the unknown. A spirit of adventure always requires courage and this nakshatra has loads of it. It is a fearless nakshatra which derives satisfaction from heroic pursuits. For example, a person bungy jumping at the age of ninety could only be an Ashvini type. In its negative aspect, this quality often comes out as foolhardiness, and Ashvini natives have a tendency to suffer a lot as a result. The lesser evolved among such natives show a marked tendency not to learn from their mistakes, and can be seen to be repeating the same mistake over and over again. There is definitely a lack of reflection associated with this nakshatra and the bad news is that things don't usually improve with age.

    There's a distinct sense of humour associated with this nakshatra. Natives have a light hearted and jovial humour and possess an ability to laugh at themselves and others. Its peculiar brand of humour is best exemplified by Charlie Chaplin movies.

    The constant need for movement makes the Ashvini natives completely useless at all activities requiring stillness and patience. This is the reason why they are very rarely seen to bring to completion what they have begun. They have enough motivation when it comes to initiating new activities, but they find it hard to stick it out.

    Ashvini natives are known for having an eye for the needs of others and a helpful nature, but in our experience they are more likely to be helpful in Short term things or those requiring quick bursts of energy. If something requires long term attention, Ashvini natives are likely to transfer their responsibilities to some other nakshatra type and move onto the next thing.

    Their innate urge to quickly move onto the next thing makes them lose out as far as attaining enduring knowledge and wisdom is concerned. This is especially the case with younger and less evolved souls. In today's hyper-materialistic day and age, such natives can easily scatter their lives away moving from one triviality or distraction to the next. Naivete is the keyword which sums up such Ashvini types. Ashvini natives usually have an independent and confident spirit and don't like to be told what to do. This quality is similar to that of a wild or untamed horse. This is alright in evolved souls who know exactly which path to follow, but for those who have not reached that level it makes them want to do things their own way, without even knowing what to do. Such Ashvini types can be very stubborn and unyielding, and are likely to ignore all good counsel. Just like the wildest horse can be tamed, all Ashvini natives can be made to tow the line if handied with a certain degree of sensitivity and caution, mixed with aggression and firmness.

    Ashvini natives usually like to dress well and can be seen spending a considerable amount of time on their wardrobe. They are direct, straightforward people and appreciate the same quality in others. They are always fascinated by all affairs related to healing, rejuvenation and self-improvement practices of all kinds. They can be easily found in the local health club and most of the bodily improvement advertisments seem to be directed at them.

    Ashvini natives like to be unique in whatever they do and how they are seen. Ali Ashvini natives have a marked tendency to feel unique in comparison to others. They like to think that they have some special gifts which others do not possess. It is true that they have a pioneering approach to things, which makes them a step ahead of the rest. In the present day and age they are the ones that are likely to catch on to the new trends and happenings first.

    One peculiarity of Ashvini natives is that they are moderate eaters and are modest in any circumstance. Despite their unique qualities, they are not the show off types and are not likely to gloat over their accomplishments. They have a thing about being seif sufficient and don't like to be dependant on others. Ashvini is a very resourceful nakshatra. Natives under its influence always seem to come up with the required resources under the most adverse circumstances, as if by magic. They are competent and sincere about whatever they do, although they may lack the discipline and endurance required to achieve perfection. Ashvini natives who have endurance are often very successful at whatever they choose to do. This endurance factor usually comes from other factors in a chart rather than Ashvini itself.
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    I am the Green Power Ranger
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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I am the Green Power Ranger
    Which one probably depends on the time you were born, eh?
    Moonlight will fall
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    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

  6. #6
    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    "Chitra, The Secret of the Pearl" by Carl Nelson

    Chitra Nakshatra: To be born with emphasis on chitra nakshatra is to be deeply engrossed in trying to find the meaning behind the secret functionings of the universe. Chitras main task is to see through the many veils of illusion in the universe, it is akin to vishnu reclining on his serpent bed, who holds the realization that the universe is a constant unfolding of his dream state.

    Chitra contains the star Spica, called "the star of prosperity" by the ancients.

    Chitra types do well with learning tantric pricipals, and fulfilling physical desires becomes something to work through on the path to higher thought. The mind must be free of all desires before liberation can occur. Chitra's usually struggle and unfortunately often become either completely repressed sexually or completely over-sexed. Neither of these extremes are healthy or balanced to the body-mind-spirit, and Chitra needs a balance in this department in order to work through strong subconscious urges that can tear a weaker psyche to emotional bits.

    Chitra is ruled by Mars, and due to it's passionate, highly sexed nature, is ruled by the female tiger:

    Chitra is related to prajapati, the ancient sky father god, one who creates the many levels of reality and illusion. Many believe it was this prajapati that evolved into the form of "lord of the creatures" known as 'shiva' that is seen so readily seen.
    (it is common knowledge to shaivites that the mat shiva meditates on is a tiger skin, symbolizing human passions finally mastered, thus leading to great mental liberation.)

