No, it isn't. (at least, not conscious )

Imagine observing a possibility and paying specific attention to yours and other's internal feelings in the context of that possibility. That is exertion in the context of metabolized . Alternately, one might observe the aspects of the possibility that do not change, because those are internal field statics also.

Compare it to Einstein's ability to perceive the conclusions a person would draw given a possible scenario, which is exertion in the service of . It is worth noting, however, that labcoat's metabolism with exertion perceives on the one hand the positive feelings of the created possibility, and on the other hand the negative possibility suggested by . I perceive something similar: although I have created for myself what I think will be an ideal concept of event progression, I tend to be caught off guard by the flip-side of what that possibility allows to happen. Doomsday scenarios, for example, are imminently apparent.

(I apologize for the confusion over the expression of ; I had forgotten (disregarded?) my original conclusions, thinking that "in the context of" was an inferior descriptor for the concept of exertion. But really, it's just another way of looking at it. Exertion is a very complex phenomenon.)

I would recommend looking at an exerted function not as an element in itself, but rather is an "element within another element". For example, metabolism with exertion would be capable of asserting the range of possible happenings at a moment in time. This makes sense if you consider that is a function of memory, and that we remember some things more easily than others.