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Thread: I answered this recently and it was reccomened that I put it here too

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    Default I answered this recently and it was reccomened that I put it here too

    **What is your age?What’s your gender?**

    I’m a 17 year old female.

    **Any medical diagnoses mentally or physically, that may skew any answers you may give? Please don’t answer if you’re excessively emotional at the moment. Also don’t answer these questions if you are drunk or high on drugs? NOte that if you have a severe mental illness MBTI is absolutely not the place to look for answer to improve this. Please go seek a professional.**

    None that I currently know of. I feel pretty neutral; right now I’m sitting on my bed right now hoping my cat will join me for this lmao

    **Are there very significant things in your background that you would like us to consider which may effect your typing?**

    Nothing I can think of right now, I’m not sure if anything will really be big enough to mention here

    **1. When you are reading for information or studying for an exam what do you tend to pay attention naturally to most and why? How about when researching what is your methods and what types of information do you naturally gravitate towards?**

    I actually just studied for an exam a couple hours ago haha. I find that when I’m studying for something, particularly something I don’t really care about like history or whatever I just try to get down what I need to know for sure. Things like “the primary sector includes fishing, hunting, gathering etc,” some thing that’s a big part of the subject or will come in handy for multiple questions on the test. I tend to forget things like “The Mormons migrated to X country” though and that’s a big reason why I fail a lot of tests, because questions that ask for a singular name of a country throw me off big time. “Which country has the biggest body of water next to it? A) North America B) Europe” reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    When I’m studying for something I **do** care about though, that’s a lot different. As much as I want to sit down and just read the content from beginning to end and then by the end I’ll know everything I want, I just don’t have the motivation especially if it’s like a giant book or article or something. I prefer interacting with people who know more than me and learning from the content that’s discussed there in real time, asking questions and being involved etc. That’s why I love discord communities so much lmao. I tend to learn more that way too, and it’s a lot more fun

    **2. Do you enjoy taking charge of the situation? If you are called upon in terms of leadership do you feel like you can carry this out?How and why? What qualities sets you apart as a leader? What is your leadership style? Are you a good leader?**

    I honestly do not like taking charge of situations, I just want to watch and make comments like “oof” or “can we get an F in the chat” etc. A part of me wants to be involved, even if it’s just making dumb comments, but I never actually want to do the commanding or leading part lmao. But let’s say I did have to be put in a leadership position. I’d definitely lead more by example, instead of telling people how to do things. I’d just do my thing, make suggestions, and I’d try to give people a ton of freedom to do the same. I don’t want to be an authoritarian by any means, I’d rather be a kind example that people aren’t afraid to approach and hang out with at best. I don’t want any of this awkward barrier between me and people just because I’m in a leadership position, I don’t feel above them in any way. I’d probably do things like buy the whole crew chick-fil-a every friday lol, giving everyone good internet and plenty of time to look at memes, have an extremely flexible schedule, and open to requests. I’d probably be quite a crappy leader if we wanted to get things done haha, I’d be really lenient and extremely hesitant to have “consequences” and all that crap. Idk, it’s subjective. Some may say I’m good if they like chick-fil-a sauce

    **3. Would you call yourself mechanically gifted or like to work with your hands? Do you find that you tend to be a kenesthetic type of learner and/or person in general? Can you describe what kinesthetic activities you enjoy?**

    I’m pretty neutral on this, I wouldn’t say I’m “absolutely gifted” or “I couldn’t do this ever if I tried,” but I’m certainly not the most physical person in the room. Anybody can be good at something if they practiced, but for me I just don’t find mechanical stuff interesting to me. I used to play piano, but the commitment of practicing and constant pressure to “keep improving” was kind of stressful and got a bit miserable after a bit, I didn’t love doing it, so I just stopped. I really just don’t like the idea of committing to stuff like dance or sports or instruments or anything like that, it’s just not my thing. I’d much rather be involved in activities and hobbies that don’t require a ton of physical stress and commitment, like going to events or walking in the city with my friends or even just socializing on discord. Getting kinesthetic with everything kind of sounds like a pain in the ass to me, I’d rather just maybe look at pictures of how some whatever works instead of getting out of my seat and moving around about it.