    How chitra creates is interesting enough... The symbol of chitra is two fold, the diamond and the pearl: The diamond is the symbol of the trials and tribulations the mind must go through in order to be hardened enough to cut through the maya (illusion) of cosmic play (everyday "reality"; a little like the matrix, eh?) Thus, the chitra must come to terms with every aspect of the rough stone of the mind, chipping away at the impurities as they come along, until finally, the focus of the one-mind is strong enough to realize what can be the most enlightening and simultaneous frightening thing... the ultimate reality, the self. This is the meaning of the diamond.

    Chitra is the sign most closely associated with magic, and must learn to balance delicate mental principals, working through a web of sometimes conflicting web of knowledge and symbols, learning to manifest things through the astral side of existence. It deals in a world of mental weight and preconception, with an urge to clarify and discover infinite potentiality with a mind tempered by deep wisdom.

    The Pearl is the other symbol of this nakshatra, it again, indicates several aspects of this star which the ancients held in deep reverence for it's mysticism... As discussed earlier, chitra is a extremely creative nakshatra, but where does it's creativity come from? Most philosophies agree that the urge to create comes from an unconscious feeling of incompleteness, or dissatisfaction with the present situation. This is akin to the lesson of the pearl, in which it is such a beautiful creation, but actually is formed from the irritation of the oyster. What starts out as the woe of the oyster, eventually becomes a beautiful creation. It is found then, that most people with heavy chitra affiliation find their most creative moments come from their most troubled times. At their lowest hour, they receive a spark of divine inspiration, and take it to a higher level. Also, one will note that most chitras, as well as their creations themselves will contain more than a touch of melancholy, as more advanced chitra types (realizing their own inner workings) will often times force themselves to the extremes of (often unpleasant) emotional entrenchment, in order to find that grain of sand. Chitra's suffering then, in turn, becomes their ultimate beauty.
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    Bharat Operating System Solutions (BOSS) is a Linux distribution developed specifically for the Indian environment to enhance the use of Free/Open Source Software in the country. It is developed by C-DAC(Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), scientific society of Government of India .BOSS Linux - a key deliverable of NRCFOSS is an Indian GNU/Linux distribution & currently localized to Hindi / Tamil. Targeting Indian user it is designed as a user-friendly Desktop environment coupled with Indian language support and other packages that are highly relevant for use in the government domain.Subsequent version will support the educational domain as well. The ultimate goal is to localize into all 22 official Indian regional languages. So this benefits non-english speakers to reach technology that bridge digital divide in India.

    The BOSS Linux project has given rise to an Indian distribution of GNU/Linux targeted at the government and first-time user. As BOSS Linux is localized and uses the Indian languages, it should result in getting more local people exposed to ICT and the Internet thereby helping to bridge the digital divide. The project is ongoing and the next release of the software is currently being worked on.[1]Further the repository for BOSS Linux will make it easier to build customized distros based on it as well as by application developers.[2]
    The latest stable release of BOSS GNU/Linux is Version 2.0, codenamed as Anant. This version is released on September 17th 2007 in Connect 2007 Event.[3]


    [edit] Features

    Features of BOSS Linux[4].[5]

    • Graphical mode installer
    • Faster system startup and login
    • Simplified menu organization
    • Easy access to power management settings
    • Improved support for video playback
    • 3D Desktop
    • BharatheeyaaOO (Localised 2.0.1 – currently in Tamil and Hindi)
    • Enhanced Removable Media support
    • Plug & Play support for devices
    • Multimedia support
    • TV Tuner support
    • Bluetooth support
    • Optional Network Manager for convenient roaming between different wireless and wired networks
    • Migration Tool - Bulk Document converter
    • Input Method - SCIM with Remington Keyboard Layout for Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi,and Marati
    • Dual Boot Facility
    • Automount of existing Hard Disk partitions.
    Popular applications inside BOSS Linux:
    • GNOME Desktop
    • Liferea - RSS/RDF Reader
    • Totem
    • XMMS
    • GNOME Power Manager
    • Bonfire
    • Evolution Mail Client
    • Firefox with Indic language printing support
    • Gaim
    • Xchat
    • Alacarte
    • KeyJnote
    Under the hood:
    • kernel 2.6.17-2
    • gcc 4.1.1
    • g++ 4.1.2
    • glibc 2.3.6

    To assist Indian language users, BOSS includes BharateeyaOO, a localized version of in Hindi and Tamil. The distro also bundles the Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) which allows Indian-language users to input text in Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali, Bengali, Tamil, and Telgu.
    In addition to the hard drive installation version, the distro also has a live CD version and usb install version. You can either download the distro or use the customized Debian Windows installer to install BOSS from within Windows over the Internet in a dual-boot configuration.
    It is supposed to be used in government offices and it packages almost all the essential softwares required for normal office and home usage as mentioned above.

