Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
Well tcaud.. tell me I'm ESFp exertion type. I think it makes perfect sense.
Yes I think I agree. You do VI quite well with Audry Hepburn, even though you are a different race.

And with exertion typing we have a wide enough type range to correlate VI with type at a very high degree of accuracy.

Here's something interesting: if UDP is INTj-ESTj as he and I believe, then doesn't that mean your relationship with him is one of "perfect" beneficiary/benefit?
Hahaha... you really think Audrey is an INFp-ESFp? After that video of her in Beta Videos thread.. she seems INFj.. bleh. I didn't feel any inkling of connection with her.

What is so interesting about that? Is our interaction very telling of this "perfect" Beneficiary/Benefit thing? And how so..?
I've seen very little such interaction between you two on this forum. What I am saying is, in your case your relations with UDP should flow exactly like Augusta describes, with no deviations. (although, we have no access to her original descriptions, do we?) Consider, if you were an INFj exertion type, then although you would not perceive UDP as being capable of assisting you personally, you would find it easy and preferable to collaborate with him on mutual goals because your work styles are complementary. You would also be capable of understanding his "angle" on a situation easily. As it is, you are his perfect benefactor, a sort of super-guardian angel that leads him toward "the path" and gives him everything he needs to get there.

Audry is INFp-ESFp, I'm quite certain of that. But she may be on a different wavelength than you psychic domain-wise.

Here's something interesting: I am your exertion benefactor! Through my work I give you something only I can give, and in the giving I can feel fulfilled and worthwhile.