    **4. Do you consider that you are a logistical type of person? Do you find that you tend to read in to the finer details of a situation, text, problem, etc... Explain what you mean by this?**

    I’m not really sure about this one. For situations, I just try to get my butt out of it if it’s a bad one. If my school blocks discord? The one and only thing I’m thinking about is how am I going to get back on?? I was about to type “no u” when it went down, and I had 7 pings to reply to, I promised I’d text a friend today, and FOMO in general is just eating me alive, plus the thought of going 7 hours 5 days a week for the rest of the year until summer with literally no access makes me break into a cold sweat, I can’t even have it open in the background??? The only details I’m really focused on is the name of VPNs, am I going to use the desktop app or the website, what teachers are specifically going to be on my ass from now on, the things that are immediately important to the problem and how I’m going to get back to normal. For texts, idk. I guess the closest thing I can think of is maybe the texting style? Like when people send messages with all lowercase letters (for example “hi” instead of “Hi”), or when someone might be angry at me, I tend to rely on how they word and format their messages.

    > Me: Sorry man I can’t go out tonight my friend just texted me and told me that they had already bought tickets to (blah blah blah movie). Maybe tomorrow? If they say

    > Oh alright it’s fine!

    Then I’ll assume everything is actually fine and I don’t have to worry, we’re good. But if they say

    > Oh, alright. It’s fine..

    Then I’m going to be awake at 3am anticipating them to be upset with me tomorrow, because that text message gives me the impression that they probably changed their perspective on me and our relationship will probably not be the same, and I’ll think that they think I’m just making excuses not to hang out with them. Hnnnnnngggg

    **5. What are your hobbies? Why do you enjoy these?**

    Studying typology, socializing, memes, burying my face into my big floof cat, spending time with friends, etc. I enjoy them because they’re fun, they make me feel like I’m doing what I love in life, and if things get hard, they’re kind of my escape.

    **6. How important is efficiency to you? Why? Is it most important to achieve or accomplish? Is it a nice feeling to cross off tasks from a checklist? Why is this? Do you procrastinate and what are your thoughts on procrastination? What is your thoughts about being organized?**

    I think it’s more important to do what you love doing in life, if you’re constantly in the mindset of “I NEED TO ACCOMPLISH GOOOAAALLLS REEEEEEE” all the time, you’ll never be happy. You’ll always think there’s something more, you’ll be a perfectionist, and if anything that takes away from life. I’ve observed, and even been trapped with, people like this. And it is M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. Can I just live my life ffs! I do agree that crossing stuff off a checklist feels good though, but like small things like doing an assignment or cleaning the toilet etc, I needed to get those done and now I don’t have to worry about them anymore. It is a weight lifted off my chest, my problem is mustering up the motivation to start them haha. Most of the time I don’t though, and that’s why I’m a massive procrastinator. Doing my assignments on the toilet during passing period before the class it’s due passing period procrastinating. Turning in my online work at 11:54pm procrastinating. Sometimes even doing entire projects in one night. It kills me, really, but I mostly can’t get the motivation to start it early. Discord is here now, this crap is due next month. Yeeeeeeeeet haw!! [due date comes up]. That’s when I die inside. I get them done, I scoot by, but I’d definetely do higher quality work if I didn’t procrastinate so badly lmao. When it comes to organization, I’m pretty good if it’s something I care about. Photos, etc. I like to organize my photos into albums so I can easily search for a date if I ever need proof of something, bring back a cool memory, etc. But when it comes to everything else, I’m a slob lmao.

    **7. Do you set goals? How do you go about this? If you set goals do you accomplish them? How much of these goals get accomplished? Is it something you wish you can do more of?**

    No, I don’t really set goals. In my opinion that takes away from life. Goals like “I need to make blah blah blah by X,” I’d rather skip all that lmao. But it’s different if it’s a goal I care about. Like I really want to get max level on a video game. Or dig around on the internet to see if anybody has a free discord nitro code they’re giving away. Or someday voice chat with a specific person. Or finish this questionnaire. The goals I set are more personally relevant to me and don’t really have a time limit. They can be abandoned at any time, and if it’s that important to me I don’t even need a deadline lmao.

