Some people are of the opinion that I'm IEI, I thought I'd put that to rest.

I eat bunnies, litter, kill off endangered species, take the last chocolate milk in supermarkets and at parties, and force logical arguments down the throats of people concerned with how others feel.

If I think people are starting to like me, I give them a good bit to hate about me, just to even things out.

Most importantly, I'm not at all for animal rights, because I think we are animals and we are doing a good job of dominating the other up and coming species. It's all sick really, but I really wanted to emphasize that I try and run over the little furry things that cross the road when they really shouldn't. I'm not evil, I just accept that I'm a human animal. I think that a lot of other animals are going to suffer as humans grow and develop. I hope that the unwanted insect population dies down in the future, when we create robot insects to do the important jobs that the little critters were doing. Pretty soon, it will be just us, humans, the victors. Don't tell the IEIs