    [edit] Version History

    [edit] BOSS GNU/Linux Versioning

    BOSS Versioning are done based on the kernel and major features added. The BOSS Release started from 1.0 and the subsequent release are numbered as 1.1, 1.2 etc which has the bugs of 1.0 resolved in them and finally the version is winded up with bug free Image. And thus the version 1.0 is freezed at 1.1 level.
    Next version came up with 2.0, with its kernel upgraded and new features added. Unless it is freezed the version remains in the beta versioning. After the release of a particular version, its would be named as 2.0. And thus the subsequent release with bugs resolved in that particular version would be named as 2.1, 2.2 etc.

    [edit] BOSS Codenames

    BOSS has three major releases till date 17th September 2007. They are named as Sethu, Tarang and Anant.[6]
    Anant, version 2.0 of BOSS GNU/Linux
    BOSS GNU/Linux v2.0, is based on Kernel 2.6.21-1-486 with Gnome 2.18
    Tarang, version 1.0 of BOSS GNU/Linux
    BOSS GNU/Linux v 1.0, is based on kernel 2.6.17-1-i386 with Gnome 2.14
    Sethu, Evaluation version of BOSS GNU/Linux
    BOSS GNU/Linux evaluation copy, is based on Kernel 2.6.14-2-smp with Gnome 2.8

    Screenshot of BOSS

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    Default Understanding the Zodiac

    I am incredibly bored so I thought I'd type this out.

    Ok, R***** probably scared everyone away from astrology. Most people believe that astrology is a pseudo-science, or something that isn't worth discussing or worth exploring. That's fine. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs or whatever. To me, its not something that is really different from socionics(or anything else for that matter). Its the science of trying to find a connection between things in a cosmic sense. Its about taking reality, and believing that everything is connected in some way or another(and attempting to explore that connection). If you are uncomfortable with discussing the topic, then simply don't. No one is going to lose any sleep over it.

    In western astrology, the zodiac is divided into 12 different parts. I'm sure everyone is familiar with them: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. This is essentially true for Sidereal and Eastern astrology as well(especially Jyotish/Vedic). One of the fundamental differences between Western and Vedic astrology is a breakdown of the zodiac signs by the actual stars that are encompassed within in. There are 27 main stars that Vedic astrologers use (which are referred to as nakshatras).

    Before we go I'm, the main fundamental difference between the western and sidereal zodiac is something referred to in astronomy as Ayanamsa. As time goes on, the planets drift further from their positions. Western astrology uses something referred to as the tropical/movable zodiac. Essentially the zodiac precesses along with the planets in our galaxy; meaning that the per year, there is not much change to the zodiac besides the normal motion and their relativity to the earth. Ayanamsa is a sidereal term used to refer to the difference of the planets in relation to the zodiac and the earth when the zodiac doesn't not precess with the planets. The typical difference between the western and sidereal zodiacs for most astrologers is around 23 degrees(with some variances between the astrologers between 21 and 25). The main argument that most sidereal astrologers have for using their zodiac is that they are actually using the true positions of the planets in relation to the zodiac.

    As mentioned before, the zodiac has 12 signs. Most astrologers use something referred to as the house system for making predictions based on astrology. Each astrology chart has 12 houses(which correlate to the 12 signs in the zodiac). There are several different philosophies when it comes to divided the houses. Ancient philosophers came up with the whole sign system; in which a whole sign(for example Sagittarius) takes up one of the entire houses. There are 360 degrees in a circle, so usually there are 360 degrees in the zodiac(with each sign taking up 30 degrees). In the whole sign system, each house is 30 degrees. There are some house system (like Placidus and Koch) that do not have equal houses(meaning that each house may not be 30 degrees). The last house system I am going to discuss is the equal house system. I am going to use this house system to explain another concept that is very key to astrology referred to as the ascendant sign(lagna or rising sign are other things its called). This is usually the main sign in astrology, as it is the main star that the person is born under. It is the sign(also can be broken down into stars) on the eastern horizon that a person is born under. In the house system, this is a very important point for assigning houses, as the ascendant is always the cusp of the first house. The cusp is always the strongest point of a house. There is a debate between vedic and western astrologers as to where the cusp in the house should actually be. Western astrologers believe that the cusp starts at the beginning of the house; while vedic astrologers tend to believe that it goes in the middle of the house. Getting back to the equal house system; after the ascendant is found, basically each house is 30 degrees around the ascendant. So for example if someones ascendant was at 18 degrees Virgo, the first house for Vedic astrology would be with 18 degrees directly in the middle. Then you would also use 15 degrees from each direction; so the first house would be (3 degrees Virgo- 2degrees 59' 99.9999999'' libra).
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    Each sign correlates with the house next to it.
    Last edited by Hitta; 03-10-2009 at 09:03 PM.
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    Last edited by Hitta; 03-11-2009 at 03:12 PM.
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    Default Astrology Evidence Thread

    Venus(Victoria's Secret Index Model Index on Wiki with a about 5 celebs thrown in randomly)

    Total Models Cataloged: 205
    Venus in Pisces:11.2%
    Venus in Libra 9.75%
    Venus in Taurus 11.75
    Venus chance of of being in a sign: 8.333%

    Chances of Venus being in a sign, conjunct it's lord(not any of the other signs listed above): 6.24975
    Percent of occurrences of Venus being conjunct it's own lord: 17.56%