    **8. What is your relation with movement and your surroundings? For instance do you prefer a sport or outdoors event? If an outdoors event what is it? And why? If not what type of activities do you tend to engage in? ?**

    I’m not the most physically coordinated person. I’m not good at sports, because I’m not interested in it. I really don’t go out of my way to do anything outdoors, but I don’t mind going out to the city at night and walking around, just doing more casual fun stuff than outdoorsy doing stuff. My friends tell me I’m clumsy, and everyone else is kinda neutral. So my relationship with that stuff is kind of meh.

    **9. Are you always curious? Have more ideas then you can execute. What is your curiosities about? What are your ideas about is it environmental or conceptual and can you please elaborate?**

    I don’t think I’m extremely curious in general, I tend to be really curious about one thing that I’m obsessed with. If something catches my attention, I’ll go out of my way to research it and know everything about it and then fangirl when people bring it up lmao. One time I was playing a video game where everybody’s names in the chat room was in UPPERCASE LETTERS all the time. One day, I saw someone with lowercase letters and I wouldn’t sleep or eat or shower without thinking about it a ton, how do I do it, I wouldn’t stop pinging him to find out how, and I wouldn’t let it rest until I figured out how to do it myself lmao. It’s just small garbage like that that sparks my curiosity, but I don’t do that with everything.

    For ideas, I don’t think I have so many that I “can’t execute” all of them. My ideas are mostly just memes, funny discord raid calls, video edits, song parodies, username ideas, etc. Half of them I don’t even care to put time into. But if I do, it has to be really important to me for me to really publish and show people. 9/10 end up being cringe AF anyway.

    I’m not sure if those fall into environmental or conceptual, I guess neither lol.

    **10. Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some forum? Describe your activity?**

    I wouldn’t say I’m really coordinated. I mean, I’m not unbearably clumsy all the time, but I definitely have my moments. I don’t particularly enjoy “working with my hands,” I wouldn’t want to go out of my way just to do that, but I’m not 100% opposed to it either. It’s sort of neutral

    **11. Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.**

    I myself am not that artistic. My drawings mainly compose of crappy stick figures and memey ironic chicken scratch MS-paint projects. But when it comes to other art, I enjoy art with bright colors that give me happy vibes and brighten up the room, and sometimes I’ll find a piece that really captures my emotions about something perfectly. There’s a piece with a lady dramatically fainting in the water with the city skyline behind her, and I feel like that just captures my absolute awe and overwhelming astonishment I feel when I look at the city, it just makes me feel like falling over in amazement and that piece just conveys that so perfectly. Those kinds of art are rare though, and I always make a huge deal when I find one lmao. On the other hand I don’t enjoy abstract art where you have to bend your ass and neck to look at it, yikes lmao.

    **12. How do you tend to make decisions by thinking about them or consulting your feelings or moral compass?Are you going to base those decisions on others? something else? What is this and why? Do you tend to weigh your prose and cons?likewise explain? Can you describe this process for us? Do you feel like you rationalize your feelings or that you tend to act on your moral convictions? Why is this?**

    I tend to make decisions based on what I feel is the best option at the time. For example, choosing classes, I’d want the computer class where I get to socialize and do cool stuff on my laptop and have time for discord and stuff haha. If I don’t really have a strong opinion on my own though, I like talking to other people and getting information and then based on that see what looks like the best option for me. It’s pretty much like that for everything, when I go to a resteraunt I pick the option that I feel will be the best, and just go with it lmao. If I do have a strong opinion though, I won’t really let other people crap on it and make me change it. Like who cares if I ordered the chicken strips 9739373947839274936 times, I like them, stop trying to shame me into ordering something else lmaooo. Oh you don’t want me to move to the city? Well you do you gurl, I’m still going to move to the city because it’s beautiful and I love it. I see a magnificent display of lights and lively people and resteraunts just waiting to be visited, you see a slum of homeless people and overpriced housing. Ok? That’s your opinion. Don’t drag me down with you, go live where you want and I’ll live where I want. Kthxbye lmao

    **13. Do you enjoy thrilling or adventurous activities? Can you describe the nature of these said activities and what they are. Do you consider yourself a thrill seeker, and why? Have you been called brave? Do you rather be comfortable then brave and see yourself as not liking risks and live a fairly non-risky life? Please explain either way?**

    I think those can be fun, but I don’t constantly go out of my way to get those so I wouldn’t call myself a thrill seeker. I’d definitely go if my friends invited me or something, but I’d feel a bit awkward doing it alone or dragging them into it.

