Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
ok, this makes sense in the context of ESIs, but i think that you're oversimplifying a few things. first of all, how different is this from that of a typical ILI? could you see an ILI acting like this?
I would think that ILI's would be more open to new people, but all of the effort to make and maintain the relationship would have to be on the other person. This could be said of other types as well though, especially introverted types.

also, i think, even more importantly, that you're ignoring the part of what i said about Fi. if i'm ESI, i don't understand how my central focus would be on personal relationships. i've gotten criticisms from the ESI i talked about that i don't know how to relate to people. i've also gotten into arguments with her about how other people should be treated (an example: she argued that walmart mistreats its workers and is a company from which nobody should ever shop, for ethical reasons. this was a topic on which i had essentially no information,) which usually result in her using some piece of information that i find questionable, and then descend into arguments about the veracity of this information.

all of the ESI/LIE or Te/Fi duality stuff that you've ever linked to mentions the confidence of the ESI in evaluating personal relationships between other people. essentially, i don't know how this would manifest in an ESI, but i mostly couldn't care less about "what feelings other people have for each other." i don't even know that i understand what it means to have feelings for anyone.

That, and your lack of life experience due to your age and life stage, would be the only answers I can think of. However, imo they're quite feasible. Oh yeah, and I still owe you a PM.

The stuff about walmart I think is more individual specific than anything. I know people all of types who say that kind of thing about walmart.

do you see me as having an ethical sort of perspective in this regard? if so, how?
I wouldn't know. I see what could be a focus on Ti/Fi > Te/Fe in you though, as well as Se/Ne > Si/Ni. I could be misunderstanding you though. But if not, this would suggest that you're EP or IJ, and we know that you're not EP.