    There is a 6.24% chance of an exchange taking place.
    Exchanges took place 13.6% of the time

    About a 43.719% chance of special occurrences taking place.
    Special circumstances happened over 85% of the time.
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    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    Selita Ebanks: Venus in Aquarius,Saturn in Libra(Exchange)
    Mini Andén: Venus in Gemini, Mercury in Taurus
    Shiraz Tal : Mercury Venus exchange(Virgo/Libra)
    Clara Alonso: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra(Exchange)
    Bianca Balti: Venus in Aquarius in Exchange with Saturn in Libra
    Magali Amadei: Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Libra(Exchange)
    Joy Bryant :Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Libra(Exchange)
    Shannan Click : Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra
    Eva Herzigová:Venus in Aquarius; Saturn in Taurus
    Chanel Iman: Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Taurus
    Famke Janssen: Venus in Virgo: Mercury in Libra
    Karolína Kurková: Venus in Capricorn Saturn in Libra
    Yasmin Le Bon : Venus in Virgo; Mercury In Libra
    Sessilee Lopez: Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Taurus
    Georgianna Robertson: Venus in Aries; Mars in Taurus
    Pania Rose: Venus in Aries; Mars in Taurus
    Carrie Salmon: Venus in Leo, Sun in Libra
    Ingrid Seynhaeve:Venus in Cancer: Moon in Taurus
    Katja Shchekina: Venus in Gemini; Mercury in Taurus
    Eugenia Silva: Venus in Scorpio: Mars in Taurus
    Hana Soukupová: Venus in Scorpio: Mars in Libra
    Yfke Sturm: Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Libra
    Candice Swanepoel: Venus in Leo, Sun in Libra
    Shiraz Tal: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra
    Daniela Urzi: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra
    Alina Vacariu: Venus in Capricorn, Saturn in Libra
    Marija Vujović: Venus in Aries, Mars in Libra
    Raquel Zimmermann: Venus in Gemini; Mercury in Taurus
    Elsa Benítez: Venus in Scorpio; Mars and Moon in exchange(Can-Scorp)
    Chandra North: Venus in Leo.... Sun and Moon in Exchange(Leo to Cancer)
    Carolina Ardohain: Venus in Capricorn.... Saturn and Leo in Exchange
    Kylie Bax: Venus in Capricorn, Saturn and Mercury in Exchange(Gem-Cap)
    Aurélie Claudel : Venus in Gemini.... Mercury and Moon in Exchange(Can-Gem)
    Élise Crombez: Venus in Gemini..... Mercury and Moon in Exchange(Can-Gem)
    Ana Hickmann: Venus in Aquarius.... Saturn and Mercury Exchange(Gem-Cap)
    Doutzen Kroes: Venus in Aquarius.... Saturn and Mars Exchange(Sco-Aquarius)
    Rie Rasmussen: Venus in Aquarius... Saturn and Leo Exchange(Leo-Aquarius)
    Frankie Rayder: Venus in Aquarius.... Saturn and Mercury Exchange(Gem-Aquarius)
    Maggie Rizer: Venus in Sagittarius...... Jupiter and Mercury Exchange(Gem-Sagg)
    Rachel Roberts: Venus in Aries....... … Mars and Moon Exchange(Can-Aries)
    Rebecca Romijn: Venus in Virgo.......... Mercury and Mars Exchange(Libra-Virgo)
    Adriana Karembeu: Venus in Virgo....... Mercury and Sun Exchange(Leo-Virgo)
    Ali Stephens: Venus in Gemini.......... Mercury in Aries Mars in Gemini
    Christine Teigen: Venus in Scorpio.... Mars and Scorpio Exchange(Virgo-Scorpio)
    Eugenia Volodina: Venus in Virgo.... Mercury and Sun Exchange(Leo-Virgo)
    Erin Wasson: Venus in Capricorn..... Saturn and Merrcury Exchang(Virgo-Capricorn)
    Inguna Butane: Venus in Aquarius; Mars and Saturn in Scorpio
    Geena Davis: Venus in Aquarius; Mars and Saturn in Scorpio
    Isabeli Fontana : Venus in Leo; Sun and Mercury in Gemini
    Izabel Goulart: Venus in Scorpio; Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Angelika Kallio: Venus in Cancer; Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Ana Cláudia Michels:Venus in Leo; Sun and Moon in Cancer
    Michelle Behennah: Venus in Aquarius, Moon and Saturn in Cancer
    Daniela Peštová: Venus in Scorpio: Mars and Mercury in Virgo
    Coco Rocha: Venus in Cancer; Moon and Sun in Leo
    Stephanie Seymour: Venus in Cancer; Mercury and Moon in Gemini
    Julia Stegner: Venus in Scorpio; Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Heather Stewart-Whyte: Venus in Leo: Sun and Mercury in Virgo
    Patricia Velásquez: Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio
    Linda Vojtova: Venus in Aries, Mars and Mercury in Gemini
    Solange Wilvert: Venus in Leo; Sun and Mercury in Virgo
    Nataliya Gotsiy:Venus in Taurus
    Laetitia Marie Laure Casta : Venus in Taurus
    Gisele Bündchen: Venus in Taurus
    Meagan Fox: Venus in Taurus
    May Andersen: Venus in Taurus
    Letícia Birkheuer: Venus in Taurus
    Linda Evangelista: Venus in Taurus
    Trish Goff: Venus in Taurus
    Miranda Kerr: Venus in Taurus
    Maja Latinović”:Venus in Taurus
    Abbey Lee Kershaw:Venus in Taurus
    Heather Marks:Venus in Taurus
    Catherine McNeil:Venus in Taurus
    Alyssa Miller:Venus in Taurus
    Fernanda Motta: Venus in Taurus
    Natasha Poly: Venus in Taurus
    Behati Prinsloo:Venus in Taurus
    Fabiana Semprebom: Venus in Taurus
    Molly Sims: Venus in Taurus
    Arlenis Sosa: Venus in Taurus
    Jessica Stam:Venus in Taurus
    Fabiana Tambosi:Venus in Taurus
    Kate Upton:Venus in Taurus
    Rachel Williams: Venus in Taurus
    Megan Ewing:Venus in Libra
    Daniella Cicarelli:Venus in Libra
    Michelle Alves: Venus in Libra
    K. D. Aubert: Venus in Libra
    Carla Campbell: Venus in Libra
    Melissa Baker: Venus in Libra
    Lily Aldridge: Venus in Libra
    Arlene Baxter: Venus in Libra
    Cintia Dicker:Venus in Libra
    Susan Eldridge: Venus in Libra
    Lindsay Ellingson:Venus in Libra
    Magdalena Frackowiak: Venus in Libra
    Maria Gregersen: Venus in Libra
    Kristy Hinze:Venus in Libra
    Constance Jablonski:Venus in Libra
    Carmen Kass:Venus in Libra
    Lara Stone: Venus in Libra
    Landi Swanepoel: Venus in Libra
    Elyse Taylor: Venus in Libra
    Estella Warren: Venus in Libra
    Jeísa Chiminazzo:Venus in Pisces
    Alessandra Ambrosio: Venus in Pisces
    Marcelle Bittar de Almeida :Venus in Pisces
    Esther Cañadas: Venus in Pisces
    Hannah Davis : Venus in Pisces
    Emily DiDonato:Venus in Pisces
    Jill Goodacre: Venus in Pisces
    Yana Gupta:Venus in Pisces
    Jessica Hart*: Venus in Pisces
    Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: Venus in Pisces
    Jaime King:Venus in Pisces
    Josie Maran: Venus in Pisces
    Valeria Mazza:Venus in Pisces
    Catherine McCord:Venus in Pisces
    Ali Michael: Venus in Pisces
    Enikő Mihalik: Venus in Pisces
    Cameron Russell:Venus in Pisces
    Kim Smith: Venus in Pisces
    Niki Taylor: Venus in Pisces
    Nicole Trunfio:Venus in Pisces
    Anne Vyalitsyna: Venus in Pisces
    Alek Wek: Venus in Pisces
    Caroline Winberg: Venus in Pisces