    I think I’ve been called brave once, but I think it’s more in terms of playing despacito on the speaker in public, making moaning noises to prank callers, approaching people for random garbage on a dare etc. Idk. And I’m pretty split down the middle for the risk taker thing, I think I’d definitely take risks to do the things I love, like risk installing a virus or something by downloading a VPN to get on discord, but in general, I’d rather be comfortable and not be living in risk all the time. It just depends for me haha

    **14. How much weight does past experience play in your life? Why does it matter so much to you? Do you tend to use these experiences some how to make decisions or somehow impact your current actions? Can you describe how this works?**

    The past is extremely important to me. I’m very sentimental and I care very much about the past memories that my friends and I had. I have a million pictures in my camera roll and I go out of my way to keep those memories close to my heart and in result of that I end up remembering a lot of events that other people forgot, only because I’m not ready to let them go. This also causes me to hoard old receipts with the date and time stamp on them, old food wrappers, and chick-fil-a sauce packets that end up exploding in my purse. But hey, it’s worth it to me because I just take so much happiness and sentimentality from holding on to certain parts of the past that other people don’t care about. It’s sort of the same principle that a loved one doesn’t die until you forget them, it’s the same way with memories for me.

    I order the exact same thing from resteraunts becaus I know it’s good, I think that’s the biggest way my past impacts my desicions haha. But I mostly make them based on what looks good now, I don’t think about the past all the time and base everything now off of it. It’s just a thing that I hold a lot of importance on.

    **15. In general do you prefer a more deductive type of logic or an inductive type of logical framework?Can you explain why and how it works?**

    I’m not sure about this haha. I usually take what’s already there and see what’s gonna suck and what’s not, so probably deductive. Hopefully I got the term right lol

    **16. Can you often predict outcomes of what may end up happening? Is it a natural reaction to act upon these conclusions somehow by how you foresee how events may or may not unfold?**

    I don’t really experience this. For me, it’s just whatever happens, happens and I have no idea where stuff is going to lead and I don’t really go out of my way to predict stuff anyway. When I do predict something, it’s mostly a joke and it ends up wrong lmao

    **17. Do you often trust what comes out of brainstorm? And why? Are all the possibilities equal in weight. Are some more important than others. If there are different possibilities are you as excited to try out at least a few of them or is more or less the correct answer obvious**

    Sure, I guess. I mostly brainstorm username ideas, sometimes with my friends, and I think all of them are good. I’d say the possibilities are equal in weight and I end up with a ton of usernames or profile pictures I want but I can only choose one, and it’s kind of hard lmao.

    I used to change my pfp 99938837374847279237494 times a day, but when I find one I really like I stick to it for a long time. If I have no clear opinion on the possibilities, then I’d say I treat them with equal weight and don’t mind trying a few. But if I do have a strong opinion, it’s gonna be darn hard to get me off of it, and it has to prove to be better than the one I’m sticking with, and if it’s not, then I’ve already decided. It depends lmao

    **18. How about positive emotions? Are you aware that you are happy, silly, something like that? Are you always aware of your emotions. Or only when you are upset or have negative emotions? Do you care about your emotions when you are not in a negative mood? Or neither of these? Can you explain this? How do you experience negative emotions or possitive ones?**

    I think I’m pretty aware of how I’m feeling, like when my grades are doing well I know I feel happy and relieved, whereas when life goes wrong I know I feel like garbage lmao. When I’m having negative emotions I want to go and do my hobbies lmao to make myself feel better. I don’t like feeling bad.

