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For a while I have had the idea of getting all the NTs together and having a discussion, or discussions about topics.
Intuitively speaking, it seems like NTs are concerned about where we are going and how to get there.
There are many sub topics I have in mind, but I wonder if others will have anything to contribute as well.
For a more socionics based start,
how do you see the NTs, working as a group together, in terms of their roles and contributions?
ENTp -- ? Creatively searching for new ideas to possibly implement (suggestion)
INTj -- Analyzing to determine what is most important and how it will transpire into the future (suggestion)
INTp -- ? Comparing and critiquing to determine what needs must be met for success (suggestion)
ENTj -- ? Trying to guide and direct towards the goal (suggestion)
How do you see the NTs collaborating together to use their talents most effectively?