    Lindsay Frimodt: Venus in Aries, Mars in Aries
    Angie Everhart:Venus in Cancer; Moon in Cancer
    Georgina Grenville: Venus in Leo; Sun in Leo
    Kimberly Guilfoyle: Venus in Aries; Mars in Scorpio(domicile)
    Melissa Haro: Venus in Leo, Sun in Leo
    Sophie Dahl:Venus in Leo, Sun in Leo
    Leilani Bishop: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo
    Heidi Klum: Venus and Mercury both in Gemini
    Jessica Alba: Venus in Aries, Mars in Aries
    Scarlett Johannson: Venus in Saggitarius, Jupiter in Saggitarius
    Jessica White: Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Gemini
    Dewi Driegen:Venus in Leo; Sun in Leo
    Morgane Dubled:Venus in Gemin, Mercury in Gemini
    Kirsty Hume: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo
    Noémie Lenoir: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo
    Anna Jagodzinska: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo
    Damaris Lewis: Venus in Virgo; Mercury in Virgo
    Adriana Lima:Venus in Gemini: Mercury in Gemini
    Maryna Linchuk: Venus in Leo, Sun in Leo
    Elle Macpherson: Venus in Aquarius; Saturn in Capricorn
    Jarah Mariano: Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Pisces
    Omahyra Mota: Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Raica Oliveira:Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Julie Ordon: Venus in Gemini: Mercury in Gemini
    Tatjana Patitz:Venus in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius
    Caroline Ribeiro: Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo
    Inés Rivero: Venus in Leo, Sun in Leo
    Vlada Roslyakova: Venus in Gemini; Mercury in Gemini
    Claudia Schiffer: Venus in Virgo; Mercury in Virgo
    Kasia Struss: Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Pisces
    Caroline Trentini:Venus in Gemini; Mercury in Gemini
    Frederique van der Wal: Venus in Leo, Sun in Leo
    Veronika Vařeková: Venus in Aries , Mars in Aries
    Veronica Webb: Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius
    Jessica White: Venus in Gemini, Mercruy in Gemini
    Valentina Zelyaeva: Venus in Virgo
    Jessica Gomes : Venus in Cancer; Moon in Aries, Mars in Libra
    Daniela De Jesus Cosio : Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Capricorn Saturn in Libra
    Brooklyn Decker : Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus, Saturn in Scorpio
    Dani Evans: Venus in Aries, Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Gemini
    Shalom Harlow : Venus in Capricorn, Saturn in Gemini, Saturn in Libra
    Liya Kebede: Venus in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Libra
    Michaela Kocianova:Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Pisces; Jupiter in Taurus
    Olga Kurylenko: Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Leo; Sun in Libra
    Audrey Marnay:Venus in Leo, Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Libra
    Diána Mészáros:Venus in Aries, Mars in Virgo, Mercury in Taurus
    Bar Refaeli: Venus in Aries; Mars in Gemini; Mercury in Taurus
    Hilary Rhoda- Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus, Saturn in Scorpio
    Anja Rubik: Venus in Cancer; Moon in Gemini, Mercury in Taurus
    Michelle Ray Smith: Venus in Leo; Sun in Virgo; Mercury in Libra
    Jessica Van Der Steen: Venus in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Libra
    Edita Vilkevičiūtė: Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Pisces
    Jacquetta Wheeler: Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Leo, Sun in Libra
    Erin Heatherton:Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Taurus
    Morgane Dubled: Venus in Cancer; Moon in Taurus(Exalted)
    Karen Elson : Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Capricorn(Exalted)
    Lindsay Frimodt: Venus in Capricorn; Mars in Capricorn(Exalted)
    Riley Keough: Venus in Cancer; Moon in Taurus(Exalted)
    Ginta Lapina : Venus in Cancer; Moon in Taurus(Exalted)
    Angela Lindvall: Venus in Scorpio: Mars in Capricorn(Exalted)
    Anouck Lepere: Venus in Sagittarius: Jupiter in Cancer(Exalted)
    Petra Němcová: Venus in Scorpio: Mars in Capricorn(Exalted)
    Bridget Hall:Venus in Capricorn; Saturn in Sagittarius....... Mercury in Sag Jupiter in Gem(Exchange)
    Kiara Kabukuru: Venus in Leo, Sun in Cancer; Moon in Aries, Mars in Aries
    Vendela Kirsebom: Venus in Capricorn; Saturn in Pisces; Jupiter in Cancer

