Yet another hypothesis... I'm being quite creative those days lol
This is partly inspired by Model T.
Information of each aspect is acquired differently. There are
16 modes of Information Acquisition.
I. Direction of Acquisition : INPUT / OUTPUT = Perception / Judgement
Sensing and Intuition are INPUT channels. Logic and Ethics are OUTPUT channels.
II. Velocity of Acquisition : SLOW / FAST = Explicit / Implicit
Sensing and Logic manages the information slowly ; Intuition and Ethics manages the information fast.
Explicit elements are more precise, and Implicit elements are more approximative.
III. Span of Acquisition : NARROW / WIDE = Fields / Objects
Extrovert elements manages the information widely, with more "span", and Introvert elements manages the information narrowly, with more "depth".
IV. Range of Acquisition : SHORT / LONG = Plus / Minus
Process types have a dominant Plus element, and Result types have a dominant Minus element.
Nomenclature :
Examples :
LSE's Dominant Information Acquisition element,
+, have these parameters :
Direction = HIGH
Velocity = LOW
Span = HIGH
Range = LOW
So he tends to acquire information in this manner.
+ has all LOW parameters, and
- has all HIGH parameters.
This is like Talanov's functions parameters, but for information elements.
This would also explain clubs as
physiological informational attitudes. This means
each jungian dichotomy has physiological content.
I / E - action slow / fast
P / J - reaction slow / fast
S / N - input slow / fast
T / F - output slow / fast
SF has slow input and fast output
NT has fast input and slow output
ST has slow input and slow output - this explains why they seem so perfectionistic
NF has fast input and fast output - this explains why they seem so open-minded
Everything of this is Model-T-like...
Incidental EN IS - Slow Input more sensitive than Fast Input
Farsighted ES IN - Fast Input more sensitive than Slow Input
Obstinate EF IT- Slow Output more sensitive than Fast Output
Compliant ET IF- Fast Output more sensitive than Slow Output
Judgement/Perception doesn't exactly mean output/input but rather : perception of outputs / perception of inputs
Talanov says that Sensing and Intuition are input channels ; Ethics and Logic are output channels.
Accepting/Producing doesn't mean input/output. It means that an aspect is photographed, and another is extrapolated from the first.
All elements input and output in Model A. I'm not talking of Model A here.
This "model" is closer to Model T, which is a model of "pure" IM.