i just posted this in anything goes, but i think it is better applicable to general discussion...

hey everybody! my hotel has free internet and i can't sleep so i figured i'd catch u guys up on how prague is and how it's been with my supervisor, benefactor, and dealing with / valuers in general.

so basically the supervisor, benefactor relations aren't that bad because i've known them both for a while now and have had a fair amount of interaction with LSIs and EIEs IRL so i know how to act around them and what to expect.

a few things that i've noticed with them both though is that they both want to do what's best for the group even though it may not be necessarily what they want. it's as if the group's interests are more important than the individual's interests. another thing that i've noticed is that the EIE tends to ask the LSI a lot of questions and takes her answers as fact rather than questioning them, showing a lot of value in . The EIE also makes the LSI feel comfortable by making sure that things will be okay when something doesn't go right.

OK, just warning... / rant:

it's really getting me on my last nerve. A lot of the time this manifests in laughing really loud all the time at random things that they think should not be happening in the given situation. For instance, at a club we went to tonight there was a boy crying on the steps inside the club and as we walked by they both were laughing. Even though this obviously had nothing to do with me, I was offended at their seemingly lack of sensitivity to this boy. Another example is when our bathroom ran out of toilet paper and realizing this after my toilet usage (to be kind to u all haha) and after telling them this, having them laugh at me and not doing anything about it. after them laughing for quite a while and hurting my as well as being really uncomfortable, i told them to call the receptionist to get more toilet paper in which they laughed again at my angst in this situation. so overall, other than being obnoxious, these complementing functions also really hurt my .

the LSI btw is so closed minded that it also insults my such as when she says that a black man or a woman should not be president. she alo made the comment that even though she's visited many places all over the world, nowhere is better than New York.

another thing that i've noticed as well is their complete disregard for . while i have become the group leader in reading maps and figuring out this enigma of a transportation system, i have suggested many times to be cost-efficient and time-efficient in getting around the city and doing things we want to do. most of the time they either just ignore my suggestions which later end up having negative consequences, or finally accept them (seeing as now i am considered the transportation guru) after excessively using my to get them to accept my input.

many times too ill try to feed my HA by regurgitating random facts that i find interesting that apply to a certain situation we are in or a topic we are discussing and the LSI, being my supervisor, will just say that it's wrong- which it isn't... it's a fact!

ahhh there's a lot more but alas it is 6am here and i should attempt sleep despite the vicious combination of insomnia and jet lag. please don't get me wrong- i'm having so much fun and i love my friends dearly, it's just difficult and tiring. i hope these observations help you guys at all- let me know if u have any questions, need further clarifications or examples and/or feedback! i'll post pictures soon!