    **19. If Mary is sad are you also sad or do you just know, but can’t feel? How important to you if someone is maybe a bit emotional at the moment? Is it important to feel out the mood of the room and are you able to embody this feeling? Does it matter? Is it just more important to be rational or efficient? Can you please explain thoroughly your answer as to how you think you know or feel and how you have to duplicate those feelings or if you just do? If not can you explain why a more rational approach is more appropriate? At work or at school? How about in a friendship? What type of emotional support or otherwise such as proposing solutions or otherwise do you tend to do? Can you explain why you feel this is appropriate or the best course?**

    If Mary is sad well I think it’s kind of an awkward position for me to be in, like what am I supposed to do? I’d feel bad if I just left her, but I also wouldn’t know what to say. I think the mood of the room matters to an extent, like if everyone seems toxic and unwelcoming there’s no way I’m gonna throw myself out there, it seems like a waste of time and I’ll probably get rejected. But if people are cheerful and accepting, I’ll be more likely to want to hang out with them. I don’t really embody it, I’m not very good at controlling the atomosphere, I guess I just look at it and either say “this sucks” or “this is awesome.”

    I think for emotions, they just happen. Some things I feel really strongly about and some I’m more eh about. As for emotional support, I try to like tell the person “you’re awesome and smart” etc. because I wouldn’t know what to do about their situation and I wouldn’t want to get all involved in their personal matters, so I’d more likely just try to do that.

    **20. If you ended up at a social event, don’t ask how or right now ponder the likely or unlikely chance you would actually do this, just answer the question, play along. What happens? What do you do after you get some tasty icecream or some wonderful barbeque. we know you eat it at some point. But besides this? For example, are you the first to approach random people to chat with the or the person who just prefers to be by themselves? Why is this? I usually use the venue of an icecream social or some type of church or community picnic where there are people serving food to you. Do you chat with them? Why or why not? Do you feel you are mentally exhausted burnt out from a social event and have to leave early if it’s a somewhat lengthy event? When you leave, How mentally burnt out of energy are you? Can you describe this feeling explain why?**

    I think I’d talk to people there, I would feel pretty awkward and aimless if I was just standing there alone. If I didn’t know anyone, I’d a bit nervous, but I think I would still walk around and see if anybody looks approachable. I tend to talk to cashiers a lot, waiters etc. They’re easier to talk to imo, but for random people, it depends. If none of them look welcoming, or I get rejected too many times, I don’t have a problem sitting on discord on my phone tbh. I’d still move closer to a big crowd of people though, even if I’m just around them it’s fine, I’d feel pretty awful if I were far away from them and just by myself.

    But if everyone is welcoming and I can talk to a lot of people and everything goes well, I’d feel pretty furfilled afterwards, like I just regained my motivation in life and everything is hyped and awesome. Whereas if they reject me or I just make a massive fool out of myself I don’t necessarily feel “burnt out,” I just feel extremely cringy and foolish. I don’t think I really feel burnt out after talking to people, and I usually would never leave early unless it really, really sucks.

    **21. How about spending a long four day holiday weekend at home, with not one person around. No, you won’t be inviting any friends over. Do you enjoy it, may be refreshed, or at the least be fine with it?Or, do you tend to feel either mentally burnt out about it or feeling like that you need to get out of the house, socialize and interact with people? Explain why and what you’re going through or thinking.**

    Four days sounds extremely depressing, not gonna lie. I would definitely get on discord and vc with people if I could, but assuming if I can’t do that, no way. I would be bored out of my mind and I would literally sleep all day to make it go away faster. I’d feel extremely demotivated and depressed, like I’m locked out of the better part of life. I hate feeling isolated like I’m missing out from the world. I would get my ass right back on discord and I’d want to get back into society lmao. If I had a good internet connection and chips and memes, that would be slightly better but by the end I would feel really empty if I wasn’t able to talk to anyone.

    **22. Do you often focus on the details and the method of doing because you want to effect an outcome decisively, and in this effect focus on the methodology of how it’s done, in terms of how you and others are both working on this process. Please explain? Does the process of how you do it not matter that much and whatever outcome is possible is focused upon matter more heavily so you tend to be very goal oriented? If the latter likewise explain?**

    I think the process doesn’t really matter, as long as the thing gets done. Whether I write the essay in the library the day it’s assigned and do it to the best of my ability or chicken scratch it on the toilet the minute before it’s due, the crap is still getting done lmao. If it’s something I have to do, I’ll get it done and I dont like getting nit picked because of the process I’m doing it with, it’s gonna get done calm down. If it’s something I want to do, I’ll just do whatever I need to do and itll be fine lmao.

