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Thread: Ne/Si – not in touch with the real world?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesy View Post
    This is a quote from about Ne as a leading function: "Someone with as their leading function is very dependent on his/her feelings of interest and disinterest. Interest and boredom seem to be the driving forces in such a person's life — more so than for any other types. Other types also find things 'interesting' and 'boring,' however, they are able to derive satisfaction and enjoyment from things that aren't necessarily interesting and novel, as opposed to types. Just as types can't make themselves do things that cause internal discomfort or are physically unpleasant, types can't make themselves do things that do not engage them mentally (do not give them anything interesting to think about)."
    Is this really the case?
    I think Rick gets a bit extreme towards the end of this quote, as there are plenty of Ne/Si types in for instance 3rd world countries who do monotonous or even unpleasant jobs just in order to survive. (at the risk of sounding extreme myself - my point is that not all Ne/Si types - even in more developed countries, will have opportunities open to them to avoid doing such things, but they would certainly prefer to).

    To sort of continue that, Maslows pyramid for instance, indicates that one of the baselines of survival is to eat and breathe, any type will do things that are uninteresting etc in order to meet this requirement.

    Also - interestingly perhaps, doing a monotonous task, which may involve sitting at a desk, and especially physical work, requiring little effort mental effort, can leave the mind free to wonder off in it's own thoughts, so this can also be useful to an Ne type.

    Although another point within that is that being an Ne type doesn't necessarily mean that you think a lot about "interesting" things (and interesting to who)? - as any type can have an overactive brain.

    Si dominants are people who will never work hard for something unless it has a pleasant reward? Ne dominants are people who can't hold down a job that doesn't fascinate them, even if they have to? I find that to be really extreme, unless you're 16 years old.
    Perhaps the way to look at it is that an Si type will work hard for something with a pleasant reward. What are the pleasant rewards? A comfortable house? Nice food? Holidays? Nice bottle of wine? etc.

    And then it is also, I think, that Ne types can if need be find ways to make a monotonous job "fascinate" them, even if it's something they do internally to create little variants, to causing a bit off fuss to re-design how certain things are done, shake things up a little (ie look at how some of the bored ILE's act on the forum at times ).
    In that case I'm not sure I even value Ne\Si because even though I have a tendency to neglect stuff that aren't interesting\pleasant, I don't see it as a positive thing.. How does someone ever achieve anything worthwhile/get to the point where they can do whatever they please unless they go through unpleasant things that aren't delightful or fascinating? How does someone achieve anything in real life unless they're willing to do things that aren't exactly pleasant? Unless you're born rich or undeniably gifted, you have to work hard..
    I think another way to look at it is that an Ne/Si doesn't *actively* seek doing things that are unpleasant, as one can achieve things without this as I see it self-inflicted turbulance of displeasure and boredom - unless of course it's a situation of necessity and limited options, contrasting it, as it seems like you make it sound that the only way to get anywhere is by doing unpleasant or boring things, which is also not the case.

    I don't think Judicious/Decisive (or perhaps rather an aspect of it), or perhaps just say Ne/Si and Ni/Se necessarily has to sounds like an extreme case of Eloi vs Morlocks divide

    So maybe you are not Ne/Si, if personal enjoyment of the work environment ie pleasant conditions, coffee and tea breaks, relaxed environment, varied tasks and such, seem completely trivial to you.... but at the same time you're just making a thread and asking a question, so it's not something to type someone over one post like the one you've made, but perhaps think about this paragraph if you are considering your type.
    Last edited by Cyclops; 09-16-2009 at 12:42 PM. Reason: typing error

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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Did you mean Se/Ni?
    Is that how you see it? If so, why? I'm not implying error, but I am curious to hear a counter argument as opposed to a statement accepted as truth.
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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post

    And then it is also, I think, that Ne types can if need be find ways to make a monotonous job "fascinate" them, even if it's something they do internally to create little variants, to causing a bit off fuss to re-design how certain things are done, shake things up a little (ie look at how some of the bored ILE's act on the forum at times ).
    At the LIIbrary where I work, I don't mind volunteering to help the aides with shelving when they get behind on it, even though its not part of the LIIbrarian's job. Shelving is commonly seen as one of those mundane tasks that no one wants to do but I actually kind of like it. I like putting things in logical order and feel a compulsion to fix what is not in order. I like to make shelving into a game- think up new ways to get the job done even faster. Shelving also gives me the opportunity to get better acquainted with the Dewey Decimal system and the library's collection. (I didn't remember that we have that item!). Finally, I get to browse through the LIIbrary's materials and find some interesting things to check out. Because shelving isn't very difficult intellectually, I can let my mind wander as I'm doing it.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post
    At the LIIbrary where I work
    That's so cute! love it. I agree that libraries are really LIIbraries!
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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