    Teresea Lourenco: Venus in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo; Mercury Exchange with Saturn(Cap-Virg)
    Marisa Miller: Venus in Virgo: Mercury in Leo; Sun and Moon in Exchange(Can-Leo)
    Karen Mulder:Venus in Gemini ; Mercury and Mars Exchange(Aries-Gemini)
    Chandra North: Venus in Leo: Sun and Moon Excchange(Cancer-Leo)
    Oluchi Onweagba
    Ujjwala Raut
    Daniella Sarahyba
    Irina Shayk
    Amber Smith
    Sarah Stephens
    Fernanda Tavares
    Liu Wen
    Last edited by Hitta; 04-20-2011 at 07:26 AM.
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    All this evidence was calculated without the exact birth time, and as a consequence without the lagna (rising point on the horizon at birth), and without the aid of higher divisional charts. With that information I'm sure the statistics would of been even higher.

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    Subthigh Enters Laughing's Avatar
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    I've looked at the first three of these, and they all appear to be wrong. What are the odds of that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    I've looked at the first three of these, and they all appear to be wrong. What are the odds of that?
    Hmm, $10 says that's because you're using western astrological charts, whereas Hitta and Rat use eastern astrological charts.

  18. #18
    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    Selita Ebanks- Born February 15, 1983( Time of Birth Unknown)
    Planetary Data : Sun- Aquarius 2 Degrees 28' 12.97''
    Moon- Aquarius 28 Degrees 23'42.48''
    Mars- Aquarius 28 Degrees 54'13.14''
    Mercury- Capricorn 7 Degrees 33'09.64
    Jupiter - Scorpio 14 Degrees 50' 34.82
    Venus- Aquarius 27 Degrees 03'02.72''
    Saturn- Libra 10 Degrees 48'46.93
    Rahu- Gemini 7 Degrees 50'17.05
    Ketu- Sagittarius 7 Degrees 50'17.05''

    Saturn is in Libra(sign of Venus). Venus is in Aquarius(Sign of Saturn). This is considered an exchange; which is considered a very good thing under most considers(almost as if the planet is in it's own sign). Also do well to notice all of the other planets in Aquarius as well.