    **23. How much do you care about your general appearance? Why is this? How about your surroundings, can you describe it?Is it decorated, bare, minimalist, or what? Why do you make this choice.**

    I generally dress for comfort, I wear a plain T-shirt and pants and it’s really comfortable to wear. I don’t really take much pride in my appearance, makeup makes my face itchy, oily and disgusting, and fancy clothing is scratchy and extraordinarily awful in the cold. For my surroundings, I don’t really put much time into it, I just go with what has he to changed. My room is just my bed and my dresser and desk, if people give me posters I hang it up, if I get new decorations sure I’ll put them up, but my surroundings generally can look the same for years and I don’t really care haha.

    **24. Does the details of your surroundings draw your attention? Are you aware of the enviromental cues and details around you? How much does decor, colors, decoration, the aesthetic mood/setting of the place matter to you? How much do you notice it? Are you generally really in sync with this stuff? Why?**

    I guess sometimes I’ll see details that nobody else really care about, like if a ceiling tile is jammed up and crooked lmao. But when I’m on my phone, it’s extremely less likely for me to notice stuff like that, it depends. As for the aesthetics of a room, I think the most I’d notice is like in a resteraunt, the ambiance looks pretty fancy and the lighting etc really gives it a “high-end” impression, but other than that I think I’m pretty average when it comes to getting drawn to decorations/aesthetics/etc.

    **25. ARe you a fan of the art of debating/argumentation and why?How do you build an argument? Why is this? ? Why do you like or dislike it or tend to do or not do it? Do you like to play the devils advocate? Why? What are you trying to achieve here? Can you convince anyone of anything? How and why do you do this? Please elaborate?**

    I don’t really go out of my way to argue, I only want an argument if someone is attacking my values or something. I’d argue in favor of the city, if things get really heated maybe my religion, but I don’t really want to just go around debating stuff. If I do have to argue, I mainly

    **26. How carefree and unconventional are you? Why?? Do you often enjoy clowning around? Do you care about making a fool out of yourself for the fun of it just to make people laugh**

    Yeah lmao, I sometimes sing despacito in the voice chat, reference dead memes a lot, yeet, buy 25 dollar bags of chips, eat chick fil a sauces straight out of the packet, etc . Making a fool out of myself out of irony like that is fun lmao and it’s not that embarrassing when people laugh with me.

    **27. What’s your relationship with precision? At what cost are you willing to be precise? Why? What are you precise about? Is it stuff you say or communicate in some form, details of information, or what? How good are you with facts, dates, figures, or little details of a project??**

    I’m not sure, I’d say I’m pretty average with precision. When I’m unfocused and tired/just came home from memeing around with my friends, I tend to do some extremely sloppy work that isn’t precise at all. But if it’s important enough to me and I really want something to be good, I think I’m able to make it good

    **28. Do you feel you need to understand the entire theory before you proceed to use different parts of it, or does the parts matter more than the Whole? Why? Does laying out the entire argument matter more to you rather then the conclusion or to convince others? In this argument does logical consistency and logical conclusions matter? Will a good argument convince people more readily than trying to force these conclusions? Or do you feel like drawing these conclusions for them on the way is more important? Why is this?**

    I don’t know, I think I’d just want to know the parts I need out of the theory and I’m good. But I think for arguments, I try to lay out the whole thing and make it as solid as possible, so it isn’t so easy to poke holes in it or shit on it, especially if it’s something I’m passionate about. Like “kids should be seen AND heard” for example, if I’m going to make an argument for why kids should not be repressed in adult social situations then I’m going to give you like 20 pages of stuff that I think covers everything and also has some pretty strong evidence. And yes, I thinking creating an argument is a ton times kore convincing than “because I say so” lmao. If I present my case, and it’s good enough, I can let that do the talking instead of forcing a conclusion.

