ESTjs are born to be bosses. "Work! Produce! Utilise! And work!" - undoubtedly comes very close to describing ESTj's moto. If you have to work for an ESTj expect a civilised form of slavery. It is guaranteed that they will optimise your job so that you might even find yourself working on your way to work. This makes one wonder about whether the infamous "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" - the "work will set you free" slogan at the gates of Nazi's concentration camps was the sarcastic work of an ESTj "genius". But to be fair, ESTjs do not just demand work from others, they are workaholics themselves. That's maybe why they think it is normal.

And no, they are not enemies of fun. On contrary, they like to have fun and enjoy a good laugh and humour. They are however the enemies of immature and childish fun - "Why don't people grow up? I did!"
I don't like not working for long. It psychologically bothers me.
And I am not very "fun" either.

I am at least glad there are other people like me, so it's not like totally being weird on my part.