    Mini Andén

    Sun - AmK 22 Ta 38' 41.06" Rohi 4 Ta Cn
    Moon - PK 9 Ge 27' 17.90" Ardr 1 Ge Sg
    Mars - GK 2 Le 45' 48.89" Magh 1 Le Ar
    Mercury - PiK 13 Ta 56' 42.03" Rohi 2 Ta Ta
    Jupiter - MK 16 Ge 54' 32.23" Ardr 4 Ge Pi
    Venus - AK 25 Ge 50' 44.61" Puna 2 Ge Ta
    Saturn - DK 1 Le 39' 27.69" Magh 1 Le Ar
    Rahu - BK 8 Vi 40' 07.03" UPha 4 Vi Pi
    Ketu 8 Pi 40' 07.03" UBha 2 Pi Vi

    Venus in Gemini(Sign of Mercury); Mercury in Taurus(Sign of Venus). This is an exchange. Do well to notice all the other planets in the constellation of Gemini/

    Shiraz Tal

    Sun - BK 26 Vi 04' 30.17" Chit 1 Vi Le
    Moon - AK 27 Le 08' 40.80" UPha 1 Le Sg
    Mars - AmK 26 Vi 28' 30.67" Chit 1 Vi Le
    Mercury - PK 17 Li 06' 16.80" Swat 4 Li Pi
    Jupiter (R) - GK 15 Aq 13' 47.68" Sata 3 Aq Aq
    Venus - PiK 19 Vi 51' 50.03" Hast 3 Vi Ge
    Saturn - MK 25 Ge 05' 17.84" Puna 2 Ge Ta
    Rahu - DK 19 Sc 18' 25.21" Jye 1 Sc Sg
    Ketu 19 Ta 18' 25.21" Rohi 3 Ta Ge

    Venus in Virgo(sign of Mercury), Mercury in Libra(Sign of Venus). This constitutes an exchange. Also note Sun and Mars are in the sign of Virgo with Venus.

    Did the first few for you.
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  19. #19


    I believe in astrology. The moon signs seem more indicative of personality than sun signs. I'm Taurus sun, Gemini rising, and Libra moon.

  20. #20
    Hacking your soul since the beginning of time Hitta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    I've looked at the first three of these, and they all appear to be wrong. What are the odds of that?
    They aren't wrong. You are looking at the data wrong.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitta View Post
    Venus(Victoria's Secret Index Model Index on Wiki with a about 5 celebs thrown in randomly)

    Total Models Cataloged: 205
    Venus in Pisces:11.2%
    Venus in Libra 9.75%
    Venus in Taurus 11.75
    Venus chance of of being in a sign: 8.333%

    Chances of Venus being in a sign, conjunct it's lord(not any of the other signs listed above): 6.24975
    Percent of occurrences of Venus being conjunct it's own lord: 17.56%

    There is a 6.24% chance of an exchange taking place.
    Exchanges took place 13.6% of the time

    About a 43.719% chance of special occurrences taking place.
    Special circumstances happened over 85% of the time.
    ^all you need to know.

  22. #22


    I like Astrology related discussions ,I believe in astrology.

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    Quote Originally Posted by paddy312 View Post
    I am stupid and I don't know what am I doing here
    Well then, good luck.

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    To my thinking, lack of widespread adoption by financial traders is pretty powerful evidence against the utility of astrology for predicting worldly events. Financial traders have always been known to adopt those practices that work, irrespective how convoluted or nonsensical those strategies seem on paper or what the academic establishment thinks of them. At the end of the day, successful traders remain in the game while unsuccessful traders move out of the profession rather quickly (if not by choice then by bankruptcy). The law of the land on the trading floor is survival of the fittest. There is room in the profession only for what works best. Astrological theories have bounced around among professional traders for at least the last 9 decades, and astrological indicators are no more popular today than they were in the 1920's (arguably less so in fact). This has to tell you something.
    i just posted about a market timer that wins awards by using astrology to predict trends.

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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    i just posted about a market timer that wins awards by using astrology to predict trends.
    How do I know that's not a bunch of hype? I've learned that these self proclaimed market "guru" sorts regularly cross promote one another and misrepresent their own track record. I have three questions for you.

    1) If Archer Crawford is as good as he claims to be, why is he such a nobody?

    2) If Archer Crawford is as good as he claims to be, why is he trying to make money selling a newsletter? He could make SO much more money managing a hedge fund.

    3) If astrology is as powerful as Archer Crawford says it is, why aren't there more guys doing what he's doing?

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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    i just posted about a market timer that wins awards by using astrology to predict trends.
    How do I know that's not a bunch of hype? I've learned that these self proclaimed market "guru" sorts regularly cross promote one another and misrepresent their own track record. I have three questions for you.

    1) If Archer Crawford is as good as he claims to be, why is he such a nobody?

    2) If Archer Crawford is as good as he claims to be, why is trying to make money selling a newsletter? He could make SO much more money managing a hedge fund.

    3) If astrology is as good as is it's cracked up to be by guys like Archer Crawford, why aren't there more guys doing what he's doing?

    Labcoat, do you subscribe to his newsletter? I certainly would if I believed the hype.
    Last edited by Timmy; 04-21-2011 at 10:57 PM.