    **29. Do you enjoy philosophy and why? What about philosophy do you like? What type of philosophy do you enjoy?**

    I think it’s slightly interesting, but I don’t think I would want to make a career or an obsession about it. I like expressing my way of life and I guess it’s kind of neat to see how other people handle life as well, and it can help me make a better perspective for myself? But I don’t think I’m into it so much that I want to talk about it all the time lmao, just like some side topic that’s cool

    **30. Do you feel like mood matters to you?Why is this? How often does your mood change?**

    I think my mood matters, and I think it changes when certain things happen, like if I know I’m invited to eat out with my friends tonight my mood will increase, if I know I have a test then it’ll decrease, etc.

    **31. Is making up your mind very important? Do you like to change your mind, change your plans? Why? How do you do this? How happy or unhappy do you feel about doing this?**

    It depends. If a desision or plan is really important to me, then I hate it when I have to change it and I’ll only change it myself if I see something that I feel is better, but otherwise piss off I was looking forward to that. That’s why I don’t like canceled social plans, I was really looking forward to that.

    But if it’s something that I have no real opinion on, or I wasn’t really sure about when I decided it, I don’t mind if it changes, I don’t mind if we drop everything to spontanuously go out for dinner one night despite my plans to watch Netflix, that sounds awesome! A lot of times it seems like I handle changes in plans better than my family, but like I said it depends. I’m anal retentive about it if I was really looking forward to it like I said haha

    **32. How organized would you say you are? Do you feel as if you enjoy organizing your room or belongings? Why?**

    I can organize my photos and important papers just fine, but everything else is a pigsty. My locker ends up looking like a recycling dump and my room is a literal pile of trash, with food wrappers stuff behind my bed frame, papers jammed BETWEEN drawers, etc.

    **33. Do you often reflect and introspect? How do you do this and why?**

    I do this sometimes when I’m in like the shower or locked in my room with no one to talk to, it’s sort of my last resort if I have nothing else to do. Id like reflect on what I stand for, what am I even doing in life, am I even accepted, cringe at past embarrassments lmao

    **34. If people are to describe you what would those descriptions look like? Do you think these are true?**

    People have described me as a walking meme, give more than I take, resourceful, clingy and overbearing, slob, inappropriate, not shy, crazy

    I mean I guess these are true, if I come off as this then it must be to some extent lmao

    **35. If you wish share with us what you do for a career and why? Do you enjoy this line of work? Why or why not? What aspects do you enjoy or not enjoy?**

    I’d like to be a web designer, because I get to make websites look cool, I love customizing stuff, and work at a lit company in the city, with mini fridges and snacks and all that stuff lmao, and be able to socialize and work with other people, be in a chill and fun enviroment, and do what I love and make a good pay haha

    **36. If you were to plan a day for friends what would your day consist of? Why? How about if your friends were from abroad or out of town? Why? Tell us your plans?**

    I’d probably let us make the plan together, instead of me putting it together myself. I’d make suggestions, let them make suggestions, and then we can go from there. I would propose that we watch a movie and go to chick-fil-a, they could propose that we go to their house to make s’mores, someone else could propose we could go to some event, and if we be awesome because everyone has their say and we get to have a fun day where i don’t have to plan or be in charge, but I still have a say haha

    **37. How do you relate to your memories? What do you tend to remember? Why? If you were to recount your memories or past how do you do so or do you not do so at all? Does anything in particular trigger memories for you?**

    I tend to remember the highlights of a memory on my own, but if the memory was really important to me I would go back and look at photos, and memorize the date, and memorize a crap ton of details about it. I don’t memorize everything at first, but I tend to go back by myself and get a whole lot more out of it. Usually liscence plate numbers, dates, where we sat at what resteraunt, who was there, who rid with who, etc. It’s important to me and it’s really cool to be able to recall that and bring the memory back alive

    Also, certain songs bring back like a wave of nostalgia for me. I have an entire playlist of songs and I can tell you what range of time that song reminds me of, and it brings back the feelings of that time so strongly. This also goes for perfume too, that’s why I went apeshit trying to find my friend’s perfume because it reminded me of the “good old days” if you will haha

    **38. Do you consider yourself a gamer? Do you enjoy strategy games, chess, or even those big jigsaw puzzles? Can you explain why you like these games? If you don’t play games is there a reason for it or do they not interest you? Explain?**

    I don’t think I’m much of a gamer, the only game I really played is like Minecraft or fortnite or pogo, lol. I don’t like puzzle games or strat games, imo they’re such a pain in the ass and I have to think massively to do them, for me I play games so that I DON’T have to think lmao. Plus I don’t feel like I get anything out of it, it’s just a headache for the sake of getting a headache.
    ESE-Fe 6w7 so/sx 469

  2. #2
    Chakram's Avatar
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    Is there something in particular that is making you unsure of your type that you would like cleared up?

