Bukalov stipulated 4 dimensions of psychic functions :

Functions 1 and 8 have 4 dimensions.
Functions 2 and 7 have 3 dimensions.
Functions 3 and 6 have 2 dimensions.
Functions 4 and 5 have 1 dimension.

Dimensions are :

1st - Ex (Experience)
2nd - Nr (Norm)
3rd - St (Situation)
4th - Tm (Time)

More information here : oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=10403

Recently I've found 3 dichotomies on dimensionality :

Ex Nr / St Tm = subjective / objective (Augusta's weak / strong)
Ex Tm / Nr St = estimation / situation (Augusta's estimated / situational) Important to understand some Reininian dichotomies.
Ex St / Nr Tm = individual / collective (because Nr is Ex on a collective bias, and Tm is St on a collective bias)

LII is :


Let's suppose a 16-element model with 4 dimensions and 2 sub-dimensions :

7+-8 6+-5 3+-4 2+-1
1+-2 4+-3 5+-6 8+-7

"Dimensions" 1 and 2 are Ex : respectively managing one experience (Ex1), or several experiences (Ex2).
"Dimensions" 3 and 4 are Nr : respectively managing one norm (Nr3), or several norms (Nr4).
"Dimensions" 5 and 6 are St : respectively managing one situation (St5), or several situations (St6).
"Dimensions" 7 and 8 are Tm : respectively managing one time (Tm7), or several times (Tm8).

This would create an additional basic dichotomy : simple / multiple.

I'm not sure of this. Possibly it's not 78653421 but 78563412.
I'm pretty sure + would be 7 and - 8 because - is stronger than +.

This somewhat coincides with Spiral Dynamics or Yacov Feldman's Level Theory.

Feldman said :
1 one object 2 several objects
3 one process 4 several process
5 one map 6 several maps
7 one space 8 several spaces

If this hypothesis is true, next step would be : a model with 16 functions and 16 dimensions.