Hi everyone,

Here's a different angle on info on me. Tell me what you think, if you're so inclined.

Here are the elements, my understanding of them and my understanding of how they "fit" or don't "fit" for me. when you read them please do not judge what i am saying based on my understanding of the elements but on the content of what i believe is going on with me. and please try to look at the overall patterns rather than focusing on individual statements.

Fe: emotionally expressing yourself without as much regard for other's feelings about your expressions, more about getting your own out because it feels good.

I think this is really cool and I encourage it in my children, but I am not really very good with it, in my own estimation. My true feelings are tucked away pretty tightly. I would LOVE to be able to let them out full force, but I think I would truly overwhelm myself and others and I wouldn't like that, even though it's a huge desire. I do do this in the privacy of my home and on the internet but not in public much.

Fi: caring deeply about keeping peace and harmony in relations with others, more of a togetherness in doing things together and how things are perceived in the world.

This seems a bit more like me irl, but I don't value it as much as I do other things. The only place is with my immediate family but I am still not all mushy, mushy with them. I value their individuality more than seeing our family as a "team" as my sister calls it. We are together so much and our traditions and rituals come out of our interests together, not out of doing things together to do them together, even though it ends up that way. i still don't do it FOR that reason. we are a team not because i consciously make our family a team but because we naturally enjoy being together with whatever we're doing.

Another aspect to this that I think I do do is that irl, i am VERY GOOD at "seeing" the psychology behind someone. I am good at seeing their authentic self and their motivations and all that jazz within seconds. And then when a person is not acting from that place, it frightens me. Anyone not being "honest" with themselves about who they are, what they want, etc....seems pretensious to me and that is scary because they could act in any which way that I wouldn't expect and it would throw me so much. That's why I prefer people to be direct with their opinions and such. For the most part in my life, I have been very afraid of people and very self conscious. It's only in the past few years I've come out of my shell. And the internet feels a safe place to do it. Mostly because it's like an interactive journal. You can't see me, I can't see you, so I am safe to write whatever I want without seeing the judgment on your faces.

irl, warm would not be a word to describe me. mostly, cold, analyzing, opinionated, but openminded and deeply caring about other's inner feelings and psychology, not necessarily about not hurting their feelings. and not that i would ever go out of my way to hurt someone's feelings, it just happens sometimes when i say what i think is the truth.

Te: work, productivity, facts

this is ok, but not what i'm about. i do like to look at facts and make decisions on them but i don't care if what i am doing always has a practical application. it would be nice, but is not my focus. i will tend to make decisions based on what feels right to me not on if it's practical or not. and most of mine have to do with helping others in some way.

if this is about moving your body. i am constantly doing that. sitting still is very hard for me. i pace as i talk on the phone. i fidget. i dance. i walk. i move. i am constantly doing stuff for my kids. (maybe this is Se?)

Ti: internally organizing a structure of things

I tend to do this more but is not my overall strength. I can't stop doing it in my brain, it's like a disease, devil, never shutting up and it can make me very sad that it won't shut up so I can just let loose and have some fun and not think everything is a big deal. That's what my hubby has helped me with. In my life, everything tends to be a big deal, I am very serious about everything. He is not. He helps me to see "not to sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff."

Ne: openended connections of ideas and stuff

I can do this ok, but it's mostly in the context of the connections within a person's psychology, not other things. then, i'm excellent at it. people usually don't like to hear the things i see that way about them, so i either don't say anything or come across "know it all" serious bitchy. but as i've grown, i've gotten better at being a bit more diplomatic about it.

to be continued...