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    Default vedic astrology

    anybody practice this/believe in it?

    just curious.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Nah, I get all my predictions settled at

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    Degree RC Rashi Nakshatra Dignity NB# SB% SB# Func.
    As 13:10:07 Tau Rohini
    Su 00:12:17 Ari Ashwini Exalt. 1.34 3 Benefic
    Mo 21:16:36 Aqu P.Bhadra. Frnd. 1.33 2 Malefic
    Ma 10:49:27 Cap Shravana Exalt. 1.43 4 Neutral
    Me 22:38:54 c Pis Revati Debil. 0 1.00 3 Benefic
    Ju 14:23:05 Ari Bharani Grt.Fr. 1.05 4 Malefic
    Ve 15:35:51 Tau Rohini Own 1.47 4 Malefic
    Sa 08:51:16 R Sag Moola Enemy 1.73 5 Benefic
    Ra 27:59:09 Aqu P.Bhadra. Own Malefic
    Ke 27:59:09 Leo U.Phalg. Neutr. Neutral
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    @Hitta, perhaps unrelated but, what do you think about the current state of the world regarding the kali-yuga period and if any particular nakshatra could be involved (as in, symbolizing the status, or a major player in the events).

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    My nakshatra is Mrigashirsha, 10th house. For the western chart it's Gemini moon, 9th house. No conjunct planets, just squaring Saturn quite heavily.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    My nakshatra is Mrigashirsha, 10th house. For the western chart it's Gemini moon, 9th house. No conjunct planets, just squaring Saturn quite heavily.
    Only aspect it has is a square to saturn? No beneficial aspects (trine, sextile)?
    Last edited by lavos; 01-27-2018 at 01:55 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Only aspect it has is a square to saturn? No beneficial aspects (trine, sextile)?
    Another square to Virgo Mercury, then sextile to Venus in Leo And Venus is my ruling planet, Libra Sun on ASC from the 12th house. My chart is uh... wild.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Another square to Virgo Mercury, then sextile to Venus in Leo And Venus is my ruling planet, Libra Sun on ASC from the 12th house. My chart is uh... wild.
    There's a term for when a planet only has negative aspects (which is usually not good) but if you've got a sextile to benefic venus, I guess you're okay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    There's a term for when a planet only has negative aspects (which is usually not good) but if you've got a sextile to benefic venus, I guess you're okay.
    Yeah. I mean, squares are the hidden "superpowers" anyways because you have to work there, people are lazy about their easier aspects. Exalted Mercury helps.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Another square to Virgo Mercury, then sextile to Venus in Leo And Venus is my ruling planet, Libra Sun on ASC from the 12th house. My chart is uh... wild.
    it all makes sense now ^^ wait are you Libra in Vedic or in tropical?

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    This thread is like mumbo jumbo to me, but mumbo jumbo that I want to understand ... help?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    This thread is like mumbo jumbo to me, but mumbo jumbo that I want to understand ... help?
    We're juggling the vedic/Indian and Western astrology systems here. The planets and aspects and degrees and whatnot, they all pertain to so-called natal charts. Those are basically snapshots of the sky when you were born, what planet was where at that point in time, to what degree does it relate to other celestial bodies.

    You have the planets of the solar system overlapping with the zodiac wheel there. So for instance, Jupiter overlapped with the Capricorn constellation when I was born. The Indian system is different, the planets and positions have other names. The "nakshatra" that was asked for in the OP is a small section from the 360° ecliptic of the sky/the zodiac wheel where the moon was located at your birth. Each nakshatra has a different symbolism attached to it, like mine is symbolized by a deer. You can calculate your nakshatra here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    We're juggling the vedic/Indian and Western astrology systems here. The planets and aspects and degrees and whatnot, they all pertain to so-called natal charts. Those are basically snapshots of the sky when you were born, what planet was where at that point in time, to what degree does it relate to other celestial bodies.

    You have the planets of the solar system overlapping with the zodiac wheel there. So for instance, Jupiter overlapped with the Capricorn constellation when I was born. The Indian system is different, the planets and positions have other names. The "nakshatra" that was asked for in the OP is a small section from the 360° ecliptic of the sky/the zodiac wheel where the moon was located at your birth. Each nakshatra has a different symbolism attached to it, like mine is symbolized by a deer. You can calculate your nakshatra here.
    Hey this is cool. Thanks! I'm either ASHWINI or REVATI. Most likely Ashwini based on the description though...

    General characteristics of Ashwini Star

    With dynamism, initiative and action being the general characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra, the same characterize the personality traits of natives born under this nakshatra. As a matter of fact dynamism and power to initiate are the distinguishing personality traits of native born under the given birth star of Ashwini. Marked by an element of swift spontaneity, natives guided by Ashwini generally prefer action and results to long drawn analysis and inaction. As far as their action oriented personality is concerned, they prefer direct mean of action; over something indirect, thought provoking and tactful. Physical characteristics of natives born under the ascendance of Ashwini Nakshatra include short stature, youthfulness and liveliness. With “Ashwini Kumaras” being the guarding deity of this star sign, a touch of charismatic sophistication and style are also to be traced amongst those born under the said star constellation

    It's actually extremely accurate.

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