Sure the sex is great, but:
- I am sick of how it is physically impossible for me to emit the word “no.”
- I am tired of people suddenly staring at me all shocked, when I express any measure of anger. WHAT'S SO SHOCKING IN THAT I CAN BE ANGRY?? I’M ONLY HUMAN, NOT A SAINT!!!
- I am sick of being mothered... by 9-year-old girls.
- Why is it people either dont take me seriously at all, or take me way too seriously?
- If I hear any of the following again, I swear I will shoot my brains out: "Don't let people push you around like that!" -- "Stand up for yourself, man!" -- "You're so cute!"
- I hate that I threaten suicide at the stupidest things. Witness the above bullet-point.
- I'm sick of pining after women from afar.
- Why does everything hurt so bad?? Screw empathy. It sucks. I'm tired of feeling other people's pain. From now on you can feel your own Goddamned pain!!!
- You know that feeling where it feels like you've forgotten something, or worse, someone? Well, that's what it's like to be an INFp...
- Half the music I listen to makes me choke up like a pussy on Valium.
- Why can't we all just get along?? Stop the hatin'! I swear I'll throw myself off a bridge if you people can't stop being assholes!
- I hate it that the most threatening thing I'm capable of is harming... myself. Actually.. I lie.. the most threatening thing I'm capable of - without feeling guilty afterwards - is harming myself... actually... I would feel guilty for harming myself, too... fuck it.
- Why is it the only occupations I would ever be happy with will guarantee that I will die without a penny to my name?
- Why is it that, as a kid, my ESTp brother could get away with bloody murder, and I couldn't even use a "big-big-D" (Damn) without getting shocked gasps from relatives who don't even live on this continent, or being told by my parents that relatives who died decades ago would also have gasped?
- Why am I so unthreatening?
- Why do I care so much about the fucking meaning of life??
- I feel stupid for posting this because it comes off as a desperate cry for attention.