Conversation Between Beautiful sky and Chae

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, I really need to -.- Thanks for caring, you're really sweet
  2. Don't burn yourself out by too much E E E E. Relax and pace yourself
  3. I wrote one with less Se and now I'm looking for examples of the American least Se. Se
  4. Sure, but I think they were not exactly tuned since the Se example came from an SLE.
  5. I realize the examples of Se and Ne that I have were extremes and not socially tuned
  6. Yeah I wonder whether she is SX/SP, sounds much like it
  7. Lol onl Strait can write such piercing words "snobs" etc
  8. This passage is serving it hot like Snoop dropped it! Where is that from?
  9. And this "The leaders of this quadra [delta] are the "declaring", "child-like" intuitive ethical types - who are protected by their snobbery, convinced of their rightness and of their higher destination, and certain that intentions can justify the means if only the intentions were good."
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