    I don't really see any reason to change from alpha and ESE for you with this extra questionnaire.

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    Yeah, still gonna go ESE

  4. #4
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    You seem Alpha. Not sure which one though, maybe SEI would fit best.

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    typing without video has significently higher risks of mistakes

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    typing without video has significently higher risks of mistakes
    Yeah, we get it. No need to repeat it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    Yeah, we get it. No need to repeat it.
    As this theme had no this opinion before, then your claim about the repeat is not appropriate.

    For those who'd knew the opinion about the need of typing video but did not placed it - it's anyway useful to recall about its importance so they'd thought about this need again and this rised the chance they'd place it. As your own typing theme has no video still - the said is useful for you too.

    Also I may add, that besides the lack of normal typing data which makes the possiblity of the correct typing below acceptable, the opinions about types from noobs have this possibility additionally lesser.
    To explain better the situation. @queentiger just 2 monthes ago supposed as own type EST* and now has in the profile the opposite functional club. @Chakram at least recently doubted in own type. It's general situation with the understanding of the types by almost anyone here. @thehotelambush is not a noob formally, though this does not prevent him to say mistakes about the basics of the typology alike noobs would do.

    When you understand/get an opinion - you follow it.
    Get this sentence.


    I repeat - without normal typing material you are doubtful to get the correct type. It's common only for irresponsible noobs to say assureed opinions and agree to type without normal typing data.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    As this theme had no this opinion before, then your claim about the repeat is not appropriate.

    For those who'd knew the opinion about the need of typing video but did not placed it - it's anyway useful to recall about its importance so they'd thought about this need again and this rised the chance they'd place it. As your own typing theme has no video still - the said is useful for you too.

    Also I may add, that besides the lack of normal typing data which makes the possiblity of the correct typing below acceptable, the opinions about types from noobs have this possibility additionally lesser.
    To explain better the situation. @queentiger just 2 monthes ago supposed as own type EST* and now has in the profile the opposite functional club. @Chakram at least recently doubted in own type. It's general situation with the understanding of the types by almost anyone here. @thehotelambush is not a noob formally, though this does not prevent him to say mistakes about the basics of the typology alike noobs would do.

    When you understand/get an opinion - you follow it.
    Get this sentence.


    I repeat - without normal typing material you are doubtful to get the correct type. It's common only for irresponsible noobs to say assureed opinions and agree to type without normal typing data.
    Resorting to personal attacks to make your point? Next.

  9. #9
    Chakram's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    As this theme had no this opinion before, then your claim about the repeat is not appropriate.

    For those who'd knew the opinion about the need of typing video but did not placed it - it's anyway useful to recall about its importance so they'd thought about this need again and this rised the chance they'd place it. As your own typing theme has no video still - the said is useful for you too.

    Also I may add, that besides the lack of normal typing data which makes the possiblity of the correct typing below acceptable, the opinions about types from noobs have this possibility additionally lesser.
    To explain better the situation. @queentiger just 2 monthes ago supposed as own type EST* and now has in the profile the opposite functional club. @Chakram at least recently doubted in own type. It's general situation with the understanding of the types by almost anyone here. @thehotelambush is not a noob formally, though this does not prevent him to say mistakes about the basics of the typology alike noobs would do.

    When you understand/get an opinion - you follow it.
    Get this sentence.


    I repeat - without normal typing material you are doubtful to get the correct type. It's common only for irresponsible noobs to say assureed opinions and agree to type without normal typing data.
    Questionnaires are normal typing data. The way people fill them out, the things they say about themselves, and the way they think gives pretty good insight into a possible typing or direction. Considering the large amount of people that tend to disagree with your typings, it's funny how you try to call others out for being noobs.

    You don't need to type with IR to be moderately accurate. Basic knowledge of the way the information elements work and quadra values